Sentences with phrase «exposed human liver»

Neil Shay, a biochemist and molecular biologist in OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences, was part of a study team that exposed human liver and fat cells grown in the lab to extracts of four natural chemicals found in Muscadine grapes, a dark - red variety native to the southeastern United States.
Then the researchers turned to the lab, where they exposed human liver, breast, colon, ovarian, and other cancer cells to the drugs, which appeared to make it easier for the cells to migrate.

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Gladstone scientist Dr. Sheng Ding has exposed more chameleon - like qualities of the human skin cell, using chemical cocktails to turn skin cells into fully functional brain, heart, liver, and insulin - producing pancreas cells.
Still, by the 1990s DuPont knew that the chemical caused cancerous tumors in the testes, pancreases, and livers of lab animals, and there was even evidence of human DNA damage and links to prostate cancer in workers exposed to PFOA.
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