Sentences with phrase «explore concerns specific»

Together, we will explore concerns specific to you / your family and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of balance.

Not exact matches

«Waiting for Bebe» not only will address these specific health concerns, but will also explore the rich cultural traditions and myths surrounding pregnancy in Hispanic culture.
In fact, international collaborations are often funded to explore specific scientific or conservation objectives in developing countries without first engaging in genuine dialogue with in - county scientists and / or communities to learn more about their perspectives and observations concerning their natural world.
Generally, the AAAS should seek to express concerns, educate about consequences, and explore options rather than advocating specific legislative actions.
Explore specific interests or concerns at your own pace, and take your practice to the next level.
An opportunity to explore specific interests, issues, concerns during a one - on - one session with one of our teachers.
Kernell's sharply written, sobering script explores adolescent concerns common to every nationality and generation while also mining the social prejudices of an era and the culturally specific oppression of the indigenous Sami people.
Specifically, the course will explore (1) the historical and theoretical foundations of inclusive education; (2) research related to implementation; (3) research related to inclusive education; (4) whole - school change models of inclusive education including response to intervention and universal design for learning; (5) controversies surrounding inclusion; and (6) considerations and reservations concerning inclusion as it impacts specific disability populations and age groups.
In their examinations of mediumism as a ritual, experimental and artistic practice each of them raise specific questions concerning media semantics, (exploring the politics of the aestheticisation, commodification and globalisation of ecstatic practices and their experimental appropriation and transformations through the means of art).
In their examinations of mediumism as a ritual, experimental and artistic practice, each of them raise specific questions concerning media semantics, exploring the politics of the aestheticisation, commodification and globalisation of ecstatic practices and their experimental appropriation and transformations through the means of art.
Her work explores both the specific properties of photography and many of the material and theoretical concerns of architecture.
Many of the artists are concerned with ideas of representation and interpretation, as well as the history and space of the specific modernist structures they explore.
Gerhard Richter stated today — at the opening of his major retrospective at Tate Modern — that he considers his most successful works to be «incomprehensible»: instead of creating work with one specific reading, it seems that Richter's primary concern is to question and explore.
While we address specific concerns in the response to comments later in the preamble, in this section, we explore some of the general interaction issues.
Whether you are interested in learning more about common health conditions, exploring nutrition and exercise topics, or educating yourself about issues related to cancer treatment or other specific health concerns, you'll find what you're looking for at A Woman's Health.
Every situation is unique and together we can explore what my role can be given who is involved in the negotiation and what the specific concerns are.
«In our work together we will maintain a comfortable, respectful atmosphere while exploring your concerns and tailoring an approach that fits your specific needs.
Exploring our site, you'll find detailed information on each of the counselors who specialize in couples therapy, complete with their fees, their experience, training in specific models of couples therapy, and expertise in particular areas of concern.
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