Sentences with word «expectance»

Given the many challenges retirees face, including unpredictable markets, changing tax laws and longer life expectances, funding a reliable income stream in retirement is substantially more challenging today.
Bit OT... maybe not, but I bought a 55» LG OLED in expectance of my One X, so any content updates are golden to to my ears.
The Portuguese boss has revealed his expectance that the Premier League champions won't be engaging in significant business in the summer window once the season gets underway, suggesting that they may not make a move for FC Augsburg's Abdul Rahman Baba or Tottenham Hotspur «s Danny Rose this month.
Local groups often have expectance or new moms group that you can attend now to get advice from moms who have recently have been through the adventure of twin pregnancy.
However, it also raises a level of expectance and anticipation for something grander that the original trilogy offered; something more threatening than the Reapers and more fascinating that the mass relays, and Andromeda's stand - ins for both of these don't fill their predecessor's shoes just yet.
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