Sentences with phrase «experience of intercourse»

(One of the liberating findings, as long as it does not become standard setting, of the Masters and Johnson research is that many women are capable of multiple orgasms — a series of climaxes during the same experience of intercourse.)

Not exact matches

Learning to read the nonverbal language is a part of the enjoyment of married sex — for example, recognizing the signals of heightened desire in one's mate or, during intercourse, when the other is ready for consummating that experience of loving passion.
The factor in human social experience which Whitehead identifies as responsible for generating this correlative kind of «continuity» is routine, namely, the repetitive activity of daily social intercourse.
«For them, but only for them, the cross was a personal experience: it was the cross of one with whom they had lived in personal intercourse....
This dense passage teaches in summary that through the specific grace of matrimony, spouses can purify the conjugal act of the grasping and self - centered spirit inherent in concupiscence, and so recapture the truly donative experience and pleasure of marital intercourse.
It has been pointed out that «over the course of the first centuries of the empire... the noun passio (also derived from the same verb «to suffer») came to have a positive valuation to refer to the «passionate» experience of heterosexual intercourse, where the inferior role was properly played by a woman and in which the man experienced his rightful pleasure.
They tell us that they have arrived at an unshakable conviction, not based on inference but on immediate experience, that God is a spirit with whom the human spirit can hold intercourse; that in him meet all that they can imagine of goodness, truth, and beauty that they can see his footprints everywhere in nature, and feel his presence within them as the very life of their life, so that in proportion as they come to themselves they come to him.
A 1980 survey in a wide range of countries showed the proportion of adolescents reported to have experienced premarital intercourse varied from about 35 per cent (in France) to 80 per cent (among Kenyan males).
Finally, by means of past experiences and unconscious memories «the instinctive apprehension of a tone of feeling in ordinary social intercourse» to which Whitehead also appeals is explicable without reference to unmediated feelings.
Next five months went by trying to mate during the ovulation period but since he was experiencing erectile dysfunction, we instead of going for intercourse tried to inject the sperm into my uterus using an injection syringe without the needle but our attempts failed and i didn't become pregnant.
As a legal adult, I also had the experience of men at fraternity parties when I was excessively intoxicated who came * this close * to having intercourse with me against my will.
If you are under age 35, and you've been having unprotected sexual intercourse for one year without conceiving, or, if you are age 35 or older and have not become pregnant after six months of unprotected sexual intercourse, you should talk to our experienced fertility specialist, Fady Sharara, M.D.
And given that studies have shown that women who require episiotomies are more likely to experience post-delivery complications — such as blood loss, infection, postpartum pain, pain during intercourse and the involuntary passage of gas or «fecal material» — you can see why most women are eager to do whatever they can to sidestep this particular surgical procedure.
Besides hot flashes and night sweats, roughly 40 percent of menopausal women experience irritation and dryness of the vulva and vagina, which can make sexual intercourse painful.
Both men and women who learned about sexual matters mainly from school experienced first sexual intercourse at a later age than those who got most of their information from «other» sources.
Yet many women who experience unwanted pain during during intercourse are under the impression it's just a reality of sex.
In terms of pain on intercourse, it can be physical or psychological: it may be that a woman has had a painful past experience, or if there's always been pain on sexual intercourse.
These women answered questions about their personal experiences with pleasure — the role of clitoral stimulation in orgasm, whether all orgasms are created equal, and how many women are actually reaching orgasm through intercourse.
Just under 10 percent of women don't experience orgasm at all during vaginal intercourse.
«Women in their 30s and 40s are often starting to experience medical conditions like fibroids or dryness that impact everything from their menstrual cycle to intercourse to simply how they feel about themselves,» says Pamela Berens, MD, professor of ob - gyn at the University of Texas Health Science Center.
Yes, up to 40 percent of postmenopausal women experience vaginal atrophy, and painful intercourse is a common symptom.
