Sentences with phrase «exposure to light»

But cancer is far from the only adverse effect thought to be associated with exposure to light at night.
Look for olive oils that are sold in dark tinted bottles since the packaging will help protect the oil from oxidation caused by exposure to light.
Exposure to light during the day is going to help him or her learn the right time.
Studies show that even brief exposure to light in the middle of the night can disrupt a woman's cycle.
Upon exposure to light of the right wavelength, this light - sensitive protein is activated and causes the cell to fire.
While exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and / or trauma to the face and paws of curious pets, even unused fireworks can pose a danger.
Reducing exposure to light in the evening helps the body's natural sleep clock.
More and more research is emerging that shows a link between night time exposure to light and health problems.
It is important to sprinkle or mix the enzymes with food at the time of feeding, because they'll break down with extended exposure to light, air, or moisture.
It is produced from serotonin when exposure to light decreases at night.
They either eventually break down or disperse in to smaller fragments with prolonged exposure to light, oxygen, heat or mechanical stress.
The rooms where the babies are going to sleep are needed to be dark at night, because exposure to light may keep them awake late night.
Light therapy: For people who experienced increase anxiety as the days get shorter in the winter, exposure to a light box, particularly in the morning time might help reduce anxiety.
Getting exposure to light as soon as you wake up is important for giving you energy to kick - start your day.
Exposure to the light makes the bacteria turn on a gene that kicks off a chemical reaction, producing a corresponding red, green, or blue pigment.
The slightest exposure to light can interfere with your body's melatonin production and keep you up later than you need.
In the morning, you want exposure to light as soon as you're awake.
Peak exposure to light in the morning gives the brain a quick and strong message that it is daytime, and time to feel awake and alert.
The vegetables turn green if they have had too much exposure to light.
Our body clock is set by exposure to light, especially morning light.
Study after study has linked working the night shift and exposure to light at night to several types of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Exposure to light during the night has been implicated in depression, increased cancer risk and decreased hormone function.
Now researchers report that they have designed new plastics that break down upon exposure to light.
Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and / or trauma to the face and paws of curious pets.
More and more research is emerging that shows a link between night time exposure to light and health problems.
Exposure to light in the daytime increases * melatonin output during the night hours.
«Our study shows that a two - hour exposure to light from self - luminous electronic displays can suppress melatonin by about 22 %.
The Extent to Which Methyl Salicylate Is Required for Signaling Systemic Acquired Resistance Is Dependent on Exposure to Light after Infection
Unlike regular inks and paints, these pixels won't become washed out from long - term exposure to light, heat and humidity because the colours come from the structure of the material itself.
Exposure to light stimulates a nerve pathway from the eye to parts of the brain that control hormones, body temperature and other functions that play a role in making us feel sleepy or wide - awake.
«Our study shows that a two - hour exposure to light from self - luminous electronic displays can suppress melatonin by about 22 percent,» said Mariana Figueiro, the lead researcher.
Some pediatricians suggest prophylactic exposure to light for all newborns.
An association between exposure to light at night and breast cancer was seen, not only in premenopausal women and current and past smokers, but also among those women who worked night shifts.
«So, the risks of exposure to light at night may not be confined to women,» James said, «but again, this area requires a great deal more research before we can make definitive recommendations.»
«Optometrists need to make their patients aware that less than 60 minutes» exposure to light outdoors per day is a risk factor for myopia.
If the biggest trigger for SAD is decreased light, then increasing exposure to light should help.
But we do know that exposure to light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that influences circadian rhythms, and there's some experimental evidence (it's very preliminary) that lower melatonin levels might explain the association with cancer.
They become rancid easily through exposure to light, heat, or oxygen.
Research published in New Scientist magazine showed only two months exposure to light caused free radical increases in extra virgin olive oil to such a level that it could no longer be classified as extra virgin!
The reverse correlation was also true, as exposure to light at night was a factor in gaining weight (another reason to make sure you have a dark sleep environment), but as little as half an hour of sun exposure before noon was enough to have an effect on reducing body weight.
Omega 3 fats can never be heated for any reason and even exposure to light and air hastens their rapid breakdown.
«Exposure to light tells your biological clock that you should be alert,» explains James B. Maas, Ph.D., author of Remmy and the Brain Train: Traveling Through the Land of Good Sleep.
The relationship between daytime exposure to light and night - time sleep in 6 -12-week-old infants.
Keep in mind that the glow must be «charged» via exposure to light during the day to glow all night long.
The National Sleep Foundation says exposure to light keeps us awake and can prevent a good night's sleep.
Vacuum packed ground seeds are good if you can find them, and the bag should be opaque, because exposure to light leads to more rapid deterioration and nutrient loss.
Understanding the transformations of the carbon in Arctic waters — including the paper's finding that exposure to light accelerates the decomposition — will be key to understanding the effect on climate, he adds.
Now, researchers have discovered that a gene that makes a protein called CAB - 13, which plays a role in photosynthesis, also boosts tomatoes» tolerance for round - the - clock exposure to light.
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