Sentences with word «explainer»

An "explainer" is someone or something that helps make something complicated or confusing easier to understand by explaining it in a simple and clear way. Full definition
Watch this short explainer video on the price movement of Bitcoin — Question is, what will the Bitcoin price be in November 2017 and 2018?
Watch our video explainer on how the ECB is helping the financial system stay safe by encouraging «ethical hacking»...
(You can watch a video explainer of the experiment here.)
The following is a list of key explainers for core concepts and things you want to know as you play through the game, including a tease of how to unlock the game's many exotics and how the end - game content works.
No need to stress — check out our full explainer on how disability insurance works.
Still, there are plenty of signs that there's room for a global accord to emerge, with every faction — from the poorest to the richest — finding a comfort zone thanks to the 24 - year - old clause in the original climate treaty laying out nations» «common but differentiated responsibilities» (here's a great explainer from McGill's Center for International Sustainable Development Law).
Here are Frequently Asked Questions and Answers — in short explainer videos — it's FREE!
Policygenius has a good explainer on how to survive the Equifax data breach right here.
married and dating someone else hook up steam link speed Introduction Though perhaps best known throughout the world for his science fiction, Isaac Asimov was also regarded as one of the great explainers of science.
To prompt nuanced discussion backed up by facts, they first gave students a news - article explainer about the alt - right, then pushed the students to describe what they thought followers of the alt - right believed.
This article can help you create explainer videos that reduce cognitive overload and enhance the benefits of your eLearning course.
Online, where we publish multiple daily stories, we focus on breaking news, though we are also interested in enterprise stories — that is, stories not tied to press releases, such as explainers on trending news and Q&A s with interesting researchers.
Most people don't, so here's a quick explainer of why these two technology giants can't get along, and what it means for users.
To learn more about how it works, read the full explainer here.
This isn't the first Tin Can API explainer article ever written.
OK so here at Eight Interactive we make animated explainer videos for eLearning and not blockbuster films or fictional books.
This in - depth explainer by The Alliance of Independent Authors looks at a variety of nuances and explains why you might want to submit your book to both IngramSpark and CreateSpace.
Check out our handy guide on how to get started if you're new to the series, along with explainers on using Hero Feathers, changing nicknames in the game, boosting your characters with Unlock Potential, upgrading character star ratings and adding friends in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Chau offered a brief explainer on how color profiles work and how Android Oreo understands both the color profile of the device it's running on and the color space encoded in the image or graphic asset it's displaying.
For our extroverted friends, the book should also serve as a helpful explainer for the quieter third of the office.
To learn more about the effects of changes in the cash rate on the domestic economy, see Explainer: The Transmission of Monetary Policy.
Doggone Safe has an excellent explainer on reading dog body language and warning signs.
Late last year, I spent an enlightening evening with Neil deGrasse Tyson — astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium, and science explainer extraordinaire.
But education issues are heavily state and local; the variances across state lines make high - level discussion of educator benefits especially difficult to tackle in traditional explainer pieces.
See here for our full explainer page on long - term disability insurance costs.
EdChoice KY will continue to release explainers answering questions on the subject.
For more tips on building your brand, find out the 4 things your brand style guide needs, how to build your visual language, and why explainer videos can help your brand.
The rebranding also includes a new explainer video.
While the concept of the semantic tree may only be familiar to those with a computer science background (here's a pretty good basic explainer from Quora, if you're interested), the gist of Musk's advice should be clear to anyone: don't wade into the weeds of a subject before you have a conceptual framework — the main ideas and debates at the heart of the discipline — mastered.
March 22: Take part in a book discussion of Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words (Acton)
Plenty of news organizations around the country wrote explainers, too.
Everything you ever wanted to know about electric vehicles, including explainers, FAQs, a buying guide and much more.
In this article, I'll share the 7 steps to make explainer videos for your eLearning course.
Rinearson is also making all things crypto more accessible: She keeps a blog on Medium and has even created a Bitcoin explainer guide featuring poop and baby cherub emojis.
A short video explainer outlines a future where Bitcoin is the preferred medium of exchange for everything and permits cheaply settling international trades; swapping precious metals and commodities in seconds; and opening new trading options for farmers, manufacturing companies, metal miners, oil refineries and more.
New York About Blog We write and produce explainer videos for tech marketing.
Have a look at this 60 - second explainer on what might happen if Scotland votes «Yes» and what might happen if Scotland votes «No».
There are a bunch of reasons whole life insurance (and by extension, child whole life insurance) is a bad investment product — we wrote a great explainer post at Investor in the Family about whole life as a retirement strategy.
Understanding this complex and rapidly evolving space can be challenging, but in an in - depth explainer from BI Intelligence we've made it simple.
For further detailed information on the closed backdoor and future security updates for the Android Market, head over to the Google Mobile blog, where a rather detailed explainer of what's going on and what's being done went up at 10 p.m. last night.
There are other color profiles out there, but realistically, if you're in a position to encounter them, you probably already know what you're doing and don't need a basic explainer like this!
This a great eLearning tool that enables anyone involved in training and development or with establishing eLearning courses to create their own explainer videos about any topic.
«Users have all sorts of opinions about what news counts as «fake,» which is, of course, exactly the problem,» reads a Vox explainer about the change.
With his bestselling book «Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know — And Doesn't,» Prothero became the country's leading explainer of how religion undergirds much of American life and history - in ways that most us don't realize.
You can find the entire explainer here, but the basic gist is that winners crop up every quarter based on the score.
In this article, I'll explore each step of the process, so that you can make engaging and entertaining explainer videos for your audience.
Most online sportsbooks will have a simple explainer as to the bet types they take and how dividends are calculated.
Thanks for a very comprehensive explainer about Rakuten Kobo, including their corporate strategy.
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