When the sacral chakra is out of alignment, you may experience chronic low back pain, ovarian cysts and other reproductive issues, urinary tract infections, impotence, pain during intercourse, complications with the bladder and kidneys, and other pelvic — lower abdominal issues.
Men who are currently experiencing or have experienced inflammation or infection of their genital regions should consult with their doctor to better understand the «relevance» of these issues related to their overall hormone balance and their ability to engage in sexual intercourse.
In some cases, a woman experiences loss of libido as a direct result of vaginal dryness because she experiences pain during sexual intercourse.
If you have an estrogen deficiency, some of the more common things you might be experiencing are hot flashes, night sweats, painful intercourse, dry vaginal area, and less commonly thought of as an estrogen deficiency, is brain fog
According to researchers at the University of Texas, because of the hormonal imbalance most trans people experience through sexual drug therapy like testosterone shots, they're likely to experience more pleasurable orgasms during both oral sex and intercourse.
WHO estimates that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence during 2002.
This week, our neighbors at Catinca Tabacaru present Joe Brittain: INTERCOURSE, a collection of geologically inspired paintings that will transform the gallery into a galactic experience.
Since women who report unprotected intercourse, women who experience method failures, and women who use less effective contraceptive methods represent different risk groups, pregnancy rates are also presented by frequency of unprotected intercourse and contraceptive method.
Increased the use of effective STD and pregnancy prevention methods at last intercourse among sexually experienced students at the 7 - month and 31 - month follow ups.
Reduced the number of acts of intercourse without a condom among sexually experienced students in the cohort at the 7 - month and 31 - month follow - ups.
Thus, it is not surprising that the vast majority of pregnancies (73 %) occurred in the women who reported having unprotected intercourse rather than in women experiencing method failures.
In fact, only about half of women report being able to climax from penile movements alone during sex and, even among those women, many of them report that they do not experience orgasm reliably.1 As a result, many women find that adding clitoral stimulation to intercourse (e.g., with the use of one's hand or a vibrator) or attempting different sexual activities is necessary to help them climax.
The women reported greater sexual interest the day just prior to their first intercourse (and on the day of), relative to the day after having sex for the first time, and they reported similarly higher levels of sexual interest on subsequent days on which they had sex (as did their more sexually experienced counterparts in the larger sample).
Timing of first sexual intercourse in a relationship: Expectations, experiences, and perceptions of others.
Scratch «abstainer» and «sexually inexperienced,» as these simply are inaccurate descriptors for most people who have not had an experience of sexual intercourse].
Assessments conducted at earlier phases are specified in previous articles.7, 8 At the 15 - year follow - up assessment, adolescents completed interviews that measured whether they had been adjudicated a person in need of supervision (PINS) resulting from incorrigible behavior such as recurrent truancy or destroying parents» property; their frequency of running away from home; and the number of times they had been stopped by the police, arrested, convicted of a crime or of probation violations, and sent to youth correctional facilities.14 They also reported on their disruptive behavior in school; number of school suspensions; delinquent and aggressive behavior outside school; experience of sexual intercourse; rates of pregnancy; lifetime number of sexual partners; and frequency of using cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs during the 6 - month period prior to the 15 - year interview.15
Even after that time, «women may experience or fear pain from intercourse due to the effects of delivery, an episiotomy, peritoneal tearing, and / or vaginal dryness due to hormone fluctuations,» Marter said.
High texting rates are associated with oral sex and intercourse experience in a longitudinal study of high school students.
Emergency contraception (EC) is a woman's only chance to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, when precoital contraception methods were not used or were forgotten, when a problem was experienced with a barrier method, or in cases of sexual assault.
As predicted, after experiencing sexual coercion, adolescents reported increased externalizing symptoms, more frequent sexual intercourse and a greater total number of intercourse partners.
She specializes in working with women and couples that experience a myriad of sex and relationship issues, including painful intercourse and pelvic floor diagnoses.
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