Sentences with phrase «expensive than other parts»

Median gross rent is just $ 995 a month, which is slightly less expensive than other parts of the state.
Hotels and apartments here tend to be higher end and sometimes more expensive than other parts of the Gold Coast.
Median gross rent is just $ 995 a month, which is slightly less expensive than other parts of the state.
Unfortunately, that's made these industries much more expensive than other parts of the market.

Not exact matches

Pub restaurants tend to have less expensive menus than most other restaurants, so once you've savored ideas over lunch you can offer to buy your client a drink at the bar — but plying them with drink shouldn't be part of your sales pitch...
Some parts of the country are more expensive than others.
Love this recipe, yeah it's more expensive than others but since I was baking for a gift, I can let go of that part.
If fresh milk access is at risk because of unsustainable pricing in part of Australia - as we understand it there are multiple brands on offer, some more expensive than others - consumers can determine their own welfare simply through what they purchase at the store.
This is a lot less expensive than other natural diaper brands out there and with its features and certificates on its belt; it is no wonder that the Bambo brand is always part of natural disposable diaper reviews today.
«Historically» the product is less expensive than other products... For that reason it's been part of the school lunch program.»
The price of the product depends upon the vendor through which it is purchased, but for the most part, the prices that we saw were too high for our liking and more expensive than many other sleep aids that utilize similar ingredients.
With more street level characters, it makes sense that Allen looked to less expensive parts of London than his other films.
Other than that, while parts do wear, particularly in the suspension, nothing is horrendously expensive.
Not only that, but the repair parts are also much more expensive than those used on other types of vehicles.
Because you're going to find out some part of your publishing process will be way more expensive than you thought, and then you can start looking at ways to cut corners in some other area to make up the difference.
Consumers will just assume that for the most part that the computers offered by Costco will be less expensive than can be found at other retailers.
In parts of other states, it can be even less expensive than that!
With a median gross rent of just $ 990, it's less expensive to live here than in other parts of the state.
Lancaster is much less expensive to live in than other parts of PA, which is why there are so many commuters and so much housing development here.
While renters insurance in Nueces County is a bit more expensive than coverage in some other parts of Texas, it's still an incredible deal.
Overall, it's generally less expensive to buy renters insurance here than in many other parts of New Jersey.
The cost of living is lower than expected, but settling in can be a little bit more expensive than in other parts of New Jersey.
There are ways to get your cat used to the post and «train» them to use it rather than other parts of the home, such as your expensive furniture or doorframes.
Which may be a bit of overstated, particularly the eco-friendly part, but considering that the process they've developed is claimed to be 40 % less expensive than other procedures out there it's worthwhile paying attention: Ben Wen, vice-president of United Environment and Energy, says that the cost reductions are realized because their procedure can be done in much smaller facilities, has no water dispersal costs and is «considerably faster.»
Other insurers often pay only for aftermarket parts, which are made by companies other than the carmaker and are less expensive than original manufacturer pOther insurers often pay only for aftermarket parts, which are made by companies other than the carmaker and are less expensive than original manufacturer pother than the carmaker and are less expensive than original manufacturer parts.
While the most affordable type of life insurance coverage will vary from individual to individual, for the most part term life insurance tends to be much less expensive than other popular types of policies.
With a median gross rent of just $ 990, it's less expensive to live here than in other parts of the state.
Lancaster is much less expensive to live in than other parts of PA, which is why there are so many commuters and so much housing development here.
Riverside renters insurance is priced based on the idea that you get the cost to replace items in a personal property loss, and those items may be more expensive in California than in other parts of the country.
The cost of living is lower than expected, but settling in can be a little bit more expensive than in other parts of New Jersey.
Overall, it's generally less expensive to buy renters insurance here than in many other parts of New Jersey.
While it's more expensive than an Echo, it forms part of a larger home audio setup with Sonos» other speakers yet offers the smart features that once were missing.
They do the exact same things and have many of the same parts, but one is way fancier (and more expensive) than the other and functions as a status symbol.
Buyers who can not afford high - end new homes may find themselves in Otay Ranch where newly built houses are less expensive than in other parts of the county.
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