Sentences with phrase «existing prohibitions»

We should expand existing prohibitions on cloning to cover gameteless reproduction as well.
Despite existing prohibitions on the federal department's power, Secretary Duncan effectively coerced states into adopting Common Core.
#related #The law would put other constraints on the federal government, among them checks on the secretary of education's liberal regulatory powers — used and abused to educators» and administrators» despair under Duncan — and language reinforcing existing prohibitions that keep the Department of Education from insinuating itself into curriculum decisions in charter schools.
SUPPORT: Strengthening existing prohibitions to expressly restrict individuals and businesses whose licenses have been suspended or revoked from working for other regulated entities, and prevent individuals with histories of noncompliance from applying for new licenses through different individuals or business names.
The court stated that while there also exists no prohibition to the parties settling the issues of custody and child support by arbitration, the provisions of an award for custody or child support will always be reviewable and modifiable by the courts.
While the courts have not yet recognized that rights of people with disabilities are fully protected under the 14th Amendment, the American Bar Association supports legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities akin to existing prohibitions on discrimination based on race, sex, national origin and religion.
These are more similar to the amendments the ACCC is suggesting than to the existing prohibition in section 46.
Penalties for Frivolous Lawsuits — Vote Passed (230 - 188, 11 Not Voting) The bill would modify federal rules governing civil lawsuits to require federal courts to impose sanctions on parties that violate the existing prohibition on the filing of frivolous lawsuits, with such sanctions to include monetary penalties to cover the other party's attorneys» fees and other costs.
Klein also criticized the state's Department of Criminal Justice Services for not being more aggressive in enforcing the existing prohibitions.
«Senator Wyden's effort is unprecedented and totally commendable, but in my view the existing prohibition of hemp farming stems less from current law, but rather the misinterpretation of existing law by the Obama Administration,» says Steenstra.
According to the (as usual) excellent legislative summary from the Parliamentary Information and Research Service, the Bill has as its main features expansion of the waters affected by the existing prohibition on bulk water removals.
The important part of their paper is the recognition that there is not sufficient certainty around the existing prohibition for judges.
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