Sentences with phrase «experience of loss»

What has happened to me in the intervening years is that I have participated in the widespread American experience of the loss of innocence.
It gives a very brief, specific glimpse of a situation touching on the universal experience of loss, and through it delivers an incredibly strong drama.
So, as I reflect on my own experience of loss, here are a few things you can do for a friend who has lost someone they love deeply.
It's fitting that her exhibition deals heavily with the emotional experience of loss on both a personal and political level.
That there is in our time a language crisis, a general experience of the loss of the power of words is all too evident.
Early experiences of loss and trauma occur within attachment relationships, and are triggered in later adult relationships.
Yet more remarkably, it helps to convey the emotional experience of that loss.
From my personal experience of loss as well as from my work as a counselor, my hope for women who've suffered through miscarriage, infertility, or other forms of loss is that we will see our stories accurately rather than through a cloud by condemnation.
This visually beautiful and engaging animation from the Ghibli Studio combines fantasy with deep human experiences of loss,... Read More
How we turn this melancholic experience of loss into a form of satisfaction is the subject of Tate Britain's exhibition Ruin Lust, curated by Brian Dillon (editor of Ruins, a 2011 collaboration with the Whitechapel Gallery).
Above all any reappropriation of tradition must be made in the full consciousness of our present experience of loss.
Repeated experiences of loss — hair, teeth, vitality, youthful appearance, rapid recuperative powers, etc. — bring mourning and the reminder of even larger losses in the future.
«We didn't study the subjective experience of loss, or how people feel,» cautions Hobbs.
It is in this painted space of «intimate immensity,» where dueling weather systems, terrain and sky, and the flooding light and growing shadows collide, that «Gornik's landscape opens out onto psychological experience broadly defined — the modern experience of loss without a lost object.
For example, whether or not a child develops a mental health difficulty after experiencing a death in the family will depend on such things as the age and emotional temperament of the child; the closeness of the relationship between the child and the person who has died; the support available through relatives, friends and others; whether the death was sudden or anticipated; and the effects of any previous experiences of loss.
The insight I offer helps people stop re-enacting painful experiences of loss and disappointment.
Dani's approach is warm, collaborative, creative and tailored to how your unique experience of loss is affecting you.
When inflamed by abandonment fears these vulnerabilities translate into the inherently traumatizing experiences of loss, deprivation, rejection and meaninglessness.
Image and sound call up associations with the psychic and existential borderline areas around which Nauman's art often revolves, with feelings of isolation and claustrophobia, experiences of loss of communication and of orientation, and traumas such as that of being buried alive.
Creating a contemplative promenade experience, the works are set to trigger reGlections ranging from personal experiences of loss to the current political destruction -LSB-...]
Whitehead is deeply sensitive to our human experience of loss.
In her work, Bunny Rogers draws from a personal cosmology to explore universal experiences of loss, alienation, and a search for belonging.
Although he apparently possesses the ability to move objects in classic poltergeist style, he's a passive witness for much of the time, a blank slate on which we can project our own experience of loss or those suggested by extensive use of the Kuleshov effect, a technique by which neutral expressions are given meaning through editing.
«Having this experience of a loss at such a pivotal time in the growth of my company was a tremendous challenge.»
Unless the experience of loss is expressed, examined and understood, new ways of living are not able to emerge.
But it is not a simple not - having, for there is an experience of loss.
Both men spoke not as private persons but instead quoted from our deepest public memories, which are eloquent in the face of death when we, as solitary individuals encased in our personal experiences of loss, so often are wordless with grief.
I believe that God is present in the experiences not only of joy, growth and becoming, but also in the experiences of loss, adversity, diminishment and death.
There is an experience of loss among the radical death of God theologians.
Tragedy is the experience of loss, of possibilities unactualized and lost that tempers Youth and its zest for adventure.
I wanted to talk about how much I have learned from reading the writings of adult adoptees, and how their experiences of loss and isolation inform me as a parent, and also break my heart.
While I seek to help clients by normalizing their experience of loss, I also must attend to individual experiences of grief, anger, and fear, as well as moments of joy, relief, and -LSB-...]
While I seek to help clients by normalizing their experience of loss, I also must attend to individual experiences of grief, anger, and fear, as well as moments of joy, relief, and connection.
Understanding loss and grief from a family perspective enables families to engage in the work of grief together and develop strategies for navigating grief as a family recognizing that each person's role and experience of loss is different.
He concluded in his scholarly book Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss (American Psychological Association, 2001): «At the most obvious level, scientific studies have failed to support any discernible sequence of emotional phases of adaptation to loss or to identify any clear end point to grieving that would designate a state of «recovery.
Their son Ronsel (Jason Mitchell) goes to war, and returns changed by his experience of loss, and his greater acceptance in Europe as a man of color.
Tessa Praun, curator of the exhibition tells us that: «Experiences of loss and the need to put a face to anonymous suffering...
My work is about memory, the passage of time, mortality and the photograph's role in shaping our experience of loss.
Her cartoonish, often anthropomorphized sculptures and videos «explore universal experiences of loss, alienation, and a search for belonging,» says the press release for her show at the Whitney, which opened to the public today and is her first museum solo show in the US.
The photographs in sleepless nights reflect Gersht's interest in the remembering and forgetting of historical events tied to place, and how the human experience of loss, pain, and social fracture inform our sense of belonging.
Whose «paradise» is a matter of conjecture, but the experience of loss is triggered by our inability to fully see the four paintings and wrap - around wall mural that are the show's star attractions.
This permanent caesure in the landscape, like a wound, will reproduce the experience of loss and will testify the irreplaceable void left by those human lives.
The experience of loss affects each child differently.
Each child's experience of loss is unique to that child and needs to be understood and responded to individually.
They are based on an insight into the experience of loss and its full human implications.
«The experience of loss: Coping and the seasons for growth program» in The Australian Educational and Development Psychologist, 23 (1), 45 - 67.
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