Sentences with phrase «experience by playing»

Get a glimpse of the single player experience by playing the prequel to the SpellForce 3 story in the Old - Haalâyash map.
You can get good amount of intense combat experience by playing PVE battles with other in - game items.
Everything — Everything is a game, unlike anything I've really experienced before and is another in a long line of games that are really more like small art exhibits that you experience by playing them.
We've captured the video and encoded it in such a way that you'll get a taste of the next - gen experience by playing back the video files on your PC or, for the full living room experience, you can watch on PlayStation 3.
Diss it all you want, but you can get a great single player experience by playing through the game, and not paying a dime.
Fans can also extend their experience by playing the S.T.A.R. Labs missions, which offer players a wealth of additional content and unique gameplay that are outside of the game's story mode experience.
Get the complete experience by playing both the arcade and home console versions on many of these titles!
Our portal technology, which works in tandem with clients» existing LMSes, creates a unique user experience by playing off the following principles:
Because the best schools help students get the most out of their college experience by playing to their strengths.
«I say «keep going, we have to improve, also you have to improve your experience by playing in the Champions League, it is totally different, European football is different from the Premier League and it is important to be focused on the new job».
Get your puppy used to thunderstorms, waves, fireworks, crowds, crying babies, construction noise, and other strange auditory experiences by playing him a sound habituation CD.
Of course there are plenty of twists and turns, interesting characters, and great moments in the game for God of War fans that are simply best experienced by playing, so we're going to leave it at that.

