Sentences with phrase «existing recommendations»

One implication, say the authors, is that despite existing recommendations that drivers take 8 hours between shifts, the trucking industry may need to allow more flexibility in sleeping and driving schedules.
And would it be based on existing recommendations in the state plans?
The British think tank Chatham House says that merely applying existing recommendations from health bodies to limit meat consumption would generate a quarter of the remaining emissions reductions needed to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, a key target of the Paris talks.
Cho said the study adds melanoma to the list of cancers associated with alcohol, and the findings support existing recommendations by organizations including the American Cancer Society to limit alcohol intake.
The study's findings support existing recommendations by the American Cancer Society to limit alcohol intake, she notes, but adds that moderate alcohol consumption has also been linked to a lower risk of heart disease.
Existing recommendations for postpartum and prenatal care that may prevent recurrent hypertensive disease of pregnancy include the use of reliable contraception following delivery to prevent unintended pregnancy and taking low - dose aspirin in subsequent pregnancies to reduce recurrence risk.
«We found that parents underestimated how much sleep their children needed, and only about half agreed with existing recommendations that school start times should be later,» says lead researcher Galit Dunietz, Ph.D., MPH, a postdoctoral research fellow in neurology at Michigan Medicine.
Existing recommendations suggest 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, double the time of training commitment of those who took part in the study, which can be difficult to manage for a lot of individuals, especially those having diabetes.
Second, the implementation of existing recommendations has been piecemeal, with little coordination of implementation measures between different agencies and jurisdictions.
Existing recommendations are largely based on clinical trials, says Helen Boucher, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at Tufts Medical Center and a spokesperson for the IDSA.
The finding has implications for school success and lends support to existing recommendations to limit the amount of sweetened beverages schoolchildren drink.
«SMFM will wait to evaluate the peer - reviewed publication of the ARRIVE Trial before providing any guidance or changes to our existing recommendations,» said Alfred Abuhamad, MD, the President of SMFM.
The existing recommendations to reverse prediabetes focus on losing weight and exercise, so this is an entirely new approach to reversing prediabetes.
BC must both implement the existing recommendations from past inquiries and commit to active participation and the implementation of any recommendations that emerge from the National Inquiry.»
Look at the existing Recommendations they've received too.
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