Sentences with phrase «experiences than the children»

That's a very different experience than the child who has had to go it on their own from the beginning.
Agreeably, students from poverty are often lacking in experiences than children from higher - income families.
There are ways in which the American children of single parents report more positive experiences than the children of married parents.

Not exact matches

Western Australia's major hunger relief organisation, Foodbank WA, has released its first national report, finding more than one in five children experienced «food insecurity» over the past year.
Neural nets offered the prospect of computers» learning the way children do — from experience — rather than through laborious instruction by programs tailor - made by humans.
It's more reminiscent of a child being noisy in a classroom than of a terrifying, dangerous, and life - altering experience for a woman.
An employee who spends 250 days a year with his employer, who spends more time at the office than with his or her own children on any week day, is investing most of their human experience with that employer.
People over 50 with more money, more experience, and fewer concerns about their children's futures are starting businesses at rates higher than almost any other demographic.
By experiencing, even for a brief moment, the stares of others and the struggles faced by these children, donors gain a visceral understanding that the birth defect is more than a cosmetic issue.
when Facebook market research in Australia engaged in sentiment analysis of more than 6.4 million Australian youth, including 1.9 million high schoolers as young as 14 years old, to estimate when those children were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being «worthless» or a «failure» as part of research conducted for marketers.
There have been lapses in this program, most notably last year when Facebook market research in Australia engaged in sentiment analysis of more than 6.4 million Australian youth, including 1.9 million high schoolers as young as 14 years old, to estimate when those children were at their most vulnerable, experiencing feelings of being «worthless» or a «failure» as part of research conducted for marketers.
And in his book, Children of the Great Depression, Glen Elder wrote that adolescents who experienced hardship in the 1930s became especially adaptable, family - oriented adults; perhaps, as a result of this recession, today's adolescents will be pampered less and counted on for more, and will grow into adults who feel less entitled than recent generations.
What if my goal wasn't to win the game, but to leave people better than I found them — better loved, better experiencing their identity as a child of God, better equipped to love others?
I wouldn't want heaven any other way than with my dear wife with me and me with her — just as we were side by side when we were married, when our children were born, when our house burned down, and through many other experiences that have made us strong.
The Vision document has four main elements: equipping children academically and emotionally for the world; providing places of healing for children who have mental health problems or who've suffered bad experiences; providing a welcoming place for all rather than just Christians, and; upholding the dignity and respect of each individual, who is made by God.
These ideas come from our own childhood, whether good or bad, from the media and from seeing the experiences of our friends and relatives: pushing prams with sleeping babies along the riverside, teaching our children to walk, training them how to draw with crayons rather than eat them, answering cute questions, making star charts, walking them to school.
But when I see all the people that are older than me or have wisdom and experience that I don't have (maybe forgetting that I probably have wisdom and experience that they don't have too), sometimes I feel like a child.
The reality, however, is that fewer and fewer men are living out fatherhood than ever before, and fewer and fewer children are experiencing paternity.
More than 80 per cent of children who experience long - term poverty come from broken or unmarried families.
Sex Before the Fall If the primary purpose of sex is for children rather than for making love, how would this have been experienced before the Fall, before concupiscence?
You «christians» are nothing more than hypocritical sunday christians who go to church, put on a face for a few hours per week, then come home and BEAT YOUR CHILDREN because you say the bible says to use the «Rod»... Do I speak from experience?
This is the approach to experience that we have sought to inspire in our children, more by model than insistence.
The God we encounter there is the God in whom we live and move and have our being, the God who rejoices over His children with signing, the God who spreads Her wings over Her children like an eagle over her chicks, the God who loved the world enough to experience all of its pain alongside of us, the God who — as Nadia Bolz - Weber puts it — «would rather die than be in the sin accounting business anymore,» the God who loves to watch us play.
The whole point of these lessons we're supposed to learn is the idea that one day we become fathers, that we will grow up and have the same knowledge and experience of our fathers, sometimes more than but in terms of our relationship with god, we're supposed to accept that we're eternally children, that as much as we learn, grow and generally build upon past knowledge, we'll never attain the level of understanding or power that god has, this being is on a completely different level.
We now know that, in all socioeconomic groups, children raised outside of intact two - parent families are significantly more likely than their peers to drop out of high school, end up in prison and experience serious psychological distress.
To this day, many experience less - than - human treatment, especially women and children.
Despite this, I still believe in God because of some experiences I've had as a child... other than that, I think people should start considering things through a rational, scientific perspective.
