Sentences with phrase «expensive process»

Yet deciding which green cleaning products to purchase is a tricky and expensive process of trial and error.
Recruiting, hiring and training are expensive processes for companies, so expressing a goal of long - term employment could put your resume ahead of the pack.
It is a very expensive process to replace an entire wardrobe but the positive aspect to it is sticking with a capsule type wardrobe.
The longer it takes to find a new tenant, the more expensive the process becomes.
The more details that can be agreed upon by the couple, the smoother and less expensive the process will be.
Unless you are a professional breeder, allowing your bitch to give birth is an extremely expensive process involving vet fees for basic checks as well as a string of dog breeding expenses.
Editing is the most painful and expensive process in self - publishing, therefore it's where most of the shortcuts are taken.
Applying for a small business loan can be a confusing and expensive process if you go to the wrong lender.
What follows is a time consuming and often expensive process, one that serves as an investment towards a greater final return.
Most business owners know that when an employee leaves, finding and hiring a replacement can be an extremely expensive process.
The venue would like it back and it wants it back the way it hired it out in the first place; establishing this can be a time - consuming and therefore expensive process.
If you've ever had your identity stolen, you'll understand how much of a long, expensive process restoring your good name can be.
Recruitment can be a time - consuming, complex and not to mention expensive process and the consequences of getting it wrong can be severe.
The reason that mediation is often the least expensive process is because most of the negotiating is done with the assistance of one professional (the mediator) only.
You should expect a long and somewhat expensive process, but the positive aspect is that it may only need to be done a few times in a lifetime.
Mediation can be an alternative to the often exhausting and expensive process of fighting about a divorce in court.
It is often a lengthy and expensive process for a product to be evaluated and accredited as organic, but manufacturers say it is well worth the time and effort.
Litigation is a very expensive process; whereas mediation can be done fairly cheaply if a conclusion is reached.
The differences between these two types of reimbursement methods can mean the difference between recovering quickly after a loss and a slower, more expensive process.
But that would be a lengthy and expensive process involving a purpose - built facility.
With this in mind, the most expensive processes actually «humanize» the whey protein by increasing components such as alpha - lactalbumin.
We also didn't want to go through the potentially expensive process of couples counseling if we didn't have specific issues we wanted to work on.
We can see now how expensive a process this can be and why the average business might be tempted just to fold their tents and run, no matter what, when the Competition Bureau comes a knocking, and that is all the more reason why the media needs to remain objective and provide all the key facts, for readers to develop informed opinions.
«A drug produced from scratch needs to be proven both safe and effective before the FDA will permit its use, and that is a painstaking and expensive process requiring extensive animal experiments,» Hanauske - Abel says.
At the same time coal gasification remains a relatively expensive process and is rather unproven on a larger scale.
The approach will allow the company to raise a significant amount of capital via private placements of existing shares, without the need to go public or rely on underwriters or investments banks to guide them through the increasingly expensive process.
I use TVP (textured vegetable protein) to make my vegan taco meat rather than buy expensive processed veggie ground round or beef crumbles.
It also ensures product quality, prevents customer complaints, and provides a quick return on investment when used to protect against expensive processing machinery failures thus maximizing production uptime efficiency.
This has been a boon to supplement manufacturers, which can skip the long and often prohibitively expensive process of seeking FDA approval.
The strategy is clear: if mothers do not give Nestlé's expensive processed milk products to their babies, then they should buy one to drink themselves.
In addition to improving efficiency and protecting more expensive process equipment, Emphaze AEX Hybrid Purifiers are easy to use, scalable and offer reproducible performance.
Before his innovation, photography was a cumbersome and expensive process best suited to solemn official portraits.
As a result, devices based on organic semiconductors are projected to be cheaper since they do not require high temperatures, clean rooms and expensive processing steps like silicon does.»
Consequently, SCR systems have to be adjusted specifically to the various engine types and expected load change — i.e. drivability — and optimized, which is a complex and thus expensive process.
«Bone formation is an energetically expensive process, so it makes sense that some regulator would tell a cell whether there is sufficient energy and material to manufacture new bone.»
Another nationally ranked program stopped participating in the NCATE system because it was, in the words of a university official, «a labor - intensive and therefore expensive process from which we got very little new information.
SB 1530 would have shortened the now endless and wildly expensive process for getting rid of a teacher who abuses children with sex, drugs or violence.
The need for sedation, monitoring, the procedure itself and around - the - clock care make this an excessively expensive process.
Actual capture rates are likely to be lower because the US shale revolution has cut demand for the plant's more expensive processed natural gas.
Toxic Torts — Toxic torts rank among the costliest claims to property owners and businesses, who may be forced not only to compensate individuals for alleged harm but also to remediate suspected contaminants, which can be a vastly expensive process.
I've been through the long, nasty expensive processes of reconing a cat urined property many times, I love cats for making us so much money destroying the value of these properties we picked up at a bargain, but we won't let one in a rental for any amount of money.
Seems AC people don't get involved with mold / mildew, mold remediation wants to take me through very expensive process of initial testing....
Says Edwards: «Metrication is a potentially expensive process for the UK government, which if enforced will be universally unpopular with industry.
Mediation is a non-adversarial, therefore faster and less expensive process through which the parties maintain control of the decisions affecting their lives and those of their children
In addition, any claim that survives the panel and proceeds to trial is subject to a long, expensive process in which doctors are called to testify to provide opinions regarding the alleged malpractice.
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