Sentences with phrase «expense of coal generation»

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The only increases have come from natural gas, and those largely at the expense of coal, which is in great part being replaced by gas in the generation of electric power.
«I think we'll see EPA take a closer look at its interim targets, to make sure it's not encouraging quick fixes, like switching from coal to natural gas, at the expense of longer - term planning and investment in zero - carbon generation,» said Perciasepe.
Such comments are often seen by commentators as promoting the role of renewables in India at the expense of coal — conveniently ignoring his similar support for coal, telling the Indian Parliament recently coal «will remain and continue to remain our mainstay and there was no such agreement in Paris that will stop us from continuing to encourage coal - based generation of power».
Elsewhere, however, coal use has soared, particularly in Europe, where its share of the power generation mix increased at the expense of gas.
It's because Big Oil / Gas is determined to increase its market share in the electricity generation market at the expense of coal and nuclear, and sees wind and solar as a strategem to get the environmentalist useful idiots on board.
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