this just shows that the world is getting weirder by the day... the pope is right, the world is experiencing amnesia nowadays... people especially in the west tends to have this amnesia coz they believe that they can live without God... they believe that they do nt need Him coz, they still able to survive... BUT what they do nt realize what these are all temporary... just look at the crisis going on right now... maybe God is still a mystery coz only FAITH can conquer mystery... can anybody out there lead me to any person who can create simply a tree, a true living tree... we know for sure that there are some who can create furnitures out from a tree... im really bothered that the world will end sooner than later... GOD FORBIDS... history just keeps on repeating itself... what a pity for the small children and the coming generation...
A study by JAMA Pediatrics, which focused on children in Denmark and Sweden, found that those who'd experienced the death of a sibling before age 18 were more than 70 percent more likely to die during the course of the nearly four decade study than those who had not lost a sibling.
To whatever extent in primitive men or young children dominant occasions of experience are determined more by new stimuli received through the body than by continuity with past dominant occasions, the requisite identity through time is lacking.
The persons around them gain from sharing their experiences, and we teach our children to respond to them kindly or lovingly rather than with fear.
Children experience time as moving slowly because they generally live at a less abstract and complex level of consciousness than do adults.
Moreover, who would want to argue that the experience of adults is generally more pleasurable than that of children?
Schools that are racially integrated — assuming that the way integration is achieved promotes unity rather than division in the community — will have the greatest need and opportunity to provide those daily experiences that make this real for children.
Moreover, returning to our child / adult contrast, it would seem odd to hold that the experience of childhood is «emptier» than that of later years.
Yet in their daily experience of the material world — from the houses they live in to expectations they have for their children to their anxieties about a retirement income — many married clergywomen live a more secure life than that of their male counterparts.
Narrative ministry, so to speak, finds no more receptive audience than a group of young people, particularly a group of high - powered, pressured children and adolescents who have not frequently experienced the joy and luxury of having stories told to them.
The president insisted more than once, that if a parent has a young child who is experiencing some sort of gender confusion, and it happens to be a boy, for example, they should not tell him he was born a male and should embrace that reality.
More than a few questions linger in the wake of these six attempts to reimage redemption: How, one may ask, can we experience the process of letting - go without falling victim to the surrender imagery that has done such harm to women and children, particularly in abusive situations?
I do believe that Colton had an unusual experience, especially given the astonishing details he communicated, but I think that his experience was metaphorical rather than literal, in the sense that God might have been comforting him as a child during his plight.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
After a weekend of a lot of different claims, Monday came with a little more insight: The D.C. area isn't experiencing any more missing children than normal, they simply are starting to utilize social media to share missing children's pictures.
I hope that my children's experience with music somehow hearkens back to Grandma, whose farming parents obsessed more over their crops than over their children.
My experience with Muslims is less than nice and I believe that Black men who go from whatever religion they were born with (Baptist usually) turn into Muslims because they see the opportunity to suppress their own black women; forcing them to wear scarfs and burkas and on their female children as well.
In fact, the role of the family loomed so important with most of the respondents that, as Dr. Albert Solnit of Yale's Child Study Center put it, people cherish their families and family history «even when their experience has been less than perfect.»
When your gluten - free, dairy - free creations are better than what everyone else is having, well... imagine the boost in confidence your child will experience.
Kathy Alexander, chair of Administrators of the City of Greater Geelong and former CEO of the Royal Children's and Royal Women's Hospitals Melbourne from 2000 to 2004, says women (or men) who take time out to raise children should focus on the positives of that experience and how it might actually make them a better leader — rather than expect negative conseChildren's and Royal Women's Hospitals Melbourne from 2000 to 2004, says women (or men) who take time out to raise children should focus on the positives of that experience and how it might actually make them a better leader — rather than expect negative consechildren should focus on the positives of that experience and how it might actually make them a better leader — rather than expect negative consequences.
Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, Midway provides women and children experiencing homelessness with much more than shelter and meals including case management, support groups, job training, mental health services, and a Children's children experiencing homelessness with much more than shelter and meals including case management, support groups, job training, mental health services, and a Children's Children's Program.
About WGBH Boston: WGBH Boston is America's preeminent public broadcaster and the largest producer of PBS content for TV and the Web, including Frontline, Nova, American Experience, Masterpiece, Antiques Roadshow, Arthur, Curious George and more than a dozen other prime - time, lifestyle, and children's series.
For more than 75 years, YMCA Camp Campbell has provided enriching outdoor experiences to thousands of children, families, and adults from all over the greater San Jose area.
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