Sentences with phrase «experiences than fathers»

Mothers reported higher levels of both positive and negative experiences than fathers.

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It was a far different experience than the one his father had 15 years ago — for what in theory was the same operation.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Ideally, our experiences with our father should point us to the heart of a greater Father who loves us more than any earthly father ever father should point us to the heart of a greater Father who loves us more than any earthly father ever Father who loves us more than any earthly father ever father ever could.
And having had previous experience of Father Spadaro's capacity for provocation - via - Twitter, I'm prepared to think that, in this case, he may have been trying to say something other than what he seemed to be saying.
BTW, as a Christian I believe in the Trinitarian Mystery and while I realize that «when you get One, you get them all», I have a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit than I do with either the Father or Jesus, the Son, even though I don't experience most of the «psychological fireworks» that many Charismatic / Pentecostal Christians frequently do.
The whole point of these lessons we're supposed to learn is the idea that one day we become fathers, that we will grow up and have the same knowledge and experience of our fathers, sometimes more than but in terms of our relationship with god, we're supposed to accept that we're eternally children, that as much as we learn, grow and generally build upon past knowledge, we'll never attain the level of understanding or power that god has, this being is on a completely different level.
Paul experiences the extremes of sin and God's mercy, which so captivates him as to make him the spiritual father of the Gentiles: «In the history of his sin and its most gracious forgiveness, he exemplifies far more than his brother Apostles his own Gospel; that we are all guilty before God, and can be saved only by His free bounty.»
And a true relationship between a believer and their Heavenly Father can not result in anything less than the production of fruit, which creates a good testimony, and in my own experience, nothing is a better witness to the unbeliever than the good testimony of a believer.
What's more personal than all the experiences your father ever had and all the experiences the cells of his body ever had?
He has more than 20 years experience in the Food and Beverage Industry working along side his father, Richard Thorp, who started Greenfield Thorp Co. - a broker company, along with partner Aaron Greenfield in 1978.
Their children, rather than those of highly - paid white collar workers, are currently most likely to be experiencing the benefits of greater father involvement.
There are more than 300 veteran fathers who facilitate Boot Camp workshops as Coaches, and together they have a great deal of experience that we would like to offer you.
Fathers» reactions to the diagnosis are invariably very intense (Herbert & Carpenter, 1994; Hornby, 1992); fathers may experience the diagnosis as an even greater crisis than mothers do (Lamb & Laumann - Billings, 1997); and the process of adjustment can be turbulent and long - lasting (Harrison et al, 2007; Hornby,Fathers» reactions to the diagnosis are invariably very intense (Herbert & Carpenter, 1994; Hornby, 1992); fathers may experience the diagnosis as an even greater crisis than mothers do (Lamb & Laumann - Billings, 1997); and the process of adjustment can be turbulent and long - lasting (Harrison et al, 2007; Hornby,fathers may experience the diagnosis as an even greater crisis than mothers do (Lamb & Laumann - Billings, 1997); and the process of adjustment can be turbulent and long - lasting (Harrison et al, 2007; Hornby, 1992).
• As early as the 1960s, Gordon & Gordon (cited by Brockingon, 2004) found that involving the babies» fathers in a two - session ante-natal intervention that addressed the realities of postnatal experience, was more effective in preventing postpartum «emotional upsets» than just working with the mothers
Fathers will undertake learning activities that they perceive will benefit their children through: ««a desire to build stronger relationships with their children ««a belief that helping their children to learn is important for their children's success (even when their own school experience was poor) ««a strong desire for their children to do better than they did (Fletcher, 1997).
• For these and other reasons, although children in mother - stepfather families tend to experience better financial support than children in lone mother households, and their stepfathers tend to be of higher «quality» than their biological fathers in terms of education, employment, psychopathology etc. (McLanahan et al, 2006) their outcomes and adjustment are not superior to children in lone mother households, although there may be cultural variations.
There is an extremely broad range of emotions that fathers experience and often they are more bereaved than they let on.
Colic, crying, round - the - clock wakings — is it any wonder that parents experience high rates of depression in the first year after the birth of a child?A study of British parents in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine has found that more than one - third of mothers and about one - fifth of fathers seem to have weathered depression sometime between becoming parents and their children's 12th birthday, with the most episodes occurring in the first year after birth.
Personally, I think it has more to do with a chaotic childhood with a mentally ill father than our birth experience.
It may be safe to say that fathers experience more surprises after the birth of their baby than their female counterparts.
It can conservatively be estimated that more than a third of a million women living in the UK today have experienced a stillbirth; with an even greater number of bereaved fathers, family members and friends all affected by the experience.
But my experience has taught me that fathering is different than mothering in so many ways, and that we as mothers need to recognize this and value it.
Father - provided child care has become more common than in other periods experiencing similar economic conditions, the report notes.
Previous studies have reported that fathers often perceive that current information provided is not always appropriate to their needs (Barclay et al., 1996; Tohotoa et al., 2009), is maternally biased (Singh and Newburn, 2001; Tohotoa et al., 2009) and reinforces a feeling of being on the sideline rather than central to the pregnancy and birth experience (Moriaty, 2002).
