Sentences with phrase «expert on biofuels»

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Less than 2 years ago, Princeton agriculture expert Tim Searchinger published a paper in Science that sought to quantify how growing biofuels on cropland in the United States could lead to deforestation abroad.
Karen Street wrote: «If we're going to address climate change, it's going to start with solutions experts agree on (efficiency, low - GHG sources such as nuclear, carbon capture and storage, wind, geothermal, cellulosic biofuels, and eventually solar)...»
If we're going to address climate change, it's going to start with solutions experts agree on (efficiency, low - GHG sources such as nuclear, carbon capture and storage, wind, geothermal, cellulosic biofuels, and eventually solar), and processes that experts agree on (increasing the cost of GHG emissions, funding more R&D, mandates sometimes).
Our very own Brian Merchant will be on board the Alaska Airlines biofuel maiden flight on Wednesday and will have a chance to talk to the experts, so expect more details on this soon.
For more details on why biofuels are not a good way to harvest the sun's energy, check out this post, which explains the math from Nobel - Winning photosynthesis expert Hartmut Michel.
The ethanol lobby's ad shows President Obama with a devil on one shoulder and a figure with a halo on the other, saying he must choose to listen to his «own experts» or to «the oil industry,» which it says «is lying about biofuels
But with food prices rising sharply in recent months, many experts are calling on countries to scale back their headlong rush into green fuel development, arguing that the combination of ambitious biofuel targets and mediocre harvests of some crucial crops is contributing to high prices, hunger and political instability.
Rob Bailey, a biofuels expert at Oxfam, questioned the accuracy of Schafer's claims and said it was critical to focus on eliminating biofuel subsidies in the US as it was one of the few policy levers in the hands of western governments.
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