Sentences with phrase «exists in the eve»

We think about what exists in the EVE universe that we can pull from.

Not exact matches

@E = MC2 for the last time, we don't live in a fallen world because adam and eve never existed.
Equally, within the RPF and elsewhere, there exists a belief that the Congo's Rwandaphone population are under threat, and that the present Rwandan government has a special duty to protect them (Rwandan President Pasteur Bizimungu famously showed journalists a map on the eve of the Rwandan invasion of Zaire in 1996 in which pre-colonial Congolese kingdoms paying tribute to King Rwabugiri in the late 19th century were shaded in as part of «Greater Rwanda».)
Someone tell me if I am wrong, but Oat groats and can be processed in steel - cut oats, or rolled oats (and then eve further processing can exists).
EVE Online spends the year mostly in recovery mode; rather than CCP spinning out more big and expensive projects, it focuses on doubling down with its existing content.
EVE's original designers went really deep and really dark in Ultima, and emerged with the idea that for good to exist, you must allow evil to thrive.
On the eve of the US elections, «The Power and The Glory» metaphorically examines the tension that exists between an artist's desire to shine and his or her desire to exist, like in the world of politics.
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