Sentences with phrase «experienced powerful moments»

I've experienced powerful moments of true community within the church only to have them eventually wrecked and ruined by well - intentioned people trying to turn it into something greater, or packaging it and marketing it for church growth purposes, or inflicting it with pressure to subscribe to a homogenous ideology and lifestyle, or imposing a vision upon it that turns it into an end rather than a thing of beauty in and of itself.

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«This is technically not a book about moments, despite the title; instead it's about what creates powerful experiences and memories.
Those times when I've experienced God speak in silence — both to me and to others — during corporate worship have been immeasurably powerful moments.
It might not have the powerful, huge worship moments of other festivals, or the shared experience of teaching, but Greenbelt acknowledges that an experience of the holy is bigger than our expectations.
For some it is experienced as a powerful and specifiable moment, engaging the deepest affections.
Death becomes not the sheer destruction or obliteration of life but merely its termination, the setting of a limit to the total number of indestructible experiences that comprise a given life.49 Secondly, in urging upon man the principle that his actions help determine the nature of God's everlasting memory of him, it gives very powerful inducement to highly moral and unselfish living within a cosmic perspective.50 Finally, it affirms a cosmic basis for absolutely cherishing the worth of life's every moment, inasmuch as «each moment of life is an end in itself, and not just a means to some future goal.
The singular nature of this moment may be that it provides the opportunity for a less inhibited engagement of Catholic teaching and democratic theory — less inhibited from the Catholic side because of the historical ascendancy of democracy in the framework of the Anglo - American experience, rather than the French revolutionary framework with its powerful animus against religion in general and Catholicism in particular.
Through keynote speeches by national thought leaders, inspiring moments from the business sector, and intimate networking opportunities, you will experience the impact of the organic sector in one powerful week.
And part of the sadness, I think, was the letdown which comes after an experience of such tremendous intensity; the finality which follows, bland and empty, upon the mixed and powerful emotions that surged toward the climactic moment of action.
I know my experience during the podcast was anecdotal, but it was powerful moment, specially for the immediate healing that it created.
Some of the most powerful moments from those interviews came when the scientists described the attacks they'd personally experienced because of their climate research:
Lots of small beautiful moments and being present to actually experience them and see how they can be powerful in refuelling you and giving you a whole new boost of energy for the new year that's about to start in only a week from now!
About Blog On the Sportsman Channel, Pure Hunting is a heart - pounding, visually powerful, intense hunting experience that puts you in the moment like never before through a groundbreaking approach to outdoor television.
About Blog On the Sportsman Channel, Pure Hunting is a heart - pounding, visually powerful, intense hunting experience that puts you in the moment like never before through a groundbreaking approach to outdoor television.
Our job is to capture powerful images that take you back to those memories, and allow you to experience the magic of moments that happen when you aren't looking.
Free State of Jones features a handful of moderately powerful moments that don't add up to a powerful overall experience.
I thought it was one of the most powerful moments of the whole experience.
The poetry of the film found in the natural world and the quiet moments of trust and love put in sharp contrast the senseless cruelty of systemic racism; both experiences are powerful and meaningful because these worlds existed for hundreds of years.
School trips and residentials are powerful tools in the school curriculum and, in my experience, go a long way to ensuring that those magical moments in school life are not as rare as they might be.
Think about a powerful learning experience in which the metaphorical light bulb went on, an «aha» moment.
Think about a powerful learning experience, in or out school, in which the metaphorical light bulb went on, an «aha» moment.
About Blog On the Sportsman Channel, Pure Hunting is a heart - pounding, visually powerful, intense hunting experience that puts you in the moment like never before through a groundbreaking approach to outdoor television.
Secret of Mana is still amazing more than two decades later, its moments of desperate struggle and quiet awe no less powerful than the first time we experienced them.
Howard's days are tedious and uninteresting to him, and his parents are becoming more worried by his stagnation with every passing moment, but at night he experiences powerful lucid dreams that are so powerful he finds little joy until his eyes close and dreams take him.
With only the single player to play, you will get to experience a story that is dark, powerful and has some of the best moments I've played in a shooter.
Encountering a brand new monster, obtaining a powerful weapon or when a Drake crashes your goblin slaying party with a storm of hellfire - all moments that are memorable and fun to experience.
The central theme in recent paintings is the experience of living in a moment of radical inequality, austerity, and accelerated time, set against the powerful pull of older notions of time, craft, and visual pleasure.
Glass is experienced in her powerful cylindrical sculptures as a fascinatingly translucent volume, as a block of matter that one moment ago was liquid and is now solid.
For the moment, most of the games I see have properties that could produce powerful learning experiences and build constructive communities.
It includes a generous 4.8 inch HD Super AMOLED display for a stunning viewing experience, and a variety of powerful camera features that ensure all moments are captured easily and instantly.
About Blog On the Sportsman Channel, Pure Hunting is a heart - pounding, visually powerful, intense hunting experience that puts you in the moment like never before through a groundbreaking approach to outdoor television.
Powerful questioning and probing questions help move job seekers into a position of thought — they may experience the «Ah Ha» moment, as they are moved to action considering ideas they may have not thought of otherwise.
About Blog On the Sportsman Channel, Pure Hunting is a heart - pounding, visually powerful, intense hunting experience that puts you in the moment like never before through a groundbreaking approach to outdoor television.
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