Sentences with phrase «explanations for the effects»

So it is perhaps appropriate that the most intuitive explanation for the effects of an improvement in terms of trade on economic welfare that I've seen came from Governor or the Reserve Bank of Australia Glenn Stevens:
Thus the research question has shifted from asking whether there is an effect from viewing violence to seeking explanations for the effects now demonstrated, and to identifying remedial actions.
But Zwicker's group proposed a new theoretical explanation for this effect that leads to a very simple and effective algorithm.
The brain's immunological memory — epigenetically modified microglia — is one possible explanation for this effect.
And if so, could it be part of the explanation for the effect of paraquat?
There are several possible explanations for the effects of charter schools being larger in math than in reading.
He says he has confidence in the presidential cycle because there's a rational explanation for the effect.
A conclusive explanation for this effect has yet to be found.
One explanation for the effect of parental stress on parenting was suggested by Siegel and Hartzell (2004).
Thus, in our view, there are myriad alternative explanations for these effects, and they can not address our core question of «Do people positively evaluate romantic partners to the extent that those partners match their ideals?»
One explanation for the effects of maternal ADHD on family environment could be because mothers are frequently the main caregiver and primarily responsible for the day - to - day organising for the family.

Not exact matches

The basic explanation for such hires is that one entrepreneur's insights can have a positive effect on another entrepreneur, thus improving the overall ecosystem.
Cause and effect are a property OF our universe... saying it is an explanation FOR our universe is a whole nother issue.
The study can only look for an effect from prayers offered as part of the research, they said.They also said they had no explanation for the higher complication rate in patients who knew they were being prayed for, in comparison to patients who only knew it was possible prayers were being said for them.»
Most Enlightening: David McRaney with «The Benjamin Franklin Effect» «For many things, your attitudes came from actions which led to observations which led to explanations which led to beliefs.
There was no explanation given for this dramatic change, but I can't help thinking it was the cumulative effect of so many years spent in close proximity to one of God's outposts of peace.
A reasonable Darwinian objection to the pursuit of happiness that ends only in death being natural is that there's no explanation for members of one species alone not being hardwired, in effect, to be happy by doing what comes naturally.
For if one argues that past causes produce the effect, this purports to be a total explanation.
Asked for a letter of explanation, Cairns himself went so far as to write, «I have come to see the poem as a mistake,» adding that it was intended for a secular audience and that he had underestimated its effect on conservative Christians.
Ironically, Whitehead had at hand an alternative explanation for societies as principles of continuity in a changing world in his passing remarks in Process and Reality to the effect that «a society is, for each of its members, an environment with some element of order in it, persisting by reason of the genetic relations between its own members» (90).
What in an older kind of philosophy would have been called the chain - of - cause - and - effect is here seen as being very much richer; it is a congeries of occasions, events, pressures, movements, routes, which come to focus at this or that point, and which for their explanation require some principle that has brought and still is bringing each of them, rather than some other possible occurrence, into this particular concrete moment of what we commonly style «existence».
It was a superb introduction to AP for those parents new to this different approach to childrearing and a great reminder for those parents who are currently practicing AP — plus there were other new ideas shared; for example, the effect of involved fathers on children and families... and perhaps the most talked - about concept was Dr. McKenna's explanation of tandem parenting in which both parents are primary attachment figures instead of the long - thought family design where only one parent can be the primary and the other is the secondary.
However, researchers cautioned that cause and effect weren't conclusively established with this study and offered no explanation for why the connection might exist.
Washington also developed an online training program as part of its professional development requirements for early childhood teachers that includes an explanation of the brain's executive function and describes the effects of trauma on child development.
One explanation for the protective effect of the pacifier is that the external handle may help to maintain air passages in sleep environments with decreased air flow, such as sleeping with the head covered or on soft bedding.
