Sentences with phrase «expansion of the oil sands»

A further 11 megatonnes will come from expansion of oil sands mining.
In practice, the main beneficiary of the province's policy decisions, as ever, is Alberta's oil industry, as the rapid expansion of the oil sands will attest.
Scientists expressed concern that the oil and gas regulations will fail to do anything meaningful on climate change given the federally - allowed expansion of oil sands developments, and the long history of broken promises on climate action.
The projected expansion of the oil sands industry will require too much water to sustain the Athabasca River system, especially with the added impact of predicted climate warming, according to a new report published by the University of... Read more →
In their study, Impact of the Keystone XL pipeline on global oil markets and greenhouse gas emissions, Erikson and Lazarus argue that State's assessment of the availability of alternative routes is «too optimistic» because «regulatory, environmental and local community barriers faced by other pipeline and rail options could ultimately restrict expansion of oil sands production.»
«Business as usual expansion of oil sands isn't acceptable» Ms. Grant stressed.
This is a 100,000 - barrels - per - day (bpd) expansion of oil sands mining and upgrading... Read more →
He discussed the impacts on climate change connected with the expansion of the oil sands and raised last summers» wildfires in BC as an example of how climate change is impacting us now.
to support an expansion of oil sand exports or the proposed Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines.
McKay cites his own recent three - part investigative series for The Energy Mix as «an evidence - based argument that there is no credible business case to support an expansion of oil sand exports or the proposed Trans Mountain and Keystone XL pipelines.
As a growing source of carbon emissions, slowing the expansion of oil sands is an important step.»
And the reason that the oil and gas sector is increasing emissions so much is because of the expansion of the oil sands.
No expansion of oil sands.
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