Sentences with phrase «experts surveyed»

One of our favorite methods is the group expert interview and group expert survey.
Despite the ongoing discussions globally, most experts surveyed seemed to think global governments will keep the crypto community waiting for what it wants most, regulatory clarity.
Eighty per cent of experts surveyed said that they had in the past undertaken expert witness training.
Juries are not equipped to understand technical expert evidence, according to 60 % of experts surveyed by Bond Solon.
That's, at least, the opinion of more than 700 commercial real estate experts surveyed for the Urban Land Institute's and PricewaterhouseCoopers» annual Emerging...
Additive manufacturing so far has tapped just eight percent of its global market potential, according to consensus views of industry experts surveyed by Wohlers.
Still, eight of the 11 NFL draft experts we surveyed before the draft were projecting USC quarterback Sam Darnold to go first overall.
Of the market experts surveyed by ArtTactic, 78 % placed the speculation level at 7 or more, using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is very high speculation.
«Experts we surveyed found that entanglement in plastic and other pollution could pose a long term impact on the survival of some turtle populations and is a greater threat to them than oil spills.
For the love of Gilda; Where Mister Rogers» spirit endures; Shipwreck expert surveys «Little Mermaid»; Pine and Bridges on «Hell or High Water»; Praising «Shades of Blue.»
Scantron can help with expert survey services or easy do - it - yourself software solutions.
Nonetheless, the Globescan survey reveals that nearly three - quarters of the 1,000 experts surveyed agreed that «equitable economic growth and development and significant progress in combating climate change can be achieved at the same time.»
One possible reason for this discrepancy is that the pre-existing literature for onshore wind sometimes focuses primarily on reductions in the up - front cost of wind projects, while expert survey results demonstrate that such improvements are only one means of achieving overall levelized cost of energy reductions.
«Though expert surveys are not without weaknesses, these results can inform policy discussions, R&D decisions, and industry strategy development while improving the representation of wind energy in energy - sector and integrated - assessment models,» concludes Wiser.
It's also why experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum recently named our failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change as one the biggest (and more ominously, one of the most likely) existential threats to humanity.
Although preliminary estimates from published literature and expert surveys suggest striking agreement among climate scientists on the tenets of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), the American public expresses substantial doubt about both the anthropogenic cause and the level of scientific agreement underpinning ACC.
Conduct research to identify potential practitioner and academic legal experts to participate in the QRQ expert survey;
Articulate public speaker Retail and commercial architecture Microsoft Office expert Auto CAD expert Surveying... CAD Education Associate of Applied Science: Architecture 1993 Central Ohio Technical College Newark
Experts surveyed in the latest Zillow Home Price Expectations Survey also expect the shift, either by 2018 or 2019.
84 per cent of the 106 experts surveyed on the Atlantic, Pacific Caribbean, Mediterranean and Indian ocean coast, who responded said they had found turtles tangled in rubbish, including plastic debris and lost or discarded fishing gear.
The good times for commercial real estate are likely to keep going a little longer, according to experts surveyed for the latest Consensus Forecast survey from the Pension Real Estate Association (PREA)...
More than two - thirds of 165 experts surveyed by Bond Solon think the reforms will fail to achieve their goal of increasing access to justice, and only six per cent thought access would be improved.
Some of the experts surveyed said that not all stranded turtles are found and that some are removed by local people to eat.
However, according to the INTERPOL report, only 18 of the 44 experts surveyed had made the switch.
84 per cent of the 106 experts surveyed on the Atlantic, Pacific Caribbean, Mediterranean and Indian ocean coast, who responded said they had found turtles tangled in rubbish, including plastic debris and lost or disgarded fishing gear.
He also pointed to the «vast numbers» of self - published ebooks that have come onto the market in recent years: according to experts surveyed by the magazine last year, self - published ebooks account for anything between # 58m and # 175m.
The below animation illustrates the evolution of home price expectations among members of our expert survey panel since the housing bust.
They were able to correctly identify the breed 27 percent of the time, and only one in about seven dogs could be correctly identified by more than 70 percent of the experts surveyed.
Although many of the experts surveyed said they did not believe the bill would be capable of reducing firearm homicides, a bulk of Americans still supports it.
An expert survey might not meet their needs, the outcomes might be uncomfortable.
The Index relies on over 100,000 household and 2,400 expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced in everyday life around the world.
Another measuring highlight was the launch of the 2015 Rule of Law Index of the World Justice Project which provides what is probably the world's most comprehensive insights about how people experience rule of law based on 100.000 household and 2400 experts surveys.
The WJP Rule of Law Index is the world's leading source for original data on the rule of law, relying on over 100,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced by ordinary people worldwide.
The WJP Rule of Law Index is the world's leading source for original data on the rule of law, relying on over 110,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced and perceived by the general public worldwide.
The Index relies on over 100,000 household and 2,400 expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced in practical, everyday situations by ordinary people around the world.
Our latest Index release relies on over 100,000 household and 2,400 expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced in practical, everyday situations around the world.
WASHINGTON, DC (31 January 2018)-- The World Justice Project (WJP) today released the 2017 - 2018 WJP Rule of Law Index ® which measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries worldwide based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys.
The 2017 - 2018 edition covers 113 countries and jurisdictions, relying on more than 110,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced and perceived in practical, everyday situations by the general public worldwide.
Some 39 of the 141 experts surveyed have been pressurised to change their report.
While only 15 % of the experts surveyed had been involved in hot - tubbing, a Jackson reform still in its early stages, those who had gone through the process were positive about it.
Of 109 experts surveyed by expert witness training provider Bond Solon, 80 % agreed with Moses LJ's comments in June, delivering judgment in R v Henderson that medical experts in practice were a «far more reliable source» of evidence.
The WJP Rule of Law Index ® 2017 - 2018 measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries and jurisdictions worldwide based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys.
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