Sentences with phrase «explosive anger»

His words make it clear he wants to put his old life behind and start fresh — however, his actions show he still struggles with explosive anger issues.
However, psychopharmacologic agents may be used to address problems and symptoms associated with attachment disorder such as explosive anger, insomnia, difficulty in focusing and hyperactivity.
He specializes in treating adolescents who present with explosive anger and defiant behavior, training parents to recognize and effectively respond to symptoms of anxiety and depression in their children, and helping adults co-parent effectively following separation and divorce.»
Posted in Anger Outbursts & Anger Issues in Children, Back to School - Elementary, Parenting Comments Off on Explosive Anger: Managing Anger Outbursts and Anger Issues in Children
Boys with ODD tend to be more physically aggressive and have explosive anger while girls often lie, refuse to cooperate, and express symptoms in other indirect ways.
While anger is a normal, healthy emotion, when chronic, explosive anger spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind.
I lived in fear of explosive anger, obscenities and name calling, usually directed at me, but sometimes at my children.
However, psychopharmacologic agents may be used to address problems and symptoms associated with attachment disorder such as explosive anger, insomnia, difficulty in focusing and hyperactivity.
«I work for Ulster County Department of Services in the NEXIS program, working with families who have experienced trauma and who's families are disregulated, meaning that they usually have explosive anger issues or withdrawal or other behaviors that make it difficult for them to function.»
With some kids, their explosive anger escalates until it becomes destructive.
Your calm, matter of fact response is going to teach him that explosive anger is not the way to deal with his frustration.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can range anywhere from headaches, irritability and shaking when hungry to explosive anger, panic attacks, or crying easily for no apparent reason.
Cherry Plum: Fear that you may lose control on yourself, explosive anger, the feeling you wish to hurt yourself or others.
Despite his calculated, cold demeanor & explosive anger, there were real reasons for his bitterness.
The film is a kind of origin story, telling of how Jack's family was killed by a forest troll — leaving him prone to bouts of explosive anger.
It's the stubborn hostility, the explosive anger, the wallowing sadness... The Big Sick might be a comedy, but Hunter's acting is so incredible that for a long time, the script stops trying to be funny, knowing that its audience are going to appreciate a great actress being amazing on - screen.
As this tussle plays out, representatives from tiny nations here are seething, although not exhibiting the explosive anger that disrupted the talks last December in Copenhagen.
Shooting Suspect Had a History of Explosive Anger, Depression, Killing Animals.»
In a single session, she helps them conceptualize their conflicts in attachment terms, gain an understanding of their negative cycle and begin to reveal some of the vulnerable feelings that underlie their explosive anger.
This has been effective with several clients struggling with many issues, ranging from depression and anxiety to explosive anger.
I'm just found this post this morning after one my many internet searches on spd, explosive anger, childhood mental illness, etc...... THANK YOU.
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