Sentences with phrase «existing records»

Yeakel created a timeline based on existing records from paleontology, archaeology, and art, which picks up about where the fossils leave off and zooms in on a much shorter time scale.
6.2 Provided that the explicit and informed consent of all parties involved has been given, the sharing of information held in existing records about a foster carer or adopter for the purposes of informing a new assessment of a person's suitability to foster or adopt is permitted.
But updating existing records accordingly will require an enormous amount of data to be reprocessed.
If Christopher Plummer wins Best Supporting Actor for All the Money in the World, he will, at 88, extend his own existing record as the oldest acting Oscar winner ever.
Re / Max says that after shattering existing records from coast - to - coast in 2005, housing values are expected to moderate in most major centers in 2006.
The lawyers insisted «extensive searches» had taken place before adding: «No documents exist recording any work completed by Mr Mulcaire, monitoring of Mr Mulcaire's return of work, reporting structures or any persons for whom Mr Mulcaire provided information.»
I have looked all over and it seems as though whenever anyone suggests disputing inaccurate information on your credit report, they are always referring to removing or changing existing records.
Those are impressive feats I guess, but the qualifier «Steam» sounds like these are newly created records not already existing records.
And in fact, it already has some pretty good excursions during the twenty - year existing record — notably that big jag around 2011, but also significant noise around the 1998 El Nino.
At a meeting in Antalya, Turkey, the WMO's commission for climatology has endorsed the Met Office's proposal of reanalyzing existing records and creating a refined global temperature dataset.
«This initiative will not replace the current temperature datasets, but will augment existing records, and involve work across the international meteorological community.
As well as natural, numerical proxies (tree - ring widths, for example) there exist records from the human historical period that can be used to infer climate variations, including: reports of frost fairs on the Thames; records of good and bad harvests; dates of spring blossom or lambing; extraordinary falls of rain and snow; and unusual floods or droughts.
Blockchain can help agencies digitize existing records and manage them within a secure infrastructure, allowing them to make some of these records «smart,» as described above in the example of Delaware corporate filings.
In preparation for trial, our team of legal professionals can summarize existing records, digitize records, or create notebooks necessary for juries and trial.
Harmonize existing records and information management policies and practices into global information governance frameworks
With it, users can ask Alexa to schedule a new DVR recording and manage existing recordings, among other things.
Existing records of past Atlantic tropical storm or hurricane numbers (1878 to present) in fact do show a pronounced upward trend, which is also correlated with rising SSTs (e.g., see blue curve in Fig. 4 or Vecchi and Knutson 2008).
Interestingly, despite the notion that AGW should decrease storm frequency and increase intensity, these two appear to be directly rather than inversely related in existing record.
Because most divorce financial professionals are financial services professionals, the IDFA (the primary certifying organization mentioned above) relies upon a practitioner's existing record as an indication of character and depth of financial knowledge.
By year - end, housing values across the country are expected to shatter existing records.
The researchers first matched this fossil record secured by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition in the western tropical Pacific to existing records from bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice cores that stretch back 800,000 years, which preserve a precise record of past atmospheric composition.
When they do, Olark will send the full chat transcript to JIRA either attach it to an existing record, or use it to create a new ticket.
Furthermore, if a wine club member updates their primary ship - to - address online, their existing record is automatically updated in Microworks which reduces a lot of phone calls.
He had broken the existing record earlier in the year with a 58.8, only to see it lowered by Scott Spann of Greenville, N.C. to 58.2.
Look for him to break all of Kazmaier's existing records.
Whether you're planning on breaking an existing record or you've come up with a crazy new one, it's not difficult to send in your record and get it approved.
The existing record was set in 1950 with an average of 37,400 per game against a 2013/14 Premier League record of just under 37,000.
«In nine of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in United States history, including Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, the shooter had an existing record of committing violence against women, threatening violence against women, or harassing or disparaging women,» his office said in a statement.
Osmium turned out to be less compressible than diamond, the existing record holder, the team reports in the 1 April issue of Physical Review Letters.
«It blew the doors off any existing records,» Carbin said.
In other words, the new variable star exceeds the existing record more than two and a half times.
The new directive assumes that agencies will take a similarly cautious approach when they undertake statistical analyses of their existing records.
Looking for patterns in the existing records, statistical tools can provide a reasonable «educated guess» as to the type of material in a home's service line.
Feedback is sought on updates to existing records, information on research not covered, the database interface and the information available.
I participated in the woman of the year fund raiser for LLS in 2017 and am the current Rocky Mountain Region WOY as Team Mary Jo raised over $ 239,000 and broke the existing record by $ 50,000.
It's Meryl's 21st nomination, which extends her existing record.
In 2015 thanks to the efforts of Dr. Praveen Arany, PBMT was added to the National Library of Medicine MeSH database as an entry term to the existing record of laser therapy, low - level.
Results from the NPP mission will take a while to come out and be cross-calibrated with the existing records, but given other recent disappointments (GLORY and OCO), this is a huge boost to the effort to monitor the Earth System.
For context, the mean for the baseline period is 14.0, and the existing record (Hadcrut, since this is the UK we're talking about) is 1998, at 14.52 C.
These simulations allow us to assess the chances of breaking the existing records for October mean maximum temperature for the whole of Australia, for Victoria and for Melbourne under the current El Niño conditions.
For the whole state of Victoria, global warming has increased the chances of breaking the existing record by at least six times, while for Australia under El Niño conditions, global warming has increased the chances by at least ten times.
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