Sentences with phrase «existing socialism»

Of course, actually existing socialism was at least as overblown in its hubristic attitude to non-human nature, with pretty much the same consequences for nature.
in order to obscure the failure of actually existing socialism to conform to Hegelian postulates.
In themselves, they construct a legible history with two parallel tracks, one of utopian Communist propaganda and a second, hidden one of existing socialism.
Marxist critics of the Leninist and Stalinist route, called Trotskyist, usually refer to the societies that fall under the term «Actually Existing Socialism» as state capitalist or state monopoly capitalist societies.
Still, in this context, Berger compares the deficiencies of every «actually existing socialism» with a vision of capitalism that seems to have little to do with any «actually existing capitalism.»

Not exact matches

«Real, existing» socialism, in a word, still has its nutty devotees.
The various forms of socialism that arose dismissed Christianity as irrelevant and the Church as an enemy supporting the existing order.
Words such as Socialism and Communism are likely very badly seen due to these circumstances but related movements exist nonetheless.
Ever since the collapse of second - world socialisms as «actually existing» political alternatives to global capitalism, the political terrain has shifted considerably.
This is the view of the Greek Communist Party in a nutshell, as presented in the 18th congress (2009): «Resolution on Socialism - Assessments and conclusions on socialist construction during the 20th century, focusing on the USSR», after a 16 - year study on the economic model of USSR and the historical period it existed.
it's not as if socialism exists in the US anyway.
Existing work is combined with new work, such as the brightly coloured neon letters that together form the misspelled words «communism», «socialism» and «capithalism».
For instance, one might be crude (as you have said) and point out the «socialism» of National Socialism, a rhetoric that would not have existed without «socialissocialism» of National Socialism, a rhetoric that would not have existed without «socialisSocialism, a rhetoric that would not have existed without «socialismsocialism».
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