Sentences with phrase «explore it because»

Explorers explore because they are not content with what we know and enjoy.
This isn't worth exploring because the schools and the NCAA can't control the NBA's age limit.
The leaned forward option is great for toddlers who want to look around them and explore because there is no other seat disrupting their view.
But he said he explored it because high - level Democrats, himself included, believe she has the best shot of beating incumbent Republican Chris Collins.
Yet for all their prevalence, these cold - water varieties have barely been explored because of their inaccessibility.
«Our approach has the potential to provide new knowledge in a research field that remains largely under - explored because of a lack of adequate technologies.
Mission scientists chose Victoria as the next crater to explore because «it was the biggest crater we could possibly find,» said Steve Squyres of Cornell University, and the lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Rover Project.
This is vital to explore because the impact of neural technology extends beyond the lab setting into people's everyday lives, particularly because neural engineering devices are created for the long - term goal of helping people heal, feel and move again.
I'm going to continue to explore this because I want to learn how to do it and now it's a challenge and it's always hard for me to back down from a challenge!
I love to wear joggers when exploring because they are so comfy.
Seaport village is also fun to explore because it's right along the water.
Banning questioning retirement is an interesting facet to explore because, yes, putting himself in the line of fire isn't such a smart idea anymore.
It was something I really wanted to explore because it was the first time I had ever been tempted to do a sequel because I felt I wasn't finished with the character of Nikolai, played by Viggo Mortensen, and Kirill played by Vincent Cassel.
Indies Unlimited This is a great site to explore because it offers tons of good information shared by knowledgeable and experienced indie authors.
It is worth exploring these because of the disadvantages associated with filing bankruptcy.
If you are shopping for higher yield and higher payments, then this might be a product type that you want to explore because yields can be 2 % higher...
I love to be the boss and explore because I am a nosey pom.
You go and explore it because you wonder what's out there, not because a loot icon tells you to.
Having to redo hours of exploring because of one miscalculation would be enough to make anyone put the game down, but casual mode decreases the chance of that happening.
«There were a lot of subtle elements in my past platformers that I never fully explored because I was worried about alienating the audience.
This means the player can continue where they left off, as well as avoid finding the levels too arduous to explore because of the lives limitations.
I mean there's this huge list, so, again for that reason I thought it would be fun territory to explore because that was years ago and they weren't thinking of rumspringa.
It's also in a child's nature to explore because that's how they learn.
The cost for Mentor renters insurance is usually very low, and rates for individual renters are well worth exploring because these plans provide so much protection for such a great rate.
The device is called Land Rover Explore because it comes with Land Rover branding on the detachable case.
Recruitment agencies can also be worthwhile exploring because they can help you with more than just connecting to the right employers — they can actually help you through the process with expert guidance.
They either don't know about temporary employment or don't explore it because of misconceptions.
This is a very crucial area to explore because while you are dating and even in the early part of your marriage you may not experience much conflict about religion; however, once children are born there is greater conflict because each parent wants the children to be brought in their belief system.
The youngest has a creative streak, but doesn't have the time — or inclination — to explore it because she's too busy skipping.

Not exact matches

No, the real reason to write a book is because there is something you have to explore that you think readers want to learn about, not because you think putting «author» on your LinkedIn profile is smart.
American said it is exploring its next steps and that it wouldn't sign the lease in «its current form because of a secret provision, inserted at the last minute, awarding additional gates to United.»
But, thanks to our one - on - one meeting with Forleo, we realized there's a heap of potential we've not yet explored — especially because our business helps people write their own incredible stories!
«It's a good thing for everybody because it'll push YouTube to be the best it can be while also giving creators and audiences new choices and outlets to explore
«It is like being first on the ground in Canada years ago,» Jones says, adding, «There is no local technical knowledge in Egypt because no one has been exploring for what seems like forever, back to ancient times.»
I don't think we're serving the public appropriately when we boil this thing down to quotas because I think there are other alternatives that could be explored.
The rep was an expert at this, not just because he was avoiding pressure tactics, but because he was trusting me to explore on my own.
So any male ally should be confident that the colleague he is looking to stand up with is OK with how he is reporting it,» adds Thomas, whose book «Because of Sex» explores women and workplace discrimination.
Because he said he wanted «to get good, clean, and consistent data out in the world so others can find new ways to explore and gain knowledge from it.»
And Peter Garrison, a banking expert with Greenwich Associates, which researches financial institutions, recommends exploring nonbank providers because of the interest - rate and recession risks of today's economic climate.
If you plan to explore the licensing waters, first protect yourself legally because no one needs to license your intellectual property if you can't show ownership.
Noting that «choosing the name of a company or product is becoming increasingly more critical,» because «a company's name is usually also its web address,» the piece explores the impact of all the new ways customers are connecting with companies.
Remember exploring hiking trails without using Yelp or taking a risk to check out a pizzeria because it smelled delicious?
Sales and marketing writer Preston Clark explored this notion in a great piece, «The Rise of the Silent Sales Floor,» in which he discussed how the «soundless» sales floor makes CEOs nervous because: «They aren't hearing the confrontation, the tension, the hard conversations that literally must happen in order to get the biggest, baddest deals across the finish line... The really big, complex, disruptive deals... those aren't closing on the silent floor.»
Even SoundCloud, one of the most popular streaming platforms on the Internet, has reported that they are quickly running out of cash and exploring potential acquisition deals (not so much out of choice, but by necessity) because artists have no way to monetize their audiences.
«Energized, untethered, unhurried, and protected, your mind can be free to explore any subject at all, because all possibilities lie open.»
Still, he thinks it's always possible to explore viral options, he says, because the content is less about the company, and more about what would appeal to the audience.
Nass and his students produced most of the research presented in the book because, when looking for studies on, say, the effectiveness of flattery, he discovered that some aspects of human interaction simply hadn't been explored.
The nascent forces at work today may be just as profound and it's critically important to begin to explore and understand them because they will shape business models for decades to come.
This means they are likely to explore articles and publications in which they may not have been initially interested, specifically because someone in their network shared it.
Crypto Printing: Because there are so many possibilities with 3D printing, and because the Bitcoin community is relatively small, each new request is pretty unique — we've not come anywhere close to exploring the range of possible designs which can bBecause there are so many possibilities with 3D printing, and because the Bitcoin community is relatively small, each new request is pretty unique — we've not come anywhere close to exploring the range of possible designs which can bbecause the Bitcoin community is relatively small, each new request is pretty unique — we've not come anywhere close to exploring the range of possible designs which can be made.
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