Sentences with phrase «expectancy remaining years»

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And while overall life expectancy has decreased, the numbers are slightly less grim for women: female life expectancy remained the same at 81.1 years, while it dropped to 76.1 years for men.
Over the period 1980 to 2012, unemployment rose from just 6.4 % to 27.4 % in spite of consistent GDP growth rate averaging more than 7.5 % and by 2016, 33.6 % (using NBS old measure); Human Development Index (HDI) has risen only modestly between 1990 (0.411) and 2014 (0.514); and average life expectancy in spite of our enormous resources remains stuck at 52.9 years in 2015 while the equivalent figure in the developed world averages over 70 years.
The evidence is irrefutable that Nigeria's immense endowments have not benefited the vast majority of its people - more than 70 % of the population is poor; over 30 % are unemployed; more than 40 % of the youths have no jobs; 30 % of our people remain illiterate; life expectancy is just 52 years; and the country exhibits poor human development with HDI of just 0.514.
However, despite the gains in life expectancy seen across China, thought to be linked to increasing GDP and improved maternal education, large inequalities between provinces remain, with life expectancy around 10 years lower for both men and women in some provinces in the west part of China, comparable to less developed countries like Bangladesh.
But as life expectancies have increased, so too have the years that people remain healthy, active, and productive.
50 - year - olds have a remaining life expectancy of 31.9 years (men) and 34.9 years (women).
If the first suicide attempt was not made until the individual's 70s, the reduction in remaining life expectancy was about 4 years for both sexes.
Each year, the RMD is calculated by dividing the account balance by the remaining life expectancy.
Then the IRA account balance as of December 31 of the previous year is divided by that factor, which is based on remaining life expectancy, to arrive at the required minimum withdrawal amount.
The equation for calculating annual withdrawals under this strategy is as follows, where r is a risk - free interest rate on the investments and year t is the remaining life expectancy:
With average human life expectancy climbing higher and higher each year as retirement age remains around 65 - years - old, it's becoming increasingly important for people to take action when it comes to long - term financial planning.
If the beneficiary is an entity, charity, or non-qualifying trust, and the owner was still living by April 1 of the year following reaching age 70 1/2, the distributions would be based on the remaining Single Life Expectancy of the IRA owner.
In my view, this makes the 100 % guarantee version of the seg fund a great product if your remaining life expectancy is down to a few years.
Life expectancy remains lowest in sub-Saharan Africa, where people can expect to live 53 years on average.
Whereas Western Europeans can now expect to live for an average of 80 years, life expectancies in some former Soviet Union countries remain far shorter and improvements have stalled or even reversed.
What is singular about this condition was that this had nothing to do with the re-evaluation of the claimant's compensatory needs and everything to do with the insurer's financial interest in being able to monitor the claimant's life expectancy, so it can review its reserves from time to time over the remaining 40 or 50 years of his life.
Courts in Toronto, London, Peterborough and across Ontario have long recognized the «Golden Years Doctrine», which places greater economic value for the few remaining lost years of an older person compared to the increased life expectancy of a younger person involved in a similar fact car acciYears Doctrine», which places greater economic value for the few remaining lost years of an older person compared to the increased life expectancy of a younger person involved in a similar fact car acciyears of an older person compared to the increased life expectancy of a younger person involved in a similar fact car accident.
If a policyholder is diagnosed with a terminal illness and his or her estimated remaining life expectancy falls within a year, then the company will pay him or her a substantial amount in order for medical expenses to be covered.
Life Expectancy: The average number of years of life remaining for persons of a given age according to a particular mortality table.
The more generous companies will also allow you to withdraw funds with a 2 - year remaining life expectancy.
There remains a roughly 10 - year gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Perhaps the most famous and shocking gap in Australia's health outcomes is between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, where the ten - year life expectancy difference has remained, despite a polity that purports to have placed a high priority on the issue.
Latest ABS records show 152 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people took their own lives in 2015 and life expectancy remains 10 years less than non-Indigenous people.
Maybe even specifically mentioning unique items that everyone knows will be required to be immediately addressed (like the blue shag) 2) An understanding that if operational at the time of the inspection, the general remaining life expectancy of furnace, shingles, c / air, etc are each so many years and that only if they fail to pass this estimate would the price be open to re-negotiation.
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