Sentences with phrase «exploding stars»

These cloud - chamber reactions prove his controversial idea that particles from faraway exploding stars can spark cloud formation in the Earth's lower atmosphere.
«Cosmic rays, tiny particles from across the Universe accelerated to close to the speed of light by exploding stars, have been thought to play a part in thundery weather down on Earth, but our work provides new evidence that similar, if lower energy, particles created by our own Sun also affect lightning.»
Natural Background Radiation comes from the rocks in the ground and from exploding stars thousands of light years away.
Whether it be with her subjects of exploding stars, topological vibrations, folding, or crude oil seeping through a sheet of paper, traces of events mark Dorothea Rockburne's work.
' The Kepler space telescope, famous for finding exoplanets, has also been valuable in tracking exploding stars known as supernovae
can analyze light from the exploding stars to learn how space was expanding at the time the supernova occurred.
Therefore, many exploding stars are needed.
Researchers analyzed the light from supernovae (exploding stars) and discovered the supernovae were moving away from each other at an ever increasing speed.
Scientists also can analyze light from the exploding stars to learn how space was expanding at the time the supernova occurred.
Over five years, researchers will use this telescope to survey more than 300 million distant galaxies and detect thousands of new supernovas — exploding stars.
Is star formation triggered mainly by shockwaves from exploding stars, or the pressure created by radiation and stellar winds from massive stars — or can those processes get in the way of the collapse?
And so this is not only an opportunity to kind of turn on the soundtrack to colliding stars, exploding stars, the Big Bang, but it might also be an opportunity to listen for dark phenomenon we've really never been able to detect any other way.
As Wired reported back in 2013, the only known natural source of the isotope is from exploding stars, and with a half - life of just under 88 years, any Pu - 238 produced out in the cosmos quickly decays and disappears before ever reaching Earth.
Combined with the LSST's special three - mirror design, which offers an exceptionally wide field of view, this camera will enable researchers to study the fundamental properties of dark energy and dark matter and take snapshots of objects that quickly change or move against the backdrop of the sky, including exploding stars and near - Earth asteroids.
Astronomers believe that the chemical elements in the Earth and even in our own bodies, such as carbon, oxygen, and iron, were made in other exploding stars billions of years ago.
«It would allow you to see exploding stars out to the edge of the Universe.
My research concentrates on the study of exploding stars — mainly nova outbursts caused by thermonuclear explosions on the surface of white dwarfs in binary star systems.
«The evidence is important because it heralds a new form of astronomy using neutrinos, the nearly massless high - energy particles generated in nature's accelerators — black holes, massive exploding stars and the energetic cores of galaxies,» the University of Wisconsin - Madison, whose researchers are part of the IceCube collaboration, said, in a statement released Thursday.
Most people would probably agree that astronomy is an inspiring subject, blowing our minds with astonishing facts about exploding stars, extrasolar planets and supermassive black holes while beguiling our eyes with awesome vistas of alien worlds and distant galaxies.
u «Three years ago, observations of distant, exploding stars blew to smithereens some of astronomers» most cherished ideas about the universe [the big bang theory].
Type Ia supernovae, another commonly used cosmic yardstick, are exploding stars that flare with the same intrinsic brightness and are brilliant enough to be seen from much longer distances.
[Supernova Photos: Amazing Views of Exploding Stars]
NGC 1559 has hosted a variety of spectacular exploding stars called supernovae, four of which we have observed — in 1984, 1986, 2005, and 2009.
Another key to the creation of the mass distribution map was to accurately determine the distances to the observed galaxies — information that is usually derived from independent surveys that analyze the properties of light coming from those objects or from exploding stars.
«It has mapped the dust in three dimensions in our galaxy and found new streams of stars; and it has found new kinds of exploding stars and distant quasars in the early universe.»
The plot thickened considerably in the late 1990s, when very distant exploding stars were inexplicably seen to be dimmer than expected.
The inaugural 1916 meeting drew Albert Einstein who had published a year earlier his general theory of relativity that included the prediction that the universe's colliding black holes and exploding stars distorted space time, something known as gravitational waves.
According to the paper, during this time of intense star formation, billions of exploding stars created vast quantities of heavy elements in the alchemical furnaces of their own destruction.
From now on its occupants will be exotic, short - lived atoms that could previously only be found in exploding stars.
This is done by measuring the distance to exploding stars called supernovae, and how quickly they are receding due to the expansion of space - time.
Astronomical objects that produce this phenomenon include supernovae (exploding stars) and neutron stars (stars that have been crushed down to the size of planets).
Three years ago, observations of distant, exploding stars blew to smithereens some of astronomers» most cherished ideas about the universe.
Measurements based on exploding stars suggest that distant galaxies are speeding away from each other at 73 kilometers per second for each megaparsec (about 3.3 million light - years) of space between them.
«We are all from outer space, but we didn't get here on space ships; we arrived an atom at a time from exploding stars
Three potential events were considered as part of their research, including; large asteroid impact, and exploding stars in the form of supernovae or gamma ray bursts.
Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Cosmos.
Exploding stars seen across immense distances show that the cosmic expansion may be accelerating — a sign that the universe may be driven apart by an exotic new form of energy
In the 1990s, observations of exploding stars showed that more distant explosions were dimmer than existing theories predicted.
The result confirms that researchers understand the basics of exploding stars, but «we're still unsure about the details,» says astrophysicist Roger Chevalier of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, who wrote an editorial accompanying the Nature report.
EXPLODING stars may have dark fuses.
Dubbed IceCube, this novel project built in the Antarctic ice will map cosmic neutrinos, nearly massless particles with no electric charge that stream from such mysterious entities as black holes, dark matter, and exploding stars.
Last year, we used the European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory to study the intricate network of gas filaments to show how exploding stars are creating huge amounts of space dust.»
Ray Jayawardhana: They are connected to such a wide range of phenomenon from the subatomic to the cosmic that they could tell us a lot about the nature of matter, about what triggers exploding stars, to what the universe might have been like, the conditions within seconds after the big bang.
As a check of this map, Steve Rodney of Johns Hopkins University plans to search for exploding stars called supernovae in the Frontier Fields.
Both groups had been studying exploding stars, or supernovae, and used the objects» movement to show that the universe is speeding up.
They really have a strong reluctance to mingle with other particles, which makes them antisocial and difficult to pin down, but they are connected to such a wide range of phenomenon from the subatomic to the cosmic that they could tell us a lot about many different things, many different mysteries about the nature of matter, about what triggers exploding stars, to what's going on in the heart of the sun, to what the universe might have been like, the conditions within seconds after the big bang.
The team also determined that it is enriched in elements much heavier than hydrogen and helium, and the only way to get these heavy elements is from exploding stars called supernovae.
the processes in the center of exploding stars can not be reproduced in the laboratory and many solar masses of intransparent stellar gas obscure our view into the deep interior of supernovae.
«Exploding stars prove Newton's law of gravity unchanged over cosmic time.»
This is just the pattern expected if infalling gas sustains their star - forming careers, because this gas has little iron and therefore dilutes a galaxy's iron abundance; once the gas stops falling in, the iron abundance rises as exploding stars forge the element.
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