Sentences with phrase «experiences of certain sorts»

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Certain established retailers have trained their customers to anticipate a different sort of instant gratification as part of the shopping experience.
Just as a closed garden makes the user experience challenge of encryption manageable, so does the centralization of data make privacy — of a certain sort — a viable business model.
Experience (of a certain sort) is treated as unambiguously revelatory, and the Bible is critically scrutinized in its light.
The result of this negative cultural attitude is that the churches remain as a sort of Western institution and experience a certain cultural «poverty».
No matter what your past history may be you are certain to find a number of available singles who have gone through the same sort of experiences.
It isn't often in the summer that you enjoy the intense pleasure of a certain kind of old - fashioned cinema experience, the sort that sweeps you up in sheer spectacle with bigger - than - life images and yet holds you close with intimately observed characters and the details that keep your eyes and mind busy.
You could also check on lenders by visiting online personal finance forums to see what sort of experiences other customers have had with certain lenders.
Professional forex trading systems are the systems that allow easy and full control over the accounts which are being used in a professional way with a certain sort of the experience in Forex trading.
It doesn't even have guilds, though certain NPC factions sort of provide a similar experience.
Just as one example, I'd like to have seen the overall real - time combat experience get tightened up a bit: the fact that the characters can only take cover behind certain objects is sort of an unnecessary limitation, and the aiming and collision detection just feel a little dated by comparison to more modern games.
In thinking about him one can not remain within the limited and relatively simple categories of the evolution of visual form: one is forced to consider the spiritual character of the man, the problem of the effect upon talent of certain kinds of experience in the modern world, the problem of the relation between traditional forms of intellect and the creative impulse in this world — and other questions of an equally unmanageable sort.
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