Sentences with phrase «experienced abdominal cramping»

In the study, 90.8 % of patients experienced abdominal cramping and nausea, but almost all of them rated the side effects as mild to moderate.
You can experience abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and sometimes even death.
For example, a person may experience abdominal cramps after drinking milk, but this reaction is much more likely to be caused by lactose intolerance (in which a person lacks the enzymes to digest milk sugars) than by an allergy to milk proteins.

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Toward the end of your pregnancy, you may experience a persistent tightness due to the cramped quarters shared by your baby and your abdominal organs.
By this time, you may start to experience some early pregnancy symptoms — a missed period, abdominal cramping, mild spotting, sore breasts, and even a white vaginal discharge.
Afterward, you may experience some mild - to - moderate abdominal cramping, spotting, or bloating.
I have been experiencing rib pain, back pain, abdominal pain, head aches, heart burn, dizziness while showering, cramping, belly swelling, belly bottom swelling, tight back pains while I clean (taking lots of breaks, and fatigue.
Abdominal swelling is common in the early stages of pregnancy and some women also experience cramping, not unlike what they have during the days before menstruation.
Experiencing painful stomach cramps, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea and digestive inflammation — gain soothing comfort...
2 In particular, topical application of ricinoleic acid via Castor Oil packs may provide anti-inflammatory relief to specific parts of the body including sore joints, skin rashes, and even the abdominal area of women who are experiencing pain post menstrual cramps.
If a person experiences symptoms such as frequent infection, fatigue, headaches, vomiting, abdominal pains, nausea, tingling and numbness in the feet and hands, insomnia, muscle weakness, depression, and cramps, among other things, they may be suffering from a vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) deficiency.
People without adequate lactase activities experience incomplete lactose digestion which may result in excessive gas production, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping.
Yet another odd observation: Many, though not all, people who have removed wheat from their diet for at least several months have what I call «wheat re-exposure reactions» usually experienced as abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea (just like food poisoning); asthma attacks in the susceptible; joint swelling and pain; and emotional effects such as anxiety in women and rage in men.
Many women experience mild uterine cramping as the egg implants, which can extend to a mild backache and abdominal bloating.
If experiencing any symptoms such as; abdominal cramping, blood in the stool, fatigue (due to malabsorption), weight loss, loss of appetite, and / or rectum fissures, please see your doctor.
Dr. Natalie Engelbart, medical director of Alternative Health Solutions, says that, «Around 10 million people a year experience digestive distress while on vacation that can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, bloating and fever.
Call the doctor if... • you experience extreme abdominal tenderness, fever or persistent cramping • you have problems urinating • your stitches become extremely tender • your vaginal discharge suddenly becomes bright red and extremely heavy (soaking one large pad in the course of an hour), develops an unpleasant odour or contains clots larger than a quarter • you develop a fever or flu - like symptoms • you feel dizzy or faint, even after you have rested • you develop a hot, inflamed or red area on your leg that is tender to the touch (sign of a possible blood clot)
Some are simply sensitive to the protein, experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including nausea, digestive discomfort, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and headaches.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella may experience some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever.
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