Pamela Webster, Ph.D., and colleagues surveyed more than 13,000 adults whose parents had divorced, who had experienced the death of a parent, or who had never lived with their biological father.
An under - researched area within the work - life field, recent evidence suggests that working fathers may experience as much or more work - family conflict than their female counterparts.
A father's experience when bringing home a new baby is often completely different than a mother's experience.
This survey found that fathers were more much likely to feel conflicts between their working lives and personal lives in 2008 than they had been in 1977, while mothers experienced only a modest increase in these conflicts over the same period.
Although all new fathers, regardless of their youngest child's age, experienced a significant reduction in AM and / or PM T compared with nonfathers (Fig. 2 and Tables S5 and S6), fathers with newborns (1 mo old or less) at the time of follow - up hormone assessment showed significantly greater declines in AM (P = 0.023) and PM (P = 0.003) T compared with fathers whose youngest child was older than 1 y of age, which was not accounted for by reports of psychosocial stress, sleep quality, or involvement in caregiving (Tables S7 and S8).
New fathers today often have even less experience of babies and children than new mothers.
When it comes to the impact of a father's love versus that of a mother, results from more than 500 studies suggest that while children and adults often experience more or less the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, the influence of one parent's rejection — oftentimes the father's — can be much greater than the other's.
The study suggests that in the post Second World War era, fathers were more determined to cultivate much closer relationships with their children than they had experienced with their own fathers.
Parents are less impressed by academic credentials than by experience, said Sears, the father of eight.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown that mothers, but not fathers, have increased brain cortical activation in specific language processing areas when listening to infant - directed speech, suggesting that mothers have an intent to communicate and the difference in neural processing is experience - dependent.24 The mothers spoke more to infant girls than boys in early infancy.
«They had fathers, too,» he muses to Hart during a conversation where they show more similarities in experience and cause than we would have first imagined.
Carola Suárez - Orozco, Irina Todorova, and Josephine Louie, researchers from the Harvard Immigration Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, also found that 35 % of immigrant children experienced separation from their fathers for more than five years.
For example, a white female student could be from a single parent household, with a father that is incarcerated and a disabled mother, a female African - American student will have a very different experience of school than a male Native - American student.
I think it was alot easier back in the day for a parent to support their child for a college education... the rates now are just so rediculous... ontop of all the other things a parent has to save for now... 401k, IRA, costs of everything have gone up... i think rather than funding the education it would be wise for hte parents to give some money to them to live while at college as you point out that... part of college is more than just the text book education... its about the life education... and if they had to work they might miss out on some of that life education... i had college for free as my father worked at one... but i still lived on campus as part of college is the experience... i hate paying hte loans now but it was part of the experience that i will forever remember..
Although it would be a romantic dream to have the company lead by the father of Mario, I think Takeda - san has more corporate experience and really understands hardware; it was he who argued for a new interface for the Wii rather than just a faster Gamecube with better graphics.
[3] Although Kiki's work takes a very different form than that of her parents, early exposure to her father's process of making geometric sculptures allowed her to experience formal craftsmanship firsthand.
[Wade Horn's «Father Facts» quoting Henry B. Biller in Fathers and Families, Paternal Factors in Child Development, Auburnhouse, Westport, CT 1993]: «Children with an involved father are exposed to more varied social experiences and are more intellectually advanced than those who only have regular contact with their mFather Facts» quoting Henry B. Biller in Fathers and Families, Paternal Factors in Child Development, Auburnhouse, Westport, CT 1993]: «Children with an involved father are exposed to more varied social experiences and are more intellectually advanced than those who only have regular contact with their mfather are exposed to more varied social experiences and are more intellectually advanced than those who only have regular contact with their mother.
Together, these outcomes suggest that fathers» symbolic commitment to the fatherhood role may be more important than their doubts about paternity when it comes to the lived experience of the family.
'' [O] nly a minority of children in single - parent families are maladjusted; the majority evince no psychopathology or behavioral symptoms, whether or not they experience psychic pain... Although many social scientists have emphasized the effects of father absence on child adjustment, Amato's research clearly indicates that the bivariate association between the two variables is much weaker than one might expect.
Well - fathered children have a greater breadth of positive social experiences than those exclusively reared by their mothers.»]
«Children whose fathers showed little emotional involvement were more likely to have experienced poverty than children whose fathers were emotionally involved with their children.
Fluff — Children with an involved father have more varied social experiences and are more intellectually advanced than those who only have regular contact with their mother.
By contrast, non-violent fathers were less than half as likely to display unsupportive prenatal behaviors, and fewer than a quarter experienced a breakup with the mother during pregnancy.
The vast majority of these fathers are not in a relationship with the mother shortly after the birth, and more than three - quarters experienced a break up during pregnancy.
They are likely to have «experienced» the process of disassociation from women much less strongly than boys from father - mother households.
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