Sentences with phrase «express cre»

By injecting the modified viruses into transgenic mice that only express Cre recombinase in astrocytes, the researchers knew that any sequences flagged by the lox site inversion had successfully transferred their genetic cargo to the target cell type — here, astrocytes.
To facilitate the use of Cre - lox technology, transgenic mice have been constructed that express Cre under a variety of ubiquitous and regulated promoters, and many loxP - containing alleles have also been constructed.
When bred to mice expressing Cre recombinase, the STOP sequence is deleted and EYFP expression is observed in the cre - expressing tissue (s) of the double mutant offspring.
The NIH Neuroscience Blueprint has established three centers in the USA for the generation of genetically modified mice expressing Cre recombinases in the nervous system on the C57BL / 6 genetic background.
For this, we co-expressed PLE and the fluorescent protein mCherry in DA neurons using a Cre - dependent recombinant adeno - associated viral vector, rAAV2 / 1 - Synapsin:: FLEX - rev - PLE - 2a - mCherry (2a: ribosomal skip sequence [Donnelly et al., 2001]-RRB- that was targeted unilaterally into the VTA of Slc6a3Cre mice, a mouse line that selectively expresses Cre - recombinase in DA neurons (Zhuang et al., 2005).

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The team was using a well - known Cre - lox genetic recombination system to get mouse neurons to express green, yellow, orange, and red fluorescent proteins.
wt and autophagy - deficient Atg7flox / flox; Nes - Cre primary neurons expressing APP were stained for Aβ.
CRE are Gram - negative bacteria that frequently express a gene that codes for carbapenemase — an enzyme that breaks down carbapenem and other antibiotics — and that is located on «mobile genetic elements» called plasmids, which can jump from one bacterium to another.
Employing a combination of cellular, biochemical and genetic experiments, we showed that (i) human and murine pericytes express functional Tie2 receptor, (ii) Tie2 - silenced pericytes have a pro-migratory phenotype, (iii) Tie2 downstream signalling in pericytes involves Calpain, Akt and FOXO3A, (iv) Ng2 - Cre - driven deletion of pericyte - expressed Tie2 delays developmental angiogenesis and vessel maturation, and (v) Tie2 deletion in pericytes results in a pro-angiogenic tumour vasculature with enhanced tumour growth.
Ng2 - Cre is known to be expressed in the male germline, which needs to be considered in using Ng2 - Cre mice for cell type - specific conditional mutagenesis experiments, but the germline expression of Pdgfrb - Cre in both sexes limits the use of Pdgfrb - Cre as deleter for pericyte - related experiments.
Without Cre recombination, RFP is expressed.
Another problematic scenario is the use of inducible and conditional systems involving lines with different backgrounds (e.g., cre - expressing lines crossed with floxed alleles).
This feature facilitates screening of Cre - negative Brainbow mice to determine the number and type of cells in which the construct is expressed.
The remaining cassette can invert as long as Cre remains expressed; once Cre is removed from the system, the fluorescent protein whose coding sequence is closest to the promoter will be expressed.
Here, using an inducible Cre, nuclear LacZ reporter allele knocked into the Prom1 locus (Prom1 (C - L)-RRB-, we show that Prom1 is expressed in a variety of developing and adult tissues.
The lab has generated «floxed» alleles of GABAA receptor subunit genes that allow us to ablate the respective subunit in a subregion specific manner — e.g., in hippocampal subregions or the amygdala — either via a cross with cre - transgenic mice or via stereotaxic injection of cre - expressing viruses into defined brain regions.
A further cross to a Cre - recombinase - expressing strain generates the null allele.
The DT40 cell clone used expresses an inducible form of the Cre recombinase (a MerCreMer fusion protein) in order to excise the floxed AID and thereby stop mutational activity if desired.
When combined with a Cre - recombinase - expressing strain, the neomycin cassette and Mir stem loop are removed leaving a lacZ tagged null allele (FRT - lacZ - loxP).
Binding and uptake of radiolabeled ApoC - III — depleted TRLs was significantly increased in hepatocytes isolated from Ndst1fl / fl Alb - Cre + mice (i.e., in mice expressing both LDLR and LRP1) when compared with ApoC - III — bearing TRLs (Figure 10).
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