Sentences with phrase «experience in the moment»

What matters is the culture your people are experiencing in this moment.
The regnant society is one part of this nexus, but my experience in any moment includes both the clear conscious experience of the regnant society and the dimly conscious experiences of the other members of the nexus.
Our total experience in each moment is a selective synthesis of the whole world as it gives itself to be experienced.
The second element of self - compassion is a sense of shared humanity, which means you allow yourself to acknowledge you are not the only one going through this experience in this moment.
i have experienced it in moments.
There is a poem by Richard Hovey, included in his collection More Songs from Vagabondia, which speaks of the joy experienced in some moments of human life, one of which is the delight and thrill of making love, surely one of the highest experiences any man or woman can know.
It sounds strange, but there's intense joy to be experienced in those moments of doing it again and again and again.
Doesn't even touch on the actual pain you experience in that moment.
I am nostalgic about my whole experience in these moments — today — as I prepare to begin my book tour.
They capture the intensity of emotion experienced in that moment...
There is always a brief moment of panic that every parent of small children experiences in those moments before the family sets off on a trip.
Checking in about what I am experiencing in this moment is one thing — but dwelling in negativity with no attempt to find a solution only results in two people feeling bad, instead of one.
In doing so, one can begin to witness the authentic experience in each moment.
If you're not present with that emotion and experience it in the moment the mind delves back into your past for all the other times you've felt that way.
By becoming skillful at fully embracing your experience in this moment, you improve your ability to fully embrace all moments, come what may, yielding greater and greater satisfaction.
This is an obvious contrast from the effortlessly smooth and rhythmic breath that we experience in moments of calm.
Tamir says her research can also be a good reminder to embrace whatever emotions you're experiencing in the moment.
The state of yoga can be experienced in this moment.
«Morgan» is an enjoyable enough experience in the moment, but it never quite coalesces.
For it to matter and stick, avoid creating learning experiences in the moment or session - by - session.
As she staggered on the first step, feeling the animate, resolute, massacree push of her own body ejecting itself or attempting to, experiencing in this moment the extremity of panic as her body told her — shouted — that such crudesence was in fact impossible, followed immediately by the give in her muscles that let her know that was a lie, the gummy little bushy - haired head poked forth.
I'm content enjoying my travel experiences in the moment, capturing it for myself and sharing it.
There's a lot of downtime there between actual playtime, and it brought us out of the experience in those moments.
Organisers said that his combination of the word «go», with a stopwatch «conveys a sense of immediacy, the excitement and anticipation experienced in the moments before the starter pistol is fired».
Katz has, from the beginning, painted light and the sensation of time experienced in the moment; and today that depiction has an urgency and energy that feels more vivid and visceral than ever before.
The rarity of experiencing it in the moment and encased by the piece's magnificence was an ambitious study in scale coupled with the viewer's personal impression largely played into the idea of Fernández exploring ephemeral aspects of the visual.
When each partner in the relationship is able to moderate their tone of communication, regulate and calm their strong emotional response, and are able to reach out and express to the other what they are experiencing in the moment of their conflict, it brings them closer and makes their relationship more intimate.
To do so, they must both be aware of their personal experience in the moment and motivated to work together.
Acknowledge and accept that the emotion is present, whether it is anxiety, grief, sadness, or whatever you are experiencing in that moment.
In short, I want to get curious about the process, bring it into the moment, heighten the experience in the moment and hopefully create enactments built upon re-accessed primary emotion.
Next, I'd likely look for entry points to primary emotion as they relate their experience in the moment.
Second, use your own experience in the moment when listening.
You will be guided to explore your own experience in the moment, respond to others, and give and receive feedback as we discuss some of the basics of Gestalt Therapy.
To promote lasting changes, my approach integrates your psychological, emotional and physical experience in the moment, as it may be influenced by the past.

Not exact matches

Of all the we're - not - in - Kansas - anymore moments that went with that shopping experience, the strangest was when I took a small chocolate bar off the shelf and slipped it into my coat pocket.
I came to assign some unexpected but genuine joy in [awkwardness],» she told me, pointing as an example to that moment we've all experienced when someone approaches and you move over to let them pass only to have them move over too, creating a totally awkward little dance.
Adam Alter: «Nomophobia» is a new word that's being coined to describe no mobile phobia, and it's the idea that a lot of us, in thinking about not having our phones, experience something like a phobia, and this is supposed to describe hundreds of millions of people today, and I'm sure that number is growing at the moment.
Wearing a Trump 2016 shirt and a «Make America Great Again» hat, an in - character Key told Colbert that his experience at the convention had been «amazing» and that the other convention attendees had been inexplicably excited to see him: «From the moment I got here, everyone has been so nice.
«As your costs come down, and income from your investments gets re-invested in more investments, at some point you will experience the bewildering and joyful moment when your wealth starts to spiral upwards,» Jason said.
In their book, the Heath brothers write about «moments of elevation... experiences that rise above the routine.
The more authentic and immersive the video, the more viewers get sucked in and feel as if they're experiencing the moment themselves.
You don't have much control over the emotion you experience in a given moment.
However, I do believe that time spent reflecting, bringing awareness and healing to those challenging moments in our life, especially in the presence of a skilled guide, can speed up the process by which we can alchemize the life turmoil we've experienced into superpowers in our leadership and business.
I've already experienced three glorious moments I create every day at no cost in money or time.
This requires you to observe your thoughts and feelings objectively, without judgment, which helps you to awaken your experience and live in the moment.
This day - long chatting poses the illusion that you've shared moments and have been in touch, but those experiences are anything but quality.
From the moment you slip on a VR headset you are immersed in the audio, video and experience of that virtual world.
Several people in the industry talk about a «wow» moment people experience after their first in - person VR experience.
As entrepreneurs, we've all experienced it at some point — that moment in the day where you are sitting at your desk and have lost all focus.
One of my all - time favorite teachable moment in my product design work is about a design fail we experienced with a stylus pen.
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