Sentences with phrase «experiments on»

Experiments on it have illustrated what genes are made of, confirmed Darwinian evolution, and helped sequence the human genome.
In experiments on normal and MLL cells from mice and humans, the researchers demonstrated that beta - catenin is activated in cancer stem cells that prompt leukaemic blood cells to multiply.
It also slams what it calls redundancy in such research, citing, for example, three separate NIH experiments on sepsis and hemorrhage in dogs.
Moreover, experiments on an ovarian cancer murine model that investigated the effects of orally administered ONA resulted in longer lifespans and inhibited ovarian cancer tumor development.
Experiments on memory reveal how slippery our sense of truth can be.
Experiments on Earth using microgravity have shown that stem cells — the master cells that produce all organ and tissue cell types — will grow faster, compared to conventionally grown cells.
«I still think it has the potential to work, if we can figure out how to deliver it and keep it established,» says MacDonald, who has been doing biological - control experiments on a rare stand of chestnuts in Wisconsin.
They built on Ivan Pavlov's classic experiments on dogs, in which Pavlov would ring a bell before giving his dogs food.
By conducting a series of experiments on young plants, the researchers have shown that the growth of the lodgepole pine is greatly affected by which organisms live in the soil.
In experiments on zebrafish, Freiburg researchers have demonstrated that the same proteins that lead to the formation of metastases in humans also cause the cells to migrate during embryonic development.
The new system now demonstrated will soon allow further experiments on phase transitions in classical systems and in the quantum universe as well as tests in the field of nonlinear physics (e.g. solitons) to be performed in a well - controlled comparative system.
In the name of the pseudoscience of eugenics, Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime exterminated millions of Jews, Gypsies, mental patients, and disabled people between 1933 and 1945, and carried out experiments on concentration - camp prisoners.
Existing forensic techniques are limited in their ability to determine exactly when a stab wound was inflicted, but experiments on the bodies of 64 stab victims may point to a more precise method.
Experiments on fruit flies suggest their stabilisation systems are similar to the gyroscopes of early aeroplanes.
Connor says the approach can work with some stages of the viral life cycle but not with others, and experiments on a pseudotype will always have to be confirmed using the actual virus; sometimes the two organisms behave differently.
This promising technology is slated to fly as one of several experiments on an external pallet to be deployed on the International Space Station in 2018.
While conducting experiments on an animal fed a sugar - free diet, Bernard discovered that the liver stores sugar as glycogen.
In the future, we plan to coordinate these experimental efforts with related experiments on LLNL's National Ignition Facility that study plasticity at even higher pressures.»
In spite of its name, ALICE is one of the two smaller experiments on the ring.
Among other things, the law requires facilities to win approval for animal experiments from the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals.
Further detailed experiments on a wide range of parameters, theoretical modelling and numerical simulation are still needed.
In order to understand Webb's observations, scientists will need to conduct experiments on Earth.
In middle school, Conley conducted experiments on a tarantula.
Several accounts point to the influence of Byron's physician, Polidori (who later poisoned himself with prussic acid), and his discussions of experiments on spontaneous generation by Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles.
His early experiments on the composition of hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid were published as a successful textbook, Elements of Experimental Chemistry, which ran to its 11th edition by 1829.
While other papers have examined these mutations using expensive and time - consuming experiments on live ferrets and laboratory cell cultures, Deem and Melia Bonomo used the pEpitope method to rapidly calculate how much the egg - passage mutations would decrease vaccine efficacy in humans.
In his masterwork Experiments on the Generation of Insects, published in 1668, he described clever experiments that showed maggots could appear only if flies had access to the meat to lay their eggs.
Insights from experiments on animals are often difficult to apply to humans, Hartung, of Johns Hopkins University, said in a news briefing February 12.
The study notes that narrowing down that percent range requires particle accelerator experiments on water ice to more accurately gauge the number of chemical reactions that result per unit of energy deposited by cosmic rays and solar energetic particles.
The researchers are currently performing experiments on specific lncRNAs to reveal their precise functions within the inner ear sensory epithelium.
These interstellar «lighthouse beacons» are invaluable for doing observational experiments on a variety of astronomical phenomena, including measuring gravity waves.
A physician who allegedly conducted human brain - activity experiments on people associated with the NXIVM corporation has apparently not published a scientific study in years and there is no indication his private research was being overseen by an independent review board, according to a medical expert and records of the NIH and U.S. National Library of Medicine.
So why are UK scientists still conducting antiquated experiments on animals that have, for decades, proved ineffective, while modern non-animal testing methods have advanced by leaps and bounds?
But de Blasio says a statue of Doctor Marion Sims, who conducted experiments on slaves, will be relocated from Central Park to Greenwood Cemetery, where he is buried.
The first activist then jokes that he or she is «gonna run some medical experiments on them» before the second adds: «We could use them as substitutes for animals when testing.»
In July 2010, figures published by the Home Office showed that experiments on animals in the UK had fallen by 1 % to just over 3.6 million, with a 10 % decrease in the number of toxicology tests carried out on animals.
Experiments on cats keep domestic pets healthy and help humans suffering from spinal damage and blindness.
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), whose goal is to create «battle - winning technologies» for the Ministry of Defence, has registered a 17 % increase in experiments on pigs, rabbits, monkeys and rodents over the last two years.
She's also conducted experiments on how these styles of interaction affect self - regulation — specifically, how children comply with the expectations of others.
Unfortunately or luckily, we do not conduct experiments on pregnant, breastfeeding moms.
Dr. Bradley did some experiments on his nurses who gave births naturally and saw how well babies and mothers responded to the bonding right after the birth.
Psychologist Harry Harlow conducted a number of controversial experiments on social isolation in rhesus monkeys which demonstrated the devastating effects of disrupting early attachments.
You will live with your kid and every day will be a constant reminder of how selfish you were to carry out experiments on your baby.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a Washington - based group that promotes low - fat, vegetarian diets and opposes what it deems inhumane experiments on animals and humans, acknowledges that it has conducted no independent research.
Or share pictures of your experiments on our Facebook page.
When toddlers and preschoolers do science, they will tend to create experiments on their own.
Recent experiments on American first graders suggest that approximation activities are helpful.
See their experiments on video on their site, or on youtube to see the comparison and see «live» how they actually do decompose.
In experiments on newborns, infants showed a drop in cortisol levels when they were stroked by a caregiver who rocked them, made eye contact, and spoke soothingly.
We love egg experiments on Science Sparks.
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