Sentences with phrase «experienced higher blood sugar levels»

People who regularly consume chemical sugar substitutes were found to have greater difficulty regulating blood sugar, and people who do not normally consume artificial sweeteners experienced higher blood sugar levels after doing so for just one week.
Comparing the two, they concluded that breakfast skippers who didn't follow a regular, high - protein breakfast routine experience higher blood sugar levels.

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If your blood - sugar levels are high, you may experience more infections during pregnancy.
Ten of the 15 patients experienced adverse effects of the diet, which included constipation, weight loss, low blood sugar, high cholesterol in the blood and low sodium levels in the blood.
I have not experienced crashes in energy throughout the course of the day, likely because I am not consuming starchy or high - GI foods during the under - eating phase, so my blood sugar and insulin levels stay very steady.
Some people experience elevated blood sugar on a low - carb diet but it's usually just a temporary effect during the initial phase and doesn't get to «unhealthy» high levels.
Initially, you might also experience occasional low blood sugar levels, simply because the body is used to releasing a certain amount of insulin to take care of the glucose, which is suddenly no longer available in high amounts.
Enriching fatty meals with sacha inchi oil can improve insulin sensitivity in people with high levels of triglycerides, as well as in those who experience blood sugar spikes after consuming fatty food.
In the case of insulin resistance, diabetes or generally poor blood glucose regulation, the person experiences much higher blood sugar levels because of their inability to metabolize food effectively.
A food with a low glycemic index (GI) typically raises blood sugar levels only moderately, while a food with a high GI may cause blood sugar levels to increase more than desired.The higher the glycemic index of a food, the greater chance that you will experience an insulin spike which will potentially affect your metabolism.
If blood sugar levels are consistently high, you may experience fat gain.
-- Please remember that using this treatment is very effective in lowering high blood sugar levels so if at the same time you are taking medication you must regularly check your blood sugar level and if you see that it goes down slowly and gradually reduce medication as otherwise sugar level may go too low and you will experience symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
-- People with high blood sugar levels experience dry mouth because they are dehydrated as they lose too much water with urine.
Even health - conscious, active people can experience higher - than - desired blood sugar levels as they age.
If you find yourself experiencing more high - lows than chronic lows, good news: lentils are also a great source of fiber, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you from snapping under stress.
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