Sentences with phrase «existing reserves»

My statement about inevitable use refers to the large pools of existing reserves in places like Russia and the Middle East.
His priorities for a coming term, if reelected, include keeping taxes low, despite unfunded state and federal mandates and skyrocketing health insurance costs; keeping roads and bridges safe and up - to - date using existing reserve funds, selling unused property and securing grants; and enhancing programs for youth and seniors at Majestic Park.
CREA's board of directors can draw a further $ 300,000 from existing reserves as needed.
As this proposal now stands, CREA wants its members to approve the creation of a new Extraordinary Litigation Support Policy, which would see a total of $ 500,000 set aside from surplus and existing reserve funds, to support any legal actions its member boards may find themselves engaged in as a result of following CREA directives.
«The decline in coal demand has meant existing reserves will last a lot longer.»
Throw in a couple of oil and gas projects with some exquisite near - ology and an oil industry that is replacing existing reserves at the lowest levels since the 1940's and you start to get the picture of an opportunity that ticks a lot of boxes.
If unable to recover the cryptocurrency, Coinsecure plans to compensate customers with existing reserves using the price of bitcoin on April 9, 2018.
Beyond the reasonably favourable outlook for the next few years, growth in productive capacity and exports in the resources sector over the longer term will depend on future mineral discoveries (though existing reserves could support production and exports of some commodities, such as coal, for a considerable time).
In fact, many people (including the Governor of the Bank of England) are increasingly concerned that most fossil fuels are unburnable, meaning many existing reserves and investments in future exploration are in very real danger of becoming worthless.
Industrial carbon producers have done all this not only to be able to exploit existing reserves of oil, gas, and coal, but also to develop new ones.
This will be done by using existing reserves, selling unused property (in 2015 we sold the old library for $ 100,000) and securing grants from federal and state governments and private foundations.
Oil companies» value depends on their reserves, and only a fraction of existing reserves can be burned if we are to stay below the 2 °C warming target.
The sanctions were not only expected to halt Russia's ongoing gold purchases, but also force them to sell some or all of their existing reserves in order to raise cash, which is exactly what Venezuela has been forced to do since early 2014.
Funding includes financing from NYS Housing Finance Agency tax - exempt tax exempt bonds; HCR subordinate funding of $ 4,375,000 from HFA, $ 2 million through the Homes for Working Families program, $ 250,000 through the Community Investment Fund; $ 10 million Low Income Housing Tax Credit equity; $ 2.5 million State Low Income Housing Tax Credit equity; $ 2.2 million of subordinate funding from Citibank; existing reserves and rental income.
Commissioners are looking at spending $ 94,000 for a used engine ladder truck, plus $ 51,000 for a used pumper tanker, then selling a tanker for revenue so the amount they'd need to use from an existing reserve fund would end up in the $ 40,000 or under range, after reimbursement from the existing tanker's sale.
Ferreras - Copeland also noted Friday that although the mayor had added to the city's existing reserves, bringing them to a total of about $ 7 billion, this number is essentially flat compared to last year and expenses have risen in the same time.
The Council identified eight major priorities in its response: increased investment in city youth; investment in healthcare, education, jobs and legal services for immigrants; specific funding for the diverse communities; capital investment in infrastructure; creating a Rainy Day Fund and adding to existing reserves; baselining essential city services; expanding criminal justice, community support, and human services; and more accurately tracking city agency performance.
``... in total there are four to five times more fossil fuels in existing reserves than can be safely burned.»
More specifically, there is something like 3200 Gt of carbon in those existing reserves.
«Climate science is clear that the vast majority of existing reserves will have to stay in the ground» Kretzmann said.
It means renouncing two fifths of existing reserves.
The articles generally fail to distinguish between short term challenges over the next three winters, when National Grid will have to manage demand using its existing reserve schemes, and the longer term shift to a capacity market, which will, theoretically, banish blackout fears for good.
«Through previous research, we know that the existing reserve network probably needs three to four times what is current being spent on it,» Naidoo said.
For fossil fuel companies, disclosure of Scope 1 and 2 emissions does not provide the market with a useful indication of their exposure or adaptation to particular climate - related financial risks as the primary risks are to the economic viability of existing reserves and future development projects that might add to that reserve base.
To resolve the dispute, in 1912 the government established the McKenna — McBride Commission, which released a report recognizing most of the existing reserves and recommending that some additional land be set aside.
The build and development of the Terrastream platform are expected to be funded from the Company's existing reserves and the proceeds of a proposed non-dilutive Token Generating Event, further details of which will be announced in due course.
In addition, Queensland has two Indigenous Land Acts.61 In practice, they only operate in relation to existing reserves, DOGITs and other Aboriginal leased land, which can be transferred to trustees, and to other land that is declared by regulation to be claimable.
It is important to note that FHA has over $ 30 billion in existing reserves to pay claims.
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