Sentences with phrase «existing injury»

They found that about half of the boys and girls coaches surveyed were aware of existing injury prevention programs.
These benefits can decrease the risk of injury or the progression of an already existing injury.
Obviously, if the pre existing injury and / or treatment is unrelated to the injuries sustained in the auto accident, it will have no impact.
How to stay safe: Although self - massage is generally considered safe, it can aggravate existing injuries and / or worsen chronic pain if not performed properly.
With existing injuries to Sadio Mane, and Danny Ings, it means that Liverpool might face the prospect of needing a late goal without established attacking talent to bring off the bench.
In their study, OSU researchers wanted to find out whether high school coaches were aware of existing injury prevention programs, if they were using a program, and if not, why not.
Not only will this jump - start new growth and help you break plateaus, but it can allow you to train around existing injuries as the lighter weight won't put as much pressure on the joints.
Perfect if you're prone to injury or suffering from an existing injury.
This is a major problem for the parent club because if a nation like Chile has one real superstar in Alexis you know full well the manager isn't going to be overly concerned if Alexis aggravates an existing injury.
Physio has little to do with the existing injuries.
We could get injuries in January or existing injuries could remain longer than expected 3.
When dealing with an existing injury, bettors have additional factors to consider.
Apparently this friendly was arranged as a form of compensation to the Bayern Munich after Arjen Robben himself aggravated an existing injury at the 2010 World Cup after the Bundesliga side had told the Dutch national team not to play the winger.
If you have an existing injury, take it seriously.
In order to help prevent injuries (or further aggravate an existing injury) it's important to stay tuned in to the physical self.
If you're unsure about how an existing injury or illness could affect your ability to complete these sessions, consult your physician before taking part.
If you walk down the street with your face buried in your iPhone, and you run straight into someone who's on crutches because they just had surgery for a torn ACL, you'll knock them down, exacerbate their existing injury, and probably cause them to need additional surgeries to repair the damage to the fix that was in place before you knocked them down.
We may sedate your pet prior to an x-ray to help him or her from preventing further damage to their existing injury.
She seems to favor her foster dad over her foster mom, almost like perhaps she was abused by a woman, which would make sense given what our vet found when they went to spay her - she had an existing injury to her spleen that our vet said could come from being kicked.
The bottom line is that the judge will, in assessing damages, only put you back in your «original position», which will include an assessment of your pre — existing injuries.
From the other end, damages suffered from a slip and fall incident may prove fatal given the existing injuries of the person.
If the person has an existing injury, it may or may not contribute to the severity of the injuries suffered as a result of the incident.
Whether an injury, its severity, or its exacerbation of an existing injury are in question our experience with complex workers» compensation rules can help ensure you recover the full benefits you are entitled to receive.
If you received medical treatment that subsequently worsened your existing injury or resulted in a new one, you may be able to file a medical malpractice claim for your injuries.
It may also be possible to claim if a workplace accident made an existing injury or condition worse.
In order to successfully claim for medical negligence, it must be shown that the medical practitioner breached their duty of care and that due to the breach the patient suffered injury or had an existing injury made worse.
In order to succeed in a medical negligence claim, we must prove that the treatment you received fell below a medically acceptable standard and that this caused an injury or contributed to making an existing injury worse.
If you walk down the street with your face buried in your iPhone, and you run straight into someone who's on crutches because they just had surgery for a torn ACL, you'll knock them down, exacerbate their existing injury, and probably cause them to need additional surgeries to repair the damage to the fix that was in place before you knocked them down.
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