Sentences with phrase «explicit approval»

Most countries have privacy laws that would explicitly forbid companies from selling data not just to other companies, but even to other divisions within the company without explicit approval from customer.
He signed her up without her given explicit approval and charged her a 5 % front load.
President Clinton continued a bombing campaign in Kosovo 12 days past the 60 day timeline without explicit approval from congress authoring military force.
The FDA's only explicit approval on added caffeine for food was for cola in the 1950s.
An academy would therefore need explicit approval for any borrowing, both short - term borrowing (including overdraft facilities) and medium / longer - term loans from the private sector (including finance leases or hire purchase agreements), where such borrowing is to be repaid from a government grant or secured on assets funded from government grant.
Flash remains off by default in those products, and Safari requires explicit approval before it will run Flash on any websites.
Japan enforced regulations and guidelines for cryptocurrency exchanges and the industry including a licensing system, requiring crypto exchange and payment providers to seek explicit approval and a licence from the Japanese Financial Services Agency.
* Please note that a 7 - day silent retreat is ideal while a 5 - day silent retreat is sufficient; If you are unable to participate in a 5 - 7 day silent retreat, The Centre will accept the completion of a 3 - day silent retreat as well as a 2 - day silent retreat; In exceptional circumstances, we may also accept a 3 - day silent retreat combined with the completion of two 1 - day silent retreats — please obtain explicit approval from The Centre before pursuing this last option)
Mr. Obama, who has spent much of his presidency seeking to wean the United States off a perpetual state of war, is now putting forward unjustifiable interpretations of the executive branch's authority to use military force without explicit approval from Congress.»
’17 Such language, quite appropriate to Metz's Kantian commitments, gave explicit approval to that attitude of domination toward nature which he now opposes as evil.
This means that states must identify schools for comprehensive or targeted assistance no later than summer of 2017, possibly before they have finalized their state plans and likely before ED has approved the plans, and begin implementing a statewide system of school - level supports without explicit approval from ED.
But if the overseer forgot that his exercising of the keys was by the explicit approval of those he served, he would or should be in trouble.
In 1516, the Fifth Lateran Council had forbidden the printing of any new volume without the explicit approval and imprimatur of Rome, but this decree could not be enforced.
This implies the problem is that party policy staff (and perhaps many others too) still behave as if Blair was at No 10 and nothing goes in unless it has the explicit approval of the front bencher present.
«The cost of this treatment can be very high,» adds Dr. Dadzie, «yet there is no explicit approval for the use of glutathione for skin bleaching.»
Geoghegan - Quinn says the European Commission, the E.U.'s executive body, can make these changes without explicit approval from the European Parliament or the member states, although both were consulted.
But say you're doing an article on the obesity epidemic or a particular actor or something else personal — you can't just include any photos you want of people without the subject's explicit approval.
Does the debt settlement company run into trouble when they settle a time - barred debt without the explicit approval of the consumer and not relying on a buried fine print disclaimer?
I understand that the foster dog belongs to POPB and all veterinary care will be provided ONLY with POPB's explicit approval.
Nintendo devised the 10NES (or Checking Integrated Circuit / CIC) lockout system to hopefully guarantee that there would be no credible way to create a cartridge for the NES without Nintendo's explicit approval.
«MacOS is designed to be secure by default, and Gatekeeper warns users against installing unsigned apps, like the one shown in this proof of concept, and prevents them from launching the app without explicit approval.
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