Sentences with phrase «experienced trainees»

The phrase "experienced trainees" refers to people who have already received some training and have knowledge or skills in a certain area, even though they are still in the process of learning. Full definition
This is an especially crucial fact for experienced trainees.
Exactly how much experience a trainee needs will depend on which credential they'll apply for.
You might have seen or experienced trainees giving each other crap about not hanging completely at the bottom of each rep, don't get involved in this!
For experienced trainees I'd like to address the mental block you might be having regarding not training to failure.
It uses some of the same muscles you activate during hanging leg raises, but at the same time offers support for your back, which makes it more manageable for less experienced trainees and a vital part of a truly effective abs and core workout.
More experienced trainees will be finished with their delayed transformation period and their bodies should be acclimating to training three times per week with gradually increasing loads.
It's a fair bet they're not — and most experienced trainees know this instinctively (or perhaps learned the hard way through injuries) but interpret it incorrectly to mean that they're still growing.
The dumbbell lateral raise is best suited for experienced trainees seeking to increase shoulder breadth and build a more «capped» deltoid shape.
Many experienced trainees will only take a single day off all training, completing cardio on non-resistance training days.
The reason for this is simple: an advanced trainee is capable of much higher training intensity, which taxes the muscles far more than a less experienced trainee is capable of.
For experienced trainees this will be necessary to avoid overtraining while gradually ramping up the training load, and for beginners we're taking advantage of the fact that your nervous system is now getting up to speed... but we don't want to overdo it.
If you're an experienced trainee, the initial two weeks of the program can be thought of as a period of delayed transformation (in Eastern Bloc Olympic Weightlifting lingo).
As incredible as it may seem for some experienced trainees who've been brainwashed by the mainstream, commercial bodybuilding bullshit, training with one «hard» set per body part twice per week can be quite effective for genetically typical trainees.
Experienced trainees, however, will find that biological «accomodation» and stagnation will happen within weeks to months on this program - depending on many factors such as training history, nutrition, rest and how gradually they attempt weight increases.
This is somewhat of an advanced exercise, so it may be a good idea to start your workout with these if you are an experienced trainee.
Targeting your chest, back, legs, posterior chain and conditioning levels the Heavy A ** Single Bell Endurance Battle is for experienced trainees.
For experienced trainees, strength increases or decreases do roughly correlate to gains or losses of muscle mass respectively.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trainee will determine what kind of split you use, and the frequency of your resistance training sessions.
The experienced trainee can handle doing each body - part more than once a week, so long as they get adequate recovery between same body - part sessions, and three to five day splits are popular, as well as doing two days on, one day off, and so forth.
RE: Hiring enthusiastic, hard - working, experienced trainees, sales associates, pawn brokers, etc..
These many experiences allow him to undertake the challenge of offering a book that is comprehensive in its approach to basic counseling theory and practice but practical and very reader interactive, translating complex theory and ways of understanding and applying group work into meaningful elements that beginning and experienced trainees can master and internalize.
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