Not exact matches

The experience is a bit like a role - playing game that lets you navigate through the world with only the cues given to you by Alexa.
Convenience has always played a significant role in the shopping experience, from the early supermarkets to the first 7 - Eleven locations (literally dubbed «convenience stores») to shopping by phone.
Investors can still play it safe by buying well - known, large - capitalization stocks, he notes, but it may be time to move money out of bonds, which continue to experience record inflows, and into stocks.
The life - long leadership lessons Alfano learned at Starbucks are playing a big role in his goal to grow The Learning Experience's franchise footprint from 300 to 500 locations by 2020.
«As I lay in a dazed condition with my eyes closed (I experienced daylight as disagreeably bright) there surged upon me an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an intense, kaleidoscope - like play of colors,» he continued.
When the caller asked why people aren't more outraged by that, Francesa seemed to argue women aren't qualified to coach men's sports because they haven't played in men's leagues and thus, don't have experience.
Research published in September 2011 by the Level Playing Field Institute (LPFI) revealed that hidden biases within the I.T. workplace caused women and blacks to have negative workplace experiences far more often than their male and white counterparts.
Perhaps traditional grocery stores will be forced to confront the challenge posed by big box stores and delivery companies like FreshDirect by playing up the community aspect of the shopping experience — just as some of the most successful bookstores have become more like coffee shops and community centers in order to stay in business.
But when you look at the traditional approach to advertising, which is fundamentally driven by guesswork, albeit very intuitive and experienced guesswork... The advert I was thinking about... do you remember the Cadbury's advert of a gorilla playing the drums?
Developers, in turn, created apps that became emblematic of the Facebook experience — apps such as Farmville, a farming simulation game played with friends on the social network, which was made by the gaming company Zynga.
Often, they will buy shares in a company because they are «in play» (which is another way of saying a stock is experiencing higher than normal volume and its shares may be being accumulated or sold by institutions).
However the crypto - currency community has just been played by several big players and it should learn some lessons from the experience.
You will certainly have area plays; stories associated with cobalt in mafic and ultramafic complexes around the world, including Canada and Australia, but my experience has been that the concentrations of cobalt, particularly in Canada, are never large enough that Canadian companies can be low on the cost curve unless they're producing it as a by - product of nickel or some other ultramafic substances.
This year's tournament was again held at The Ritz - Carlton Golf Club, Orlando, Grande Lakes where a more than full field of 152 golfers enjoyed a unique on - course experience that included foot golf, golf ball cannon and speed play novelty holes, food trucks and on - course entertainment by trick shot specialist Brett Cleverdon followed by a celebration lunch.
If you are an experienced trader then trade somewhere else, either traditional futures and options or if you're the adventurous kind you can try the longer binary time - plays offered by some legitimate (read: regulated) binary providers.
Momentum plays are quite risky and should primarily be attempted by experienced investors.
The terminal will play a dynamic role where traders and investors will share the their trading experiences and strategies by using social network investment strategies.
The legalization of marijuana will open unprecedented opportunities around the world, GrowPayment will play a critical role to the industry development by strengthening businesses and increasing consumer experience.
Peirone took inspiration from Jean - Paul Sartre's play No Exit, about the hell experienced by three people trapped in a room, as well as such haunting films as The Shining, Mulholland Drive, and Heavenly Creatures.
Capablanca, not only had relatively little playing experience up that point, but by his own admission had never even studied the openings.
«71 Moreover, regarding play, Berger is reduced to a hope, a «rumor» that his transcendent experiences are indeed what they seem, dialogical, or «co-relational,» humankind in fact being met by the divine.
Lewis thought that one's play experiences offered the possibility of being transformed by Joy as one entered fully into the play event.
Play is sometimes viewed as an instinct educator (Karl Groos); as a means of catharsis, a safety valve to vent emotions (Aristotle); as a creative modeling of situations that enables the player to better handle experience (Erik Erikson); as a means of resolving psychic conflict (Sigmund Freud), or, on the contrary, as activity not motivated by the need to resolve inner conflict (Robert Neale) 8
Berger wishes to speak of «a God who is not made by man, who is outside and not within ourselves,» but he limits his act of faith in such a God to projections outward from common human experience, i.e., to signals of transcendence70 The result is that Berger is left finally with his own experience alone, a consequence that weakens his understanding not only of Christian theology but ultimately of play as well.
Dear Kuljit Singh, I was very deeply tohuced by your rabab playing, which I experienced as very peaceful and soothing.
As Johann Baptist Metz and John Cobb have seen in correspondence, it is the memoria of the Christ - event that plays a crucial role in the theological notion of revelation.10 In this view a certain historical tradition of narration and reflection recalls the experience of a unique revealing event by memory.
In order to best experience this «Star Wars» in its original, Shakespeare - penned form, I have decided to forgo seeing any of the cinematic adaptions until I read the play aloud, as intended by its author.
It can even play with inconsistency; and can thus throw light on the consistent, and persistent, elements in experience by comparison with what in imagination is inconsistent with them» (PR 5/7).
On the other hand, without the dramatic and poetic expression of the reversal in God's love play, when Krishna is conquered by Radha and the divine bows to the human, the full reality that the devotee experiences would not be expressed.
This same imbalance is also evident in Religion in the Making, where Whitehead speaks of «force of belief cleansing the inward parts» (RM 58), without also calling attention to the reciprocal influence that the «inward parts» can play in cleansing the individual's «force of belief,» While it is certainly the case that physical experience can be enlarged and purified of narrow emotions by virtue of its fusion with conceptual operations, this is but one aspect of the dipolarity.
And today, rather than playing defense, American seminaries like Mundelein in Chicago are exploring how the Church might go on offense — not in an offensive way, but by developing new models of a 21st - century apologetics that invites disenchanted post-moderns to experience the divine mercy and come to know the truths to which that experience leads.
I believe that dreams are experiences of the dominant occasion and that similar experience plays a subordinate role while we are awake, although generally excluded from consciousness by focused attention on the external world or events in the body.
To illustrate the application of this principle, a youth group followed their discussion of techniques for diminishing prejudice by role playing the experiences of minority group members.
A game is played, a picture is painted, or a garden is cultivated, and each activity is regarded by the amateur as a complete experience, rounded out within minutes, hours, or months, as the case may be, while for the worker — in the parallel cases of professional player, artist, or farmer — these achievements are but incidents within a continuous career.
Many and sometimes most of the weekly papers are by authors who actually wanted to remember that they learned something crucial, and that experience rarely keeps them from being critical and even playing the texts off against each other.
And precisely because the proverbs and folk wisdom being expressed are true, and recognized as true by the audience, they create a bond between the meaning of the play and the experience of the spectators.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
Thirdly, by owning the part they played in the abortion experience and learning to forgive, they are offered real hope that their wound can not only behealed but also be a tremendous grace.
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