Sentences with phrase «expensive means of life»

Term life insurance policies provide the least expensive means of life insurance coverage because the policy has a set end date upon the expiry of the term.
So if you have one kind of growth — booming financial fortunes in the stock market, higher real - estate prices and more expensive means of living — then you are going to have slower growth in the real economy because money is diverted from peoples» pay - checks away from buying goods and services to just having to pay the banks.

Not exact matches

Tales of graft and officials» high living, including extravagant banquets and expensive rounds on the golf course, have prompted widespread public anger because bureaucrats are meant to live on modest sums and lead morally exemplary lives.
For instance, Switzerland's cost of living of 131 means it's 31 percent more expensive.
You mean the building of enormous churches and mosques (etc) that cost tens of millions of dollars - of those who attend them who are living in huge houses with expensive cars that go on exotic vacations several weeks a year - all who worship someone who said to give everything (that is all) to the poor?
«When people talk about cost competitive, they really mean over the life of the vehicle, meaning that it will be more expensive up front, but eventually (in this case, by 2025) the lower energy and maintenance costs will offset the higher purchase cost,» Sperling said in an email.
I've only ever had a two facials in my life and the principle of which is great but they're expensive meaning they're few and far between.
With some unconventional help from Hobson — the one person who always believed he could do anything — Arthur will take the most expensive risk of his life and learn what it means to become a man.
By the time his record reached 43 - 0, Billy and family family were living beyond their means in a gaudy McMansion where they conspicuously consumed the trappings of the nouveau riche: the flashy cars, the gaudy bling, the expensive champagne, and so forth.
The truth is, the Brazilians who complain the most are all middle - to - upper - class, exactly the ones who aren't above making a quick buck and / or getting ahead in life, even if it means cheating or treading on others, disregarding everything from ethics to social responsibility to environmental issues, and when they complain about the corrupt and expensive government, it's mainly out of jealousy.
This means they tend to be more expensive, heavier and have less battery life than their Android and iOS counterparts, although improvements to their processors mean this is less of an issue now than it was in the past.
However, I find that its LCD screen means it suffers from a number of drawbacks, including that it's heavy (15.8 oz), expensive ($ 110 more than the K3), has a short battery life (8 hours), and lacks 3G connectivity.
So, life will change some, and energy will become more expensive, but it won't be the end of the world by any means.
Different locations mean different costs of living, and even if you're going to be making more at your new job, an expensive location can mean less money available to pay off your relocation loan.
The CRA will investigate cases of individuals living beyond their means through money laundering practices — living rich and famous lifestyles — yet reporting minimal income in one of the most expensive cities in the world.
Borrowing an unmanageable amount of money using private student loans as an additional means to pay for college could end up being a major regret later in life when a less expensive college or university could have been chosen.
Knowing the skills and techniques of pet first aid can mean the difference between life and death; temporary and permanent disability; and expensive veterinarian bills and reasonable home care.
Ms. Piper, 66, was most prominently featured in the Biennale by «The Probable Trust Registry,» a recent work consisting of corporate - looking kiosks at which people could choose to sign contracts agreeing to live by one or more of three rules: «I will mean everything I say»; «I will do everything I say I will do»; and «I will always be too expensive to buy.»
Needless to say, I also assumed that art was what an artist actually did, and did him - or herself — I don't think I ever heard my father utter the word «assistant» once in his whole life (much less studio assistant).1 Which of course meant that, considering the work's aforementioned scale and weight, I was regularly recruited to help him install his art (less often after I managed to break an expensive, exquisitely polished pane of glass).
We don't need to think that being ecologically responsible necessarily means reducing our energy use, or that our energy future means reductions in our quality of life, or that the huge amounts of new infrastructure that we need is going to be expensive on a personal level.
• Kyoto Protocol • EU ETS • Australian CO2 tax and ETS • Mandating and heavily subsidising ($ / TWh delivered) renewable energy • Masses of inappropriate regulations that have inhibited the development of nuclear power, made it perhaps five times more expensive now than it should be, slowed its development, slowed its roll out, caused global CO2 emissions to be 10 % to 20 % higher now than they would otherwise have been, meaning we are on a much slower trajectory to reduce emissions than we would be and, most importantly, we are locked in to fossil fuel electricity generation that causes 10 to 100 times more fatalities per TWh than would be the case if we allowed nuclear to develop (or perhaps 1000 times according to this: • Making building regulations that effectively prevent people from selling, refurbishing or updating their houses if they are close to sea level (the damage to property values and to property owners» life savings is enormous as many examples in Australia are already demonstrating.
I bet you're still sore at the loss of slavery which meant that goods became more expensive because they had to pay their workers a living wage rather than keep slaves...
Finding the meaning of life and being a success no longer depends on four wheels - expensive.
It is very easy to understand and the least expensive of all the types of life insurance that offer you full coverage (meaning coverage for any type of death not one specific one like cancer insurance).
While more expensive that term insurance, this type of policy can be advantageous if you expect to need coverage for your entire life and are looking for a means to save money for the future.
It basically means that instead of buying whole life insurance and getting half life insurance policy, half expensive savings vehicle, you should buy a cheaper term life insurance policy and invest the difference elsewhere, where you can likely get a better return.
Life insurance gets more expensive as you get older, meaning that now is always the best time to buy, barring the invention of time travel.
Cheaper: It's comparatively less expensive than permanent life insurance which means you get the highest amount of life insurance and the lowest cost.
Term life insurance is typically the least expensive form of coverage, making it a good choice for workers of limited means.
Indexed universal life insurance tends to be much more expensive than other types of life insurance options, but that doesn't mean that your plan has to break your bank every month.
Each year the average cost per year of a new term life policy increases because you are one year closer to your life expectancy, which means you are more expensive to insure.
Just because you live in one of California's more expensive cities for auto insurance, doesn't mean you have to settle for a high rate, especially if you're a good, experienced driver, with no accidents or tickets.
-- Term life insurance is typically the least expensive form of coverage, making it a good choice for workers of limited means.
One of the main reasons that permanent insurance is so much more expensive is that it's meant to cover you for your entire life (hence «permanent» insurance) while cheaper term policies tend to cover you when you're younger and least likely to use it.
Firstly, the type of life insurance policy you buy will mean that one is more or less expensive than the other.
This means that the cost of your death benefit may start out affordable, but a universal life policy can become prohibitively expensive in the future.
The virtue of the endow - at - age - 100 structure of «permanent» life insurance is that it provides a means for coverage to remain in place for life, without having the cost of insurance charges become prohibitively expensive at the end.
Since it is permanent life insurance, meaning that it does not expire, it is more expensive than term life insurance per $ 1,000 of coverage.
The older you are the more expensive life insurance becomes, which means a middle aged person looking to buy whole life insurance could spend an average of $ 75 per month on premiums.
Now this does not mean that guaranteed issue life insurance policies are going to be «super» expensive, it just means that if you were able to «medically» qualify for a traditional life insurance policy, chances are you would receive more coverage for the same amount of money.
It's less expensive than other forms of life insurance, which means that you can afford more coverage.
That means we provide you with more options for life insurance which increases the odds of us matching you up with a life insurance company that will provide you the least expensive monthly premium.
Of course, if you live in a high - risk area, have a poor driving record, or own a large, expensive home, these lower average rates may mean little to your situation.
This is a less expensive type of policy that a standard term life policy, but the decreasing value means that the policy will not be any assistance to your family beyond that.
When it comes to helping people of modest means find affordable housing in one of the nation's most expensive places to live, Gov. Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature this year took another pass.
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