Sentences with phrase «existing regulatory framework»

Not tackling these issues, and not agreeing on guidance that could be used to move forward in the fine - tuning of existing regulatory frameworks, leaves the burden of interpretation and action to sub-national and national governments, and likely, to ensuing clashes within the existing and effective trade regime.
Ripple is known for its appeal to traditional financial institutions, due to its willingness to work within existing regulatory frameworks.
These reforms are going to be add on to the already existing regulatory framework of binary options trading under CySEC jurisdiction.
As so - called social welfare organizations, 501 (c) 4 groups emerged on the national level as a potent force in campaign funding, sliding through existing regulatory frameworks because they do not coordinate directly with candidates and do not expressly advocate for or against them.
Russian regulators have been struggling so far trying to find a way to put Blockchain applications inside existing regulatory framework.
Rimer advocated for more regulation, saying that any truly innovative technology would need to work within existing regulatory frameworks - or at least push against them «responsibly» - in order to leave a lasting impact.
Over the past year, responsible lawyers focusing on blockchain technology have cautioned a wide range of token sale participants — from potential token sellers to potential token purchasers — that token sales are subject to compliance with a variety of existing regulatory frameworks, both in the United States and in other non-U.S. jurisdictions.
«Based on the assessment of risks and opportunities and the suitability of the existing regulatory framework for these instruments, the Commission will determine if regulatory action at EU level is required,» said Dombrovskis.
· The CIOB feels that it would be more appropriate to incorporate the proposed Regulations into an existing regulatory framework.
«Given the existing regulatory framework that provides for proper informed consent procedures where children are concerned, there is an overwhelming moral argument for the bill to be amended so that consent is brought into line with other health and research activities.»
«The existing regulatory framework can not in any way intervene in this technology,» she says, adding, «there are some strong moral and ethical issues here, but this is very new.
Overall, the CySEC proposes five fundamental reforms to eliminate deficiencies in the existing regulatory framework for binary options, and establish new standards and measures to ensure retail investor protection.
This is estimated to be in late 2008 / early 2009, ie this can be done within the existing regulatory framework, and does not need to await the creation of the LSB.
The ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services drafted a resolution urging «each state's highest court, and those of each territory and tribe, be guided by the ABA Model Regulatory Objectives» to help (1) assess the court's existing regulatory framework and (2) identify and implement regulatory innovations related to legal services beyond the traditional regulation of the legal profession.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges that each state's highest court, and those of each territory and tribe, be guided by the ABA Model Regulatory Objectives for the Provision of Legal Services when they assess the court's existing regulatory framework and any other regulations they may choose to develop concerning non-traditional legal service providers.
A Regulatory Sandbox is a platform where regulators allow FinTech solutions to be tested without having to fit exactly into an existing regulatory framework that can be prohibitive from a consumer intuitive delivery perspective and an implementation cost.
Monitor progress and assess whether additional measures are needed, in order to ensure the swift and proactive detection and removal of illegal content online, including possible legislative measures to complement the existing regulatory framework.
So how would regulators and financial services providers meet the consumer's appetite for technology, while working within the confines of the existing regulatory framework?
Essentially if the RBI chooses to apply India's existing regulatory framework to bitcoin, that may entail the use of standard foreign exchange regulations.
The statement highlights that virtual currency isn't covered by Denmark's existing regulatory framework.
According to the report, blockchain is likely to revolutionise the payments ecosystem in compliance with the existing regulatory framework.
In mid-February of this year, the FCA granted a London - based Blockchain startup a Small Electronic Money Institution (EMI) registration, which allows them to create a Blockchain - based currency within the existing regulatory framework.
This is because they know that we can offer them reliable support in implementing their business models with cryptocurrencies and blockchains in line with the existing regulatory framework,» Chief Client Officer Hubert Büchel explains.
The UBS innovation team has recently proposed a so - called «settlement coin», which could be backed by fiat currency and become usable even within the existing regulatory framework.
Based on the assessment of risks and opportunities and the suitability of the existing regulatory framework for these instruments, the Commission will determine if regulatory action at EU level is required.»
This is because they know that we can offer them reliable support in implementing their business models with cryptocurrencies and blockchains in line with the existing regulatory framework — We aim to place crypto - banking on at least the same level of quality as traditional banking.
«This is because they know that we can offer them reliable support in implementing their business models with cryptocurrencies and blockchains in line with the existing regulatory framework
The apparent acceptance by government of cryptocurrency exchanges as just another tax - paying business sector demonstrates a wish to integrate cryptocurrencies fully into the existing regulatory framework.
How do distributed ledgers fit within existing regulatory frameworks, and are existing laws sufficient to cover the activities supported by distributed ledgers, or is new legislation is needed?
While further explaining the benefits of dealing with cryptos through the bank, he said: «This is because they know that we can offer them reliable support in implementing their business models with cryptocurrencies and blockchains in line with the existing regulatory framework
The State will build on existing provision and use the existing regulatory framework, where possible.
We must minimize disruption during the transition by preserving what works in the current system and, where appropriate, utilize the existing regulatory framework.
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