Sentences with phrase «export sector»

The phrase "export sector" refers to the part of a country's economy that involves selling goods and services to other countries. It includes industries and businesses that produce products for international trade rather than just for domestic use. Full definition
Large numbers of overseas students make higher education the nation's third - largest export sector.
The figures were as expected, and reflect more than anything a slowdown in the German export sector towards the end of the quarter.
But the same mechanisms are at work: a shift toward resources and away from other export sectors.
Bear in mind that the «hollowing out» [1] of the manufacturing export sector as a result of a strong Canadian Dollar was a major criticism of the outgoing BoC Governor Mark Carney.
But in a sign of how vulnerable the live export sector feels right now, the Australian Live Exporters Council (ALEC) chairman Simon Crean has sent a letter to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, telling him the industry would discuss the proposal.
And a full - scale tariff war with China would likely expose the largest U.S. export sectors to steep duties, including aircraft, semiconductors, corn and soybeans, trade lawyers said.
The third biggest export sector for the province is the energy products sector, comprised of almost 100 % peat exports.
The US export sector is getting the benefit of a lower dollar; there's a significant fiscal package in the pipeline, which will add more than 1 per cent of GDP to private spending power; and sharp cuts have been made in US official interest rates, with financial markets expecting more to come.
Those costs include not just losses on sterilization operations but also the impact of a huge export sector on the environment, he said.
«Agriculture is South Australia's biggest export sector, providing a huge boost to our state's economy and standard of living.
And third, if Europe does end up even deeper dans la merde... Well, the UK's got a v independent currency & monetary policy, a vibrant export sector, and a v relaxed attitude to inward (& outward) investment / M & A — all of which it can harness to save it from Eurogeddon!
Some companies in the $ 14.5 billion dairy export sector buy milk from Fonterra.
The renminbi was up despite mounting fears that China might have embarked on a devaluation track of its currency to help stabilize the local export sector, along with alleviate deflationary pressure and incentivize inbound tourism.
Key U.S. export sectors benefit, such as agricultural and construction equipment, autos and auto parts, computers and other information technology products, medical equipment, and paper products.
Many export sectors are operating near their capacity limits, which augurs well for future investment and job creation.
You get some sense of the scale of the emissions trail that has accompanied this shift in economic geography when you consider that the emissions coming from China's export sector alone are greater than the total emissions from any other economy other than the US's.
Seeing the imminent shrinkage of the U.S. market, lenders and investors are dumping their shares, not only those of U.S. firms but also stocks in European and Asian export sectors.
With tightening fiscal conditions and a seemingly unflappable export sector, the country has received the confidence of global investors.
«Forestry is Canada's third most valuable export sector and represents 10 per cent of all of our exports» said Jerry Dias, Unifor national president.
While a weaker Yuan helps exporting sectors, it causes problems in China's domestic economy.
«It is clear the Department has been unable to effectively regulate the live export sector over the course of the last 12 months — its reliance on information from activist groups confirms its failures.»
Although most economists share the same view, the numbers so far have yet to show any real rebound in the hard - pressed export sector, particularly non-resource exports.
The whole Energiewenede turned out to be a very complicated cross-subsidy for the Germany export sector.
«By taking the lead here, we protect the skills and strengths of our workforce and businesses, and can begin to build a new energy export sector
A recent study the World Wildlife Fund found that for every million dollars invested in energy projects, 13.5 jobs are created in the clean tech export sector.
Though Nigeria has technically come out of a recession, the macroeconomic environment in Nigeria still continues to remain challenging with no certainty as to how long oil prices will remain above $ 50.00 per barrel, continued reliance of the country on the oil export sector for foreign currency earnings and the early hints of political (election) discourse within the polity.
But instead of considering the example of Australia, or New Zealand, which has a large export sector in dairy products, the Scheer Conservatives are moving in the direction of entrenching dairy cow Marxism.
Levies are also collected by the processing, lotfeeding and live export sectors, for investment in projects that support the red meat supply chain beyond the farm gate.
Without increases in real wages or asset prices to drive consumer spending growth, and business profits damped by high input prices, the only bright spot I can envisage will be the US export sector, which benefits from a weak US dollar.
But like the UK, Ireland has a vibrant export sector, and a well - qualified labour force.
Unlike export - based economies such as Canada or Germany, the U.S. export sector is much too small in relation to the size of the economy to single handedly carry the burden for growth.
That would seem to be the best solution and would be least disruptive to the export sector.
Even the somewhat weak loonie hasn't spurred much growth in Canada's export sector.
The country's export sector has been underperforming, a longstanding concern of Poloz.
Nations unwilling or unable to devalue their currencies, meanwhile, can suffer higher unemployment as their export sectors lose competitiveness.
If there was a bright spot amid the bleak news, it was the hope that a low dollar would buoy the country's manufacturing and export sector, providing some lift to the economy.
«The better outlook in Ontario and Quebec and the export sector, and still decent consumer spending and housing environment should be enough to keep us out of a full - scale prolonged recession.»
Moreover, Italy's export sector has struggled consistently since 2010, bogged down by the nation's high labor costs and by the fact that it uses the relatively expensive euro.
Several economists have recently downgraded their forecasts for the year to the low two - per - cent range on the premise that the export sector will take longer to recover and the housing market is slowing.
Italy's inability to devalue its currency and its inability to reform its labor laws have decimated its exports sector.
Reclaiming market share in the U.S. will be tough, but there are some measures the Canadian government and manufacturers can take to strengthen the export sector, beyond amping up plant productivity.
Scotiabank vice chairman and chief operating officer Sabi Marwah: «Stephen Poloz brings years of experience to this role having worked in the export sector and with extensive knowledge of the global economy and markets.
One obvious reason is that if a country is at war, especially a civil war that's bombing its export sector as Ukraine is doing, how can it obtain the foreign exchange to pay its foreign debt?
And on the very day that he was increasing the attacks on the eastern Donbass region of Ukraine, the export sector, he was signing documents to conceal his own money offshore.
Nor does gold have an export sector with millions of high - paid manufacturing jobs to protect.
As well, gold has no export sector upon which the livelihood of millions of workers depends upon the competitiveness of their exchange rate.

Phrases with «export sector»

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