Sentences with phrase «expected effects of global warming»

Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, mass species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.
IF cool deep sea water were mixed relentlessly with surface water by some engineering method --(e.g. lots of wave operated pumps and 800m pipes) could that enouromous cool reservoir of water a) mitigate the thermal expansion of the oceans because of the differential in thermal expansion of cold and warm water, and b) cool the atmosphere enough to reduce the other wise expected effects of global warming?
''... [the] extreme anomalies... were a consequence of global warming...» «Global warming causes spring warmth to come earlier...»»... this level of average warming is already having important effects»»... the dice loading is an expected effect of global warming»»... warming may cause snowfall to increase...»»... recent global warming, with high probability, is responsible for recent extreme anomalies»
The temperature anomaly distribution shifts to the right and broadens with global warming, the broadening presumably the expected effect of global warming on the water cycle, as discussed below.
Although our dice metaphor thus originated as a prediction of observable impacts of human - made climate forcings, the dice loading is an expected effect of global warming, regardless of what caused the warming.

Not exact matches

Other experts say that the effect of hurricanes on global warming would probably be minimal as only the largest storms are expected to get stronger.
What is alarming is that the volume of water and the extent and rapidity of its movement is suprisingly much greater than previously believed, and that a possible, perhaps likely, effect of this on ice sheet dynamics is to make the ice sheets less stable and more likely to respond more quickly to global warming than previously expected.
The need for disaster management training is expected to grow over the next decade, mostly due to the effects of global warming.
Just last week, India was forced to evacuate 800,000 citizens from the path of Cyclone Phailin, in a region expected to bear the brunt of the effects of global warming.
Although the January - November year - to - date global ranking is 4th warmest, the effect of continued presence of La Niña conditions on the December global surface temperature is expected to result in a slightly lower ranking for the year as a whole.
Warmer water contributes to hurricanes, well and good, but I never see mentioned what the effects of the different air temperatures and humidity from global warming are expected to have on hurricanes.
But with the shift in the Southern Oscillation from El Nino to La Nina and the long - term effects of global warming starting to become apparent, we can expect more severe cyclones for at least the next few years, and a general increase in the severity of storms and similar events.
According to the company's SEC filings, food price increases during 2013 have made them more wary of the effects of global warming on their food, and the company expects there to be «additional pricing pressures on some of those ingredients, including avocados, beef, dairy and chicken during 2014.»
Such events are consistent with the effects of global warming, which is expected to cause more heavy precipitation because of a greater amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.»
«The near - term effects of global warming on sea ice and polar bears are expected to differ geographically....
There are also a number of «fingerprints» which are either indicative of or consistent with what we expect from global warming caused by an increased greenhouse effect.
What's more, some future effects of global warming that are predicted by the IPCC's second and third assessments in 1995 and 2001 are already being observed — much faster than expected.
An increase in glacialquakes signals accelerated melting of Greenland's glaciers, which both reveals the effects of global warming and is expected to contribute to future warming — amplifying the consequences in the Arctic region.9
In addition to less nutritious food, the effect of global warming on human health is also expected to be serious.
The effects of global warming on the Earth's ecosystems are expected to be profound and widespread.
The primary environmental objective of a tax on carbon is to set a price that reflects the «real» costs such emissions impose — accounting for the damages that are expected to arise from global warming, including effects on agricultural productivity and human health, coastal inundation, and other changes.
«Because the effects of volcanic eruptions and of ENSO are very short - term and that of solar variability very small, none of these factors can be expected to exert a significant influence on the continuation of global warming over the coming decades.
According to the CSIRO's studies of global warming's effects, northern Australia can expect just as many cyclones in the future as today.
Ultimately, the effect of dust upon hurricanes is important because, like ocean temperatures, African dust export is expected to change during the 21st century in response to global warming and changes in African rainfall.
What is alarming is that the volume of water and the extent and rapidity of its movement is suprisingly much greater than previously believed, and that a possible, perhaps likely, effect of this on ice sheet dynamics is to make the ice sheets less stable and more likely to respond more quickly to global warming than previously expected.
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