Sentences with phrase «exposure to violence»

For example, do patterns of exposure to violence exist for different groups of young black men?
Exposure to violence in the media is associated with concurrent reports of seriously violent behavior across media (eg, games and music).
Her research, anchored in prevention science, focuses on the effects of poverty and exposure to violence on children and youth's social, emotional, and behavioral development.
We found strong positive associations between exposure to violence during adolescence and later self - reported depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Exposure to violence during adolescence is associated with increased risk behaviors and mental health problems in adulthood.
Some events are overwhelming to almost any child and include exposure to violence (e.g., witnessing a robbery), physical and sexual abuse or being forced to leave their home or country.
One mechanism through which early, chronic exposure to violence affects children is by disrupting the developing brain.
Other study participants described experiences of physical neglect, household drug abuse, exposure to violence at home and in their communities and other adverse experiences in childhood.
Child abuse, neglect and exposure to violence represent very serious mental health risks for children's development, and frequently cause ongoing trauma and disadvantage that extend into adulthood.
Peer exposure to violence had no direct influence on individuals and peer influence was fully mediated by school climate.
Exposure to violence exercised by support sources — teachers and classmates — explains more than 90 % of the total variance explained in bullying behavior.
This is a 12 - session program for adolescent females with a history of exposure to violence / abuse and involvement in the child welfare system.
Even when children are not directly injured by violence, exposure to violence in the home can contribute to behavioral, social, or emotional problems.
Some events are overwhelming to almost any child and include exposure to violence (eg witnessing a robbery), physical and sexual abuse or being forced to leave their home or country.
Child Exposure to Violence Evidence Based Guide, Model Programs Guide, National Registry of Evidence - based Programs and Practices
George answers that no parent alone can shield children from exposure to violence, drug use, pornography, and other genuinely social ills.
Recent work by Shalev et al16 has revealed that repeated exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion which, although not specifically relevant to this paper, is a further illustration of the effect of violence on the genome.
Findings of this study indicate that the combined index of adolescent exposure to violence is significant for both females and males in predicting selection into marriage or cohabitation, and at least marginally significant in predicting IPV.
The purpose of this report is to provide evidence of an association between within - person variability in diurnal testosterone over 1 year, lifetime exposure to violence, and the manifestation of antisocial behavior in 135 pubertal - aged adolescents across 1 year.
Dr. Jeffrey Edleson, a nationally known researcher in the field of domestic violence and its effect on children, concludes his discussion by interpreting longitudinal research related to the impact of early exposure to violence and risk factors influencing future experience with violence.
Assessing exposure to violence using multiple informants: Application of hierarchical linear model
Child Exposure to Violence Evidence Based Guide, Model Programs Guide, National Registry of Evidence - based Programs and Practices, What Works Clearinghouse, Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development (formerly Blueprints for Violence Prevention)
Limited Exposure to Violence Kids shouldn't live in a bubble, but violent or worrisome TV or video games can create anxiety and stress.
In this role, he assisted FBI agents who were suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder following exposure to violence, death, or discharging their weapon, and he guided them to access mental health care.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, an organization of 66,000 pediatricians, has repeatedly advocated for stricter gun laws, violence prevention programs, research for gun violence prevention and public health surveillance, physician counseling to patients on the health hazards of firearms and mental health access to address exposure to violence.
Many studies did not adequately control for other variables known to be associated with psychological well - being, including poverty, prior exposure to violence, and a history of mental health problems or substance abuse.
Martins also noted that besides poverty, children living in the South Bronx very frequently face exposure to violence, peer delinquency or stressful life events compared to their counterparts in Puerto Rico.
People say that exposure to violence desensitizes you to it — that, in the words of Margaret Atwood, «normal is just what you're used to,» but that's only true if you separate yourself from it, not stopping to learn the names of the victims or look at their faces, keeping yourself from empathizing with those who lost daughters, sons, and spouses.
A number of programs are working to do that — to reduce exposure to violence, malnutrition, and poverty, or to enhance children's access to responsive, enriching interactions with caring adults, which play a critical role in a child's healthy development.
Zimmerman, G.M. & Kushner, M. (2017) Examining the Contemporaneous, Short - Term, and Long - Term Effects of Secondary Exposure to Violence on Adolescent Substance Use.
«We can't keep it out of schools because [exposure to violence] interferes with [a student's] work and ability to concentrate....
The concentration of intergenerational poverty in these communities of color and the web of systemic challenges families encounter — not enough affordable housing, poor access to health care, absence of well - resourced schools, too much exposure to violence and environmental pollutants — all complicate school attendance.
Although exposure to violence near their homes and schools, and losing friends and families to gun violence often traumatizes students in urban schools, cries of anger and demands for change rarely go beyond the local community.
Lastly, the Keeping Children Safe Program based on the research out of the University of Miami sought to address children's frequent exposure to violence in Miami's Dade County communities.
Ecological Correlates of Substance Use in African American Adolescents Living in Public Housing Communities: Assessing the Moderating Effects of Social Cohesion Nebbitt, Lombe, Yu, Vaughn, & Stokes (2012) Children and Youth Services Review, 34 (2) View Abstract Describes how exposure to violence and other risk factors, such as peer behaviors, increase during adolescence.
Long - time exposure to any violence — be it from video games, movies, television, etc. — will cause desensitization.
Becoming homeless is itself an additional traumatic event, and the experience of being homeless brings yet more traumas: multiple moves, loss of family and belongings, frequent illness, lack of basic needs such as food and clothing, and often exposure to violence or threats of violence.
Her dissertation (2000) explores how adults cope with child abuse and exposure to violence inflicted upon them in their childhood, and how such traumas affect their adult relationships with partners, children and members of the family of origin.
The JVQ is a comprehensive instrument designed to screen for a wide range of victimization events, covering such general areas of concern as physical assault, property victimization, child maltreatment, peer and sibling victimization, sexual victimization, witnessing violence, and indirect exposure to violence.12 Both surveys asked the same questions about 34 separate victimization types and collected similar demographic and background information.
The survey's sponsors believe that the data likely understate children's actual exposure to violence, because they rely on family members to report incidents, some of which may be undisclosed, minimized, or not recalled.
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