Sentences with phrase «explaining economic relationships»

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As it explained, «For two decades of economic and social developments, people have organized their intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail....
Furthermore, the relationship of all between these factors has to be taken into consideration,» explains Daniel Pérez del Prado, whose doctoral thesis centers on the study of the unemployment protection system from a legal - economic perspective.
Lord Marks (Liberal Democrat) explained that the Bill proposes to address economic unfairness at the end of a relationship that has enriched one party and impoverished the other.
Eliminate their concerns by explaining that your network of professional contacts is nationwide and, in fact, you know John Doe of the XXX Company, have a long - standing relationship with an economic development director in the area, etc..
Although the studies mentioned above examined the relationship between individual - level characteristics and grandparental childcare, they did not explicitly consider whether national distributions in key demographic and socio - economic characteristics explain cross-national variation in grandparental care.
Socio - economic factors did not, however, explain the higher proportion of psychological morbidity among children with stepparents, or the strong relationship between parents» and children's psychological morbidity.)
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