A recent study has reported an association between dietary long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and mental development in infants.32 It has been suggested that these fatty acids can be an explanation for the beneficial effect of nutrition with human milk on mental development of the child.33 34 This may be a plausible biological explanation of the correlation between breast feeding and mental development.
One possible explanation for the peace stabilising effect of a UNPKO after a settlement could be that the UN is instrumental in settling the conflict.
«I'm on the record as saying I absolutely do not believe in the explanations for homeopathy and how it quote unquote works,» she says, before adding: «But I do believe in the placebo effect and it's possible that if a placebo is the best treatment for a lower back pain, for example, then that's what the evidence shows and in a lot of these areas there hasn't been enough research done to really tell that.
By Sean Ryan Municipal engineers in southeast Wisconsin will not accept new runoff rules without an explanation of cost and effect for redevelopment projects.
All the explanations I've heard for that bump involve new forces of nature and other exotic effects.
Taken together, they also provide a potential explanation for the so - called memory effect — the fact that «aqueous solutions in contact with methane form solid methane hydrate at a much faster rate if they have already undergone a methane hydrate formation - decomposition cycle,» said Alavi, almost as if the hydrate «remembers» its previous state.
Scheiflinger and his colleagues think that they now have an explanation for this strange effect.
Song compared two competing theories for how the status of the people we know affect our mental health, as well as two cultural explanations for why that mental health effect can vary across society.
To test that explanation for the Harry Potter effect, Mutz focused on three core themes from Harry Potter: The value of tolerance and respect for difference; opposition to violence and punitiveness; and opposition to authoritarianism.
If the same result holds true in humans, it could provide an explanation for why drugs that target NMDA receptors have failed to capture ketamine's full effects.
and Sir Roger Penrose's explanation for the lack of macroscopic quantum effects: It would seem that the absence of «quantum strangeness» on the macroscopic level is well predicted by classical quantum theory.
The researchers don't have firm explanations for the unexpected effects of RDT introduction, which varied from place to place.
«Our findings provide a molecular explanation for this old paradoxon, revealing that warfarin has anti-metastatic effects through inhibiting the novel identified Cbl - b / TAM receptor pathway in NK cells.
In 2013, a team led by Amy Wagers, a stem - cell researcher at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, seemed to offer an explanation for this blood - doping effect.
Keith Ross's explanation for the Mpemba effect doesn't make sense (24 April, p 25).
The authors speculate that possible explanations for this finding is that reflex tearing might help flush PM from the ocular surface, or that environmental PM10 levels currently in Korea are not high enough to induce adverse effects on the ocular surface.
«One possible explanation for the opposite effects of CSN4 and the other CSN proteins is that the sequestration of CSN4 by Bam allows the other CSN proteins to have differentiation - promoting functions,» he says.
On September 22, 2015 Johanneke Kleinnijenhuis from Netea's group will defend her doctoral thesis for her research into a biological explanation for the non-specific effects of BCG.
The effects of the bass levels support one possible explanation for why music makes people feel more powerful: the «contagion hypothesis.»
Disappointing as it may seem, Nieto thinks the explanation for the Pioneer anomaly will eventually be found in some mundane effect, such as an unnoticed source of heat on board the craft.
The researchers also found evidence that the protective effect of 10398G is stronger in women than in men — hinting at a possible explanation for the sex difference doctors have seen.
She thinks there may be more than one explanation for sugar's effect on mental health.
I wrote to the author of the study, Christine Yager, associate transportation researcher at Texas A&M Transportation Institute, who was kind enough to reply: «I don't have a data - driven explanation for why that may have been the result but, anecdotally, many subjects said something to the effect of, «If I were using this in real life, I would check to make sure it's accurate before sending.»
We corrected the implications of the effect that monkey tool use has on shellfish size for explanations of reducing shellfish size elsewhere
A possible explanation for the sex dimorphism could be that men more frequently have worse drinking behavior with heavy episodic drinking or that alcohol exerts sex - dimorphic effects on glucose metabolism.
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