Sentences with phrase «expand certain areas»

HR must help expand certain areas of a business and improve its productivity.
And when she wants to expand a certain area of her business, as she did with her U.S. sales, she connects with influencers who speak directly to the audience she needs to reach.

Not exact matches

If you're in construction and strong demand outstrips supply as is the case in certain areas in Texas, for instance, you'll have a better opportunity to be part of an expanding category or niche, even if it's in a slow or sluggish market.
This creates a challenge for companies that are moving items across state lines where they may not hold a license and can limit their ability to serve certain customers or to expand their business beyond the local area.
«And we can go to them and basically say, «Here is what can help grow your entire category, and thus have some opportunities to jointly expand in certain areas.
A recent study showed that certain brain areas expand in people who have greater numbers of friends on Facebook.
Soon after the first Chico incident, Texas expanded the area regulators were required to check for abandoned waste wells (a rule that applied only to certain parts of the state).
Amend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) to, among other things, include certain New Mexico counties in the areas exposed to fallout from nuclear weapons testing, expand the universe of compensable diseases for uranium workers, and extend eligibility for compensation to workers who worked after 1971.
Likewise, most of the world's megacities are expanding initiatives to clean up their air, including prohibiting dirty cars from entering certain zones, fees to drive in congested areas and promoting use of public transportation.
Their regional teams ensure that all local authorities, schools, academies and colleges understand the benefits that offering DofE programmes brings to their young residents and students — and work to make certain that they have all the support they need to implement and expand the DofE groups in their area and schools.
«Certain areas, depending on the financial health of their own district, may be expanding their staff a little, but that's the exception.
With Research In Motion expanding to different market areas, it's almost certain we'll see a bigger line up of...
The containment category has expanded to include keeping dogs out of certain areas, said Jason Hart, director of Radio Systems Corp.'s PetSafe brand in Knoxville, Tenn..
The weapons in the demo were distinct in their own way with their pros and cons in certain situations and can tell thought was put into each one to expand the grey area between each one.
While Miyazaki didn't expand on how the system would work, he explained that writing messages, often amusing warnings telling players not to enter certain areas or fight specific enemies without the appropriate equipment, a feature that has become a large part of the Dark Souls franchise, will also be coming back in Bloodborne in some form.
From ancient times when certain markets were located based on how easy it was to get food to those areas to how cities expanded with the advent of trains, Steel shows us how our urban planning revolves really around how we eat.
The rising sea level increases pressure at certain depths, which expands the area of methane hydrate stability.
We are really trying to expand internationally and to use the connections and the network that we have in certain areas of the world.
Larger firms have been swallowing up smaller firms to expand in areas of rapid growth, consolidate a hold on certain markets or increase the size of their footprint.
Other objectives might include increasing your client base in a certain practice area or niche, expanding into a new practice area, generating new business from existing clients, increasing the quality of your client base, increasing your exposure to a certain target audience, generating more leads, creating a better sales pipeline, or allowing you more freedom, among others
Asus is selling their devices all over the world, but is always looking to expand its presence in certain areas.
«Once you score an interview it's a good idea to do more research on the company and have talking points ready to illustrate why you could help the company expand in a certain area or address problems known to the public.
Having your REALTOR ® expand your options gives you more real estate choices — some homes might even be cheaper in certain areas.
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