Sentences with phrase «expensive type of debts»

It's one of the most expensive type of debts out there short of owing a loan shark.
Credit card debt is often the most expensive type of debt, so it makes sense to pay it down before tackling «good debts» such as your home mortgage or student loans.

Not exact matches

This type of debt is usually less expensive than private student loans and easier to qualify for.
, it includes just about any type of debt that be made less expensive through refinancing, such as student loan debt, credit card debt and auto loan debt.
That not only includes mortgages, it includes just about any type of debt that be made less expensive through refinancing, such as student loan debt, credit card debt and auto loan debt.
Even if rates didn't rise, I'd still want to pay it off first because it's already expensive compared to other types of debt.
In fact, if you look at the way the debts have broken down, the total amount of debt that they're carrying and the most expensive types of credit — and here's where you're going to get me going on payday loans is higher, and it increases every year.
Generally, federal loans are the safest, least expensive type of student debt you can take on, because Congress sets the rates each year.
There are a lot of different types of debt, and many are expensive and long - term.
It's simple and easy to get this type of loan and if you understand how to use it wisely, you really can start repaying and eliminating that expensive debt that has been holding you back.
Bankruptcy is typically the least expensive and fastest way out of many types of debts and it will make the debts legally go away.
This is often a wise decision because the costs to repair a car can be very expensive and you don't want this type of situation to put you deep into debt.
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