Sentences with phrase «exploding stars collides»

When the debris thrown up by two exploding stars collides, suggests a new analysis of the mysterious Honeycomb Nebula (pictured).
The mysterious Honeycomb Nebula, part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, may have been created when two exploding stars collided.

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Everything with mass in the universe theoretically creates them — you and me included — but only highly cataclysmic events, such as exploding stars, colliding black holes, or the Big Bang, can generate waves that are powerful enough for LIGO to detect.
When a massive star explodes, the spray of stardust collides with interstellar gas, forming an outgoing shock wave.
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE — Astronomers have peered deeper than ever into the chaos of a pair of colliding galaxies, revealing a nest of stars exploding like fireworks.
A completely different view of ravenous black holes, exploding stars, colliding galaxies, and other wonders of the universe a human eye can't see
To understand gravity better, scientists are looking for gravitational waves, ripples in space - time that result from things like black holes colliding and stars exploding, according to Amber Stuver, a physicist at Louisiana's Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO).
Gravity waves should be generated by many sources, including colliding black holes and exploding stars, but LISA should also be able to detect waves created immediately after the birth of the cosmos.
A lot of the techniques he used to detect the transient bright spots produced when massive stars explode could theoretically also be used to spot the cosmic show produced by two colliding neutron stars, he knew.
The Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research's VOEventNet project, which created a virtual observatory by linking a number of telescopes, introduced a software program this week that works with Sky, allowing users to post and view images and video of transient phenomena such as exploding and colliding stars, gamma - ray bursts, and supernovae within minutes of their detection.
Remnants of a star that exploded roughly 40,000 years ago collide with gas and dust, forming the glowing «Spaghetti Nebula» (runner - up of the «Deep Space» category).
The inaugural 1916 meeting drew Albert Einstein who had published a year earlier his general theory of relativity that included the prediction that the universe's colliding black holes and exploding stars distorted space time, something known as gravitational waves.
And so this is not only an opportunity to kind of turn on the soundtrack to colliding stars, exploding stars, the Big Bang, but it might also be an opportunity to listen for dark phenomenon we've really never been able to detect any other way.
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