Sentences with phrase «explanations as to where»

Detailed explanations as to where we are, where we're going and possible outcomes.
I watch the shows about the universe, big bang, explanations as to where an how and why our galaxy is moving and expanding.
For starters, the plan calls for $ 5.4 million of reserves to be used in 2013 without explanation as to where the money will be used.
But, there was no note and no explanation as to where it came from.
Kevin Spacey makes the most of the Lex Luthor role, though Superman Returns doesn't really have him doing anything extraordinary — he's just doing what Luthor does best, with little explanation as to where his lust for power comes from.
Will gamers desire an explanation as to where the creators stand?
Little else can be surmised from the beginning, as Hyper Light Drifter offers next to no explanation as to where to go or what to do next.
In addition, these arguments based on these denials give no explanation as to where all this heat came from since the late 1800s.
In fact, they can't explain how the North American continent covered in a mile thick crust of glacial ice could melt so fast and NO EXPLANATION as to where the Heat came from to melt thousands and thousands of miles of one mile thick ice.

Not exact matches

The only other explanation, Guatieri says, is rampant speculation and foreign wealth — with the latter emanating mainly from China, where residents are estimated to have moved as much as $ 1 trillion out of the country last year.
To make privacy and security settings easier to find on the network, the company has created «Privacy Shortcuts» as a new menu where users can control their data in just a few taps, with clearer explanations of how the controls worTo make privacy and security settings easier to find on the network, the company has created «Privacy Shortcuts» as a new menu where users can control their data in just a few taps, with clearer explanations of how the controls worto find on the network, the company has created «Privacy Shortcuts» as a new menu where users can control their data in just a few taps, with clearer explanations of how the controls work.
For me I see evolution the same as you see God not enough proof to say I believe it and see God as how all things started, in my view evolution of man can be true just that it has not been proven where God I can see because there is no other logical explanation for how the matter in the universe came to be from nothing, a higher power for now can be the only possible answer if science was to prove the creation of the universe in some other way I would not deny that truth.
When you can come up with an explanation of where the Y - chromosomes came from that made Jesus a REAL MAN as you CLAIM, then you will BEGIN to have credibility.
Unfortunately for your side, there are countless examples throughout history where believers in supernatural beings such as god and evil spirits attributed various phenomenon to them, only to have science later debunk those explanations.
@KatMat: your analogy would begin approaching realism if: — during the pledge of allegiance kids were forced to say «one nation under The Orioles» — our nation's currency said «In Dallas Cowboys We Trust» — if millions were slaughtered, tortured and burned to death because they weren't fans of The Pittsburgh Penguins — if NASCAR fans endlessly attempted to have Intelligent Car Driving taught beside Evolution in science class as a possible explanation for how mankind developed — if «the 5 D's» of Dodgeball (Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge) were constantly attempted to be made into law so everyone would live by the same ridiculous notions, even if those notions knowingly discriminate — if nutters constantly claimed America was founded on the principles of Darts, even though our country SPECIFICALLY calls for a separation between Darts and State because the founders knew the inherent dangers of Darts becoming government instead of staying in the realm of sport where it belongs
As I've pointed out, there have been instances in the past where people explained phenomena with spiritual answers, only to have those explanation later debunked by science.
It is intended to be accessible to readers, who will enjoy the historical explanations, the description of the rites as they should be done, clarifications where options differ, and most of all, I think, the meditations on key texts in the beautiful new translation.
The more definitely the written law became established as canonical and regarded as infallibly inspired, the more surely could the explanation of the sacrifices be transferred from the realm of animistic superstition, where they really started, to the realm of sacred observance ordained by God and for that reason faithfully to be maintained.
Shirley Jackson Case was able to set the book aside as being another instance of a metaphysically burdened philosopher stumbling through unfamiliar terrain, creating problems and giving explanations where no real problems existed.
Toward my belief system, religion is a personal belief and should not be a sociable consideration... Anyone's beliefs upon religious conjuring séances should be held personally and not be centered by any socialism of the religiously clairvoyant which tends to conjure their weekly seminary séances upon the weakly enamored folks ever forsaking the doctrines oaths... Emotionalisms are where religious circles are deemed rented and the renters pay steeply for a yarn's worth... Therefore keeps one's faith separated from religious teamsters who take and never give their folded flocks any causally rational explanations as to why there are reportedly many more of God's many sons then what Christendom so portends there to be...
Toward my belief system, religion is a personal belief and should not be a sociable consideration... Anyone's beliefs upon religious conjuring séances should be held personally and not be centered by any socialism of the religiously clairvoyant which tends to conjure their weekly seminary séances upon the weakly enamored folks ever forsaking the doctrines oaths... Emotionalisms are where religious circles are deemed rented and the renters pay steeply for a yarn's worth... Therefore keep one's faith separated from religious teamsters who take and never give their folded flocks any causally rational explanations as to why there are reportedly many more of God's many sons then what Christendom so potentially claims there to be...
Where theology has been conceived as an intellectual activity, method served to build up a system of explanation for the understanding of faith — fides quaerens intellectum.
Following other than the actual Holy Books which were replaced by other books such as that happened to «Torah» into «Talmud» and Gospel» and Old Testament into some New testaments... While some Muslims had taken other than Quran as a book or adopted some informal translations or explanations that could be misguiding and where only we are able to recognize this by the use of our Fitra as a Furqan to tell which could be which otherwise if not we will become as programed robots «Brainwashed»... Interesting informative link;
So yeah... I fell like this granola requires no further explanation — here is the recipe, but please use it wisely because if you make too much you may find yourself in a similar situation as I, where I consumed a little to much of it for my own good.....
