Sentences with phrase «explain it to people»

If anything has gotten easier for Barkan despite the physical and emotional challenges that comes with his illness, it's that the issues he is now advocating for are much simpler to explain to people than US interest rate policy, which has been his focus at the Center for Popular Democracy.
They had to spend money to explain to people what they had and why it is a good thing.
Pick the person to whom you want to delegate and explain to the person (a) what job you want done, and (b) by when and how you want it to be done.
I knew it would be a difficult concept to explain to people here when I first started it in 2013 (plus it was not innovative or tech sexy), but I had no idea I would have to deal with «eye - glaze face» as often as I did when I first started.
Which is why most of her effort has gone to explaining to people what a cryptocurrency is and how it works.
I have taken issue with some of Robert Kiyosaki's teachings for years and have found it difficult to explain to people how it is a great book but a horrible one at the same time.
I tried to explain to people that $ 100 in sales every month is the same as give or take a $ 20K CD paying 5 %, but it always fly's over their heads...
It is sometimes a little hard to explain it to people but more and more places are accepting crypto - currencies.
So when you can explain to people: here's this tainted meat that was found in a marketplace and to be able to track and trace that back in a trustworthy way, there's a tangibility, that makes it more compelling to explain.
I have to explain to people it was a joke.
If Romney doesn't explain to people why things will be okay if those policies are implemented, then all people will have is Obama's explanation that Romney will take away your health care and retirement (and trade in Granma's health care for coupons) so that Romney's Bain friends can make even more money.
«What those families did for me I can't even start to explain to people.
Explain this to me people, Why is it in most our Black communities is there Churches blocks away from each other?
Constantly having to explain yourself to people who you haven't seen for years is tough as well.
Paul explained to the people of Lystra, who wanted to make gods of him and Barnabas, that God in past generations had not left himself without a witness.
My goodness, why does this always have to be explained to people like you?
Because Britain's mainstream mass media - BBC, newspapers - focused mainly on the protesters opposed to the Pope visiting Spain, it was hard to explain to people, once I got home, the reality of what World Youth Day was like.
It was awkward explaining to people that the reason I was carrying around a stadium cushion was because I was on my period and considered «unclean,» and going a year without a haircut has been bad for everyone.
You can understand it when you hear it, and you can explain it to people.
They're human, so they haven't known how to explain this to people who are so caring and are interested in this new little Alaskan.
I keep trying to explain to people who just don't seem to get it that I try to provide safe spaces for people to share their experiences.
Bell explains to the person that his body has burned out its ability to handle the chemical (alcohol) which he has been using to cope with stress.
Speaking during News Hour he said: «I've been pastoring this church for six years and began to recognise pretty early on that you just keep needing to explain to people what a tabernacle is and spelling it.
Maybe instead of founding a new religion I could take an existing one and explain to people how I and my little group have figured out the correct interpretation of its holy book.
It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines.
If the Preparation truths of the Gospel help people understand why we need to believe in Jesus for eternal life, the proof truths help us explain to people how Jesus can offer eternal life to anyone who believes in Him for it.
I'll pray... and if asked will explain to people....
«We got tired of explaining to people that we were not like those other Baptists,» said its pastor George Mason, a member of the Fellowship's governing board.
Spatially Challenged is impossible to explain to people.
It's tricky to explain to people what I eat as I don't fit into a bracket!
My healths been playing up too recently, I keep pushing myself because I get so frustrated with not just being normal (although what even is normal) and sometimes I feel ashamed or embarrassed to explain to people my condition, or why I can't eat like everyone else or why sometimes I can be fine one day and the next day everything will have changed.
I also try to explain to people just what you said: eating GF «typically» cuts out a lot of processed foods and forces you to make your own food... that's what makes most people feel better... it's not the gluten proteins!
They can also be a dish as well as a conversation piece as you explain to people how you made them.
I was just explaining to some people here in Ireland about egg nog and they were very confused — this recipe is going to inspire me to make a vegan batch and show them how delicious it is!
I love Biscoff so much, it's hard to explain to people most of the time how good it tastes.
Although not without controversy he's akin to a modern - day hero by providing disadvantaged teenagers the same opportunity he had in the restaurant industry (Fifteen), taking fake fried meat and flavoured milk out of kids lunches (School Dinners) and explaining to people that a hot chip is not counted as a vegetable serving (The Food Revolution & The Ministry of Food).
We all agree that if we don't respect the rules you have to be punished, but to explain to people how that works is very difficult.»
You have to explain to people why you are relevant.
Watching a car overtake another car gives us fans a feeling that you can't quite explain to people who aren't into motorsport but like everything, too much of it makes it less special.
I «ve been explaining to people what happened in that fight... right when it happened and afterwards... more or less exactly like Mendez is explaining it now.
Still, she had found herself unable to explain that to people — many often don't understand the financial realities of a marriage license.
You may also want to explain to people who care for your child (babysitters / other family members) what a night terror is and what to do if one happens.
We don't use any of these products, I try not to buy too much processed foods as it is... but this is really useful for when I explain to people why Nestle (and many other such companies) are evil.
It is hard to explain to people that BF for a year or more though!
We are new to co-sleeping but I find myself trying to explain to people or feeling bad when I say «oh, he sleeps with us»... I'm not going to do that anymore!
There is a job of work for all of us to normalise breastfeeding and to explain it to people.
(If your child inadvertently offends an adult, Wright suggests explaining to the person that your child is learning his colors.)
I see you emotionally drained from having to explain to another person that «Yes, it is normal he still wakes to feed».
I've worked with people who think it's better to get a convertible car seat, as it will grow with their child, but I explain to people that an infant seat (if your budget allows you to purchase both) is fantastic, because transferring the baby from the car into a stroller or into the house makes life so much easier when they're in an infant seat.
This question irks me, but I take the time to explain to people about how open adoption works and how potential adoptive families generally get picked.
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