Sentences with phrase «experience teaching people»

I have over 30 years experience teaching people of all ages how to become safe and confident drivers.
I have over three decades experience teaching people of all ages how to drive.
We have instructors who have experience teaching people with disabilities.

Not exact matches

To put it simply, a mentor is a more experienced and knowledgeable person who coaches and teaches his or her mentee.
At my firm, we not only travel internationally, we teach people to work cross-culturally, and trying to employ people who have that experience is really hard unless they're American citizens.
Al Gurg agrees and adds, «Time and experience will teach people.
But, looking back over my own experience, I feel sure that you can teach people how to work more empathetically — that is, to consider more thoroughly the needs of other people and other disciplines.
While there's sometimes no substitute for lived experience, there are also plenty of books that can save you a whole lot of heartache by teaching you basic skills that lots of young people end up learning way later than they should.
While he doesn't encourage people to simply quit something they aren't happy with, both the experience of attending law school when he wasn't really committed and the experience of quitting almost immediately taught him an important lesson.
«Nearly all employers agree that all college students should have experiences that teach them how to solve problems with people whose views are different from their own,» LinkedIn's report on in - demand skills notes.
For example, he explained that while people would buy it, he wouldn't try to teach people how to grow a speaking career, because his experiences are not replicable.
For every person I have met, every experience I have had teaches me about the world, myself and others.
She offered training that went beyond cleaning and dusting, teaching people to build great relationships with their customers and their fellow «maids» in order to provide the best possible experience for everyone.
In an episode of LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman's podcast «Masters of Scale,» Zuckerberg told Hoffman that his experience with Sandberg taught him that the «single most important thing» when it comes to scaling into a massively successful business is having founders surround themselves with the best people they can find.
Experience teaches the problem - solving, people management and leadership skills that apply to all areas of business.
On the other hand, I've been teaching for 20 years, and in my experience people can definitely discover their passion for entrepreneurship in the classroom.
To achieve this, the panels pointed to the importance of increasing dialogue between academia and business on the development of curricula to have business people teach classes but also to give students chances to experience business life through internships.
Governance expert Richard Leblanc, who teaches law, governance, and ethics at York University, echoes this and says that while people like Curran come with the appropriate transactional experience a board would be interested in, many in - house lawyers do not.
I worked on this knowing (or thinking I knew) people needed to experience building a startup and be taught largely through peer mentorship.
In general I want to meet new people and have new experiences, but I also find that if I have to teach or consult others about a topic, I end up learning a lot and solidifying my own knowledge.
The debate over whether or not trading can be taught simply boils down to the age old psychology issue of «nature vs. nurture», that is, is trading a skill that can be taught to people who have no prior experience or is it just a natural talent that you are either born with or not?
I had the opportunity to move to Busan, South Korea for a year (July 2008 — July 2009) and work with children aged 7 - 14 teaching English as a Second Language, and I welcome the opportunity to have similar experiences where I can contribute or add value to educating the little people that will eventually run our world!
One of the best ways to learn how to be a better binary options trader is to watch videos and other demonstrations of people with more experience trading or teaching tough concepts.
«I have a passion to teach and what better way to contribute what I have learned from my personal experience and from the IT industry then teaching other people.
I think some people have been taught and bought into the notion that Christians should never experience emotions like anger or bitterness.
Doctrine Over Person means allowing the cult's teachings to take front and center stage over everything else you have experienced in your life.
Besides, he seems to have plenty of people who have up close and personal experiences with what the purity culture teaches and what it does, to glean insight from.
When it comes to the Bible, my experience in churches has been that they believe it is the direct Word of God and teach people to fear it.
Most religions were founded on revelations that have been verified by other people having the same experiences — which are recorded and then form a body of wisdom teachings.
The factors of chief importance in the development of this theology were: (a) the Old Testament — and Judaism --(b) the tradition of religious thought in the Hellenistic world, (c) the earliest Christian experience of Christ and conviction about his person, mission, and nature — this soon became the tradition of the faith or the «true doctrine» — and (d) the living, continuous, ongoing experience of Christ — only in theory to be distinguished from the preceding — in worship, in preaching, in teaching, in open proclamation and confession, as the manifestation of the present Spiritual Christ within his church.
If you are not experiencing opposition in this life as a Christian than you need to take another look at the truth that the Bible and Christ taught... Jesus was a revolutionary figure who opposed the society and people that he lived with... He was not a person who was sugary sweet... and He didn't tell people what they wanted to hear... as Scripture says, the path to heaven is narrow and Few choose it... the road to hell is wide and most are following that path.
This is an important point, for, while we have often taught what is wrong with homosexuality, why it is a disorder and that «gay sex» is always morally wrong - we have been less effective at proposing the whole, positive vision of sex and love, and also what paths to fulfilment are open to people who experience same - sex attraction.
OR, might God choose to reveal truth through the experiences of a people who tried to be true to him, certain moral principles, failing again and trying again, people looking for universal truths and communicating them to their children generation after generation, orally and through writing things down, organizing themselves into communities and societies, aiming for justice, teaching each other, defending their families, lives, cities, and governments.
It should be evident that God was moving in the experience of these Semitic people, leading, teaching, strengthening, chastening, inspiring them.
In the case of the doctrine of revelation and inspiration the shift meant that the Bible and its teachings came to be viewed as the product of human cultural experience, time conditioned and relative in authority, and certainly not a suitable cognitive guide to thinking persons today.
People with low IQ are very fearful of having a lot of information thrown at them and many times don't have the ability to step out of their own experiences or handle that what they were taught by their pastor or whomever that X, Y and Z are wrong.
We may believe that God is Person, but we must do so on other grounds, such as the authority of Jesus» teaching, direct personal experience, or rational probability.
I write and teach about racism out of my own anxiety as a white person, and out of my own experiences of learning about racism and trying to find a way to join a larger movement of people working for racial justice.
From this last experience emerged what was to be his life's work — a new form of evangelisation, living with the shanty - dwellers, caring for disabled people abandoned by others, teaching, and sharing the faith.
From the shallow lakeside waters in Galilee, people are fed by his teaching in a way never experienced before.
The persons around them gain from sharing their experiences, and we teach our children to respond to them kindly or lovingly rather than with fear.
The experience of the dark night teaches us to be more comfortable in questions, in unknowing, in entering into the lives and situations of people who are in despair, knowing that somehow God is making a way.
The experience also may involve working in any one of a variety of competitive jobs that nonhandicapped people also hold, working in a sheltered workshop, or attending a program that teaches self - help skills like cooking and doing laundry, as well as various prevocational skills.
The last time I witnessed and experienced severe abuse at the hands of the Christian religion and its ministers in 2002, I vowed that if ever I would go back into ministry again, I would work to resist this power, teach others to do the same, and work to free people from the dehumanizing oppression of religion and the Church.
Paulo Freire's high - touch experiences with Brazilian literacy programs might teach us how to enfranchise digitally illiterate people in developed societies.
Christianity in particular has been interpreted as the religious experience of the peoples of Europe, constantly nourished by the life, teaching and personality of Jesus of Nazareth, and as the dominant force in the unit of Western civilization, holding together its constitutive Hebrew, Greco - Roman and Germanic elements.
But it is shared by people whose marriages have been broken, who remain unreconciled, and who» because we can do no more than «support» them in their brokenness» must experience our liturgies, architecture, and teaching as profoundly dissonant and unconvincing.
Jesus spent 30 years getting to know people in order to relate his teaching to their experience.
Instead of teaching their own positive convictions, which can help overcome a dehumanizing orthodoxy and so transform the life of the church, these schools seem to think that they will transform society and church by offering this or that course in urban studies, by relocating the setting of education to the places «where people live,» and by increased field experiences.
Why in this country do we seem to teach that having faith in god is more important then having knowledge and wisdom based on lived experience rather then stories based on 2000 year old morals and ethics???? Lets grow up and start living up to our const.ituation, or is that just another truthless notion to which people claim to live by?
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