[63] They cite the cases of Sweden, Norway and Quebec as instances where there is inconclusive evidence that bans have been successful (see the section later in this paper on what actions other countries have taken in relation to junk food advertising for more explanation of the regime in place in these countries).
Much the same point is made by the authors of the new BJSM editorial and in Back in the Game, where Kutcher and Gerstner argue that suicide rates among former National Football League players, can be and have been affected by messaging in the media — a phenomenon called the «suicide contagion» — and note how, in its coverage of the suicide of players such as Junior Seau and Dave Duerson, the media has consistently ignored all seven of the recommendations of the Centers of Disease Control on how to avoid spreading that contagion, including not presenting simplistic explanations for suicide, not engaging in repetitive, ongoing, or excessive reporting of suicide, and not sensationalizing suicide.
By these reports, Vineyard 48 isn't so much a winery where people taste samples and hear explanations of the word «terroir» as it is a full - blown, fall to the floor saloon.
«What is particularly missing at this time is her coming out in public, meeting her constituents, talking to TV cameras, explaining what happened, perhaps being a little humble about all of this and giving a satisfactory explanation to her constituents and the wider Conservative family to be quite frank, because speaking to people from the West Midlands region where she is an MP, these things do have a knock - on effect and there are other marginal seats far closer to her constituency where people have got Labour majorities to overturn which may be more difficult if the local Conservative politician is seen as tainted and not having justified their actions and also I gather that Conservative Party HQ has had party donors from the region expressing concern that she hasn't satisfactorily justified what she has done.»
When reporting credit card expenditures, campaigns are advised by the Board of Elections to note the expenditure in full to the creditor (e.g. AMEX), and where applicable to itemize purchases with a sum of $ 0.00 but then to describe the merchant and cost as a memo in the Explanation line.
Rather, he says, the most likely explanation is a phenomenon known as epistasis, where genes can interact so as to greatly multiply an effect.
The alternative explanation is a dense steam atmosphere that hugs tightly to GJ 1214 b, probably stemming from a planet that began as a ball of ice before drifting closer to its star, where the heat vaporized that ice to steam.
These modifications influence when and where particular genes are expressed and appear to have significant impacts on disease risk, suggesting explanations for how environmental factors such as maternal smoking during pregnancy can influence a child's risk of later health problems.
Where Bohm developed concepts such as implicate and explicate order to explain the wave particle duality, Bell explained that no complete explanation of the quantum behavior of particles is possible within what we normally think of as the physical universe.
I know you're very busy, but I would greatly appreciate a little direction as to where to find research on this and some explanation of what the grass in the diet is doing in a non-ruminant animal.
Once the covetous pair realize the true explanation, they turn on Mary and insist that she reveal where she found the Witch's Flower, sparking a big finale in which they kidnap Peter and attempt to transform him into the kind of malevolent shape - shifter so often encountered in the third act of anime films (such as «Akira's» all - consuming atomic mass).
The simplicity of the premise, combined with a concerted lack of explanation as to the how and why of such a strange idea for a society existing, makes it feel like the concepts are woefully underdeveloped, leading to a lack of trust in the narrative due to having to put aside the myriad of questions that inevitably develop and halfheartedly go with the flow just to see where things will lead.
The Legislature was aware of the frequent overlap between the TEKS and the Common Core Standards, as evidenced by the bill author's explanation that it was not his intent «to prevent the use of materials where the two standards may overlap.
Instead, the letter gives as illustrations single incidents between two persons of different races where, in the absence of an explanation, differential sanctions can give rise to an inference of racial discrimination.
Credit where due, though, while not nearly as humble as Richard Nash's candid take on Cursor's shortcomings, Godin does a nice job of offering highlights, and lowlights, of each of The Domino Project's books at Squidoo, including the interesting explanation of his disappointment in We Are All Weird: «This one hit the bestseller list the first day (I think it went to # 9 overall) but it ultimately disappointed me.
There IS no foolproof formula, just as there is no adequate explanation why some fail where others go on to wow the world.
As a Luddite, she helped me to see where authors with little experience in social media needed more explanation.
If you have already incurred penalties and interest for outstanding taxes then it is possible to come to an arrangement with the IRS where they will reduce some of these charges provided you can offer them some reasonable explanation as to why this happened.
I have always been willing to pay what I could afford, but feel that I am due an explanation as to the correct amount owed and where the lifetime payments have been deducted.
If you seem to have a large amount of unexplained cash income, it is possible an IRS audit will want an explanation from you as to where it comes from and why it isn't taxable.
I was on a trip years ago where one woman not only didn't tip the waitress, but proceeded to write a long note detailing all the things the server «did wrong» as an explanation of why she didn't tip.
Transfer to the La Colina Countryside Recreational Park, where a specialized Chef will be in charge of preparing the chosen dishes, and who will give us his explanations, as well as his recipe book
A peek at an intermediate lesson... If it is your first time paddling out to where the waves break, our instructors will give a detailed explanation, as well as demonstration, on how to make your wave through the crashing waves.
It turns out that I am not the only one to want a more fundamental explanation as seen in this post by FrostyCat: Holding tutorial content accountable to novice aptitude on the GMC where it is described that instead of learning why you would use a function or snippet of GML it is instead just a quick «copy and paste this code» with no deeper explanations given; you can not reapply that knowledge in other situations if it is not explained why you are using it in the first place.
I try to create this type of tension where the objects in a room and the actions happening are strangely magnetic, as if just out of reach of comfortable explanation.
As for «explanations», Hank, (138) I am trying to locate one of Gavin's where I think he said that «in this context», presumably atmospheric radiation, «heat and energy are equivalent».
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