Sentences with phrase «existing predictive models»

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This paleo climatic data and the distribution of archaeological sites associated with the HP, as well of that of the Still Bay tradition, which existed in the same environments about 5,000 years before (76,000 to 71,000 years ago), enabled the researchers to model the emergence of these traditions with two predictive algorithms that permitted them to reconstruct the ecological niche associated with each tradition and determine whether these niches differed significantly through time.
Furthermore, I plan to construct models that will describe how ecosystem structure may change in the face of multiple stressors, and compare these models against existing models of coral bleaching and disease to determine whether they offer novel insights or enhanced predictive ability of these events.
Further, existing and predictive modelling of species distributes are an increasingly important established method of informing policy recommendations of ecosystem and conservation significance (Trauth, [ch.
Also included will be an exploration of the following: • Research - based methodologies and measures for identifying at - risk students • A step - by - step process to create and implement an Early Warning System • Existing models in use today, reviewing the most predictive indicators and cut points.
Comparing models against existing historical data is the only means of verifying a models future predictive value.
The main evidence for catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), the principal alleged adverse effect of human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), is climate models built by CAGW supporters in a field where models with real predictive power do not exist and can not be built with any demonstrable accuracy beyond a week or two because climate and weather are coupled non-linear chaotic systems.
Most importantly, the present study contributed to existing knowledge by proposing a predictive model (Model 6), which demonstrates that positive youth development predicts life satisfaction and problem behaviour, with life satisfaction and problem behaviour having a bidirectional relationmodel (Model 6), which demonstrates that positive youth development predicts life satisfaction and problem behaviour, with life satisfaction and problem behaviour having a bidirectional relationModel 6), which demonstrates that positive youth development predicts life satisfaction and problem behaviour, with life satisfaction and problem behaviour having a bidirectional